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Mishnayos Kerisos Perek 1 Mishnah 3

כריתות פרק א׳ משנה ג׳


There are some women who bring a sin offering of a woman after childbirth and the offering is eaten by the priests. And there are some women who bring a sin offering but it is not eaten. And there are some women who do not bring a sin offering at all. The mishna elaborates: The following women bring a sin offering and it is eaten by the priests: One who miscarries a fetus with a form similar to a domesticated animal, one who miscarries a fetus with a form similar to an undomesticated animal, or one who miscarries a fetus with a form similar to a bird; this is the statement of Rabbi Meir. And the Rabbis say: She does not bring a sin offering unless the fetus has the form of a person. With regard to a woman who miscarries a sandal fetus, i.e., one that has the form of a flat fish; or if she miscarries the placenta; or an amniotic sac in which tissue developed; or a fetus that emerged cut, i.e., in pieces; and likewise a Canaanite maidservant, owned by a Jew, who miscarried; in all these cases she brings a sin offering and it is eaten by the priests.

יֵשׁ מְבִיאוֹת קָרְבָּן וְנֶאֱכָל, וְיֵשׁ מְבִיאוֹת וְאֵינוֹ נֶאֱכָל, וְיֵשׁ שֶׁאֵינָן מְבִיאוֹת. אֵלּוּ מְבִיאוֹת קָרְבָּן וְנֶאֱכָל. הַמַּפֶּלֶת כְּמִין בְּהֵמָה חַיָּה וָעוֹף, דִּבְרֵי רַבִּי מֵאִיר. וַחֲכָמִים אוֹמְרִים, עַד שֶׁיְּהֵא בוֹ מִצּוּרַת הָאָדָם. הַמַּפֶּלֶת סַנְדָּל, אוֹ שִׁלְיָא, וְשָׁפִיר מְרֻקָּם, וְהַיּוֹצֵא מְחֻתָּךְ. וְכֵן שִׁפְחָה שֶׁהִפִּילָה, מְבִיאָה קָרְבָּן וְנֶאֱכָל:


כמין בהמה חיה ועוף – since it was stated about them – a creation like mankind. But the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Meir.

סנדל (a flat fish-shaped abortion -see Tractate Niddah, Chapter 3, Mishnah 4) – it is offspring but its form is hollowed out/reduce in size. And the language/word סנדל – it is hated and thin/sparse. Such is what I found. But my teachers/Rabbis explained that it is a piece of meat/flesh that is made like the form of a sandal and regularly comes with offspring.

שליא (after-birth/placenta) – for there is no afterbirth without the offspring.

שפיר מרוקם (and if the fetus was articulated – see Tractate Niddah, Chapter 3, Mishnah 3a – to form the limbs of the embryo) – the hide that the offspring is articulated in, that has within it the form of small limbs. For since it was made like the egg-shell, it is called שפיר .

וכן שפחה שהפילה – for you might think I would say, that when we say that all commandments that a woman is obligated for [to perform], a slave is obligated for it [as well], these words [refer to] commandments that are equivalent for a man and a woman, but there is among women those who give birth [to offspring] but they are not found among men, I could say that a maidservant is not liable, therefore, it was taught, “and similarly, a maidservant who aborts [brings an offering and it is eaten].”

כמין בהמה חיה ועוף. הואיל ונאמרה בהן יצירה כאדם. ואין הלכה כר׳ מאיר:

סנדל. ולד הוא, אלא שנפחתה צורתו. ולשון סנדל, שנאוי ודל. כך מצאתי. ורבותי פירשו שהיא חתיכת בשר עשויה כצורות סנדל ורגילה לבוא עם ולד:

שליא. שאין שליא בלא ולד:

שפיר מרוקם. עור שהולד מרוקם בו שיש בתוכו צורת אברים קטנים. ולפי שעשוי כשפופרת של ביצה קרוי שפיר:

וכן שפחה שהפילה. דסלקא דעתך אמינא כי קאמרינן כל מצות שהאשה חייבת בה עבד חייב בה, הני מילי מצוות השוות באיש ובאשה, אבל יולדת דבנשים איתא ובאנשים ליתא אימר לא תחייב שפחה, להכי תני וכן שפחה שהפילה: