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Mishnayos Gittin Perek 8 Mishnah 3

גיטין פרק ח׳ משנה ג׳


And the same halakhot apply with regard to betrothal. And the same halakhot apply with regard to a debt. If his creditor said to him: Throw the payment for my debt to me, and he threw it to him and the money fell closer to the creditor, the creditor acquired the payment. The debtor is absolved of his obligation to pay even if the money did not reach the creditor’s hand, e.g., it was stolen or lost after it was thrown and before the creditor was able to take it. If it fell closer to the debtor and the money was lost, the debtor is still obligated to pay. If it was equally balanced and was lost, the two of them divide it, i.e., the debtor owes half of the amount. If a woman was standing on top of the roof and her husband was standing below, and he threw a bill of divorce to her, once the bill of divorce reaches the airspace of the roof, she is divorced. If he was above on the roof and she was below, and he threw it to her, once it leaves the area of the roof, even if the wording was erased or the document was burned before it fell to the ground, she is divorced.

וְכֵן לְעִנְיַן קִדּוּשִׁין. וְכֵן לְעִנְיַן הַחוֹב. אָמַר לוֹ בַּעַל חוֹבוֹ, זְרֹק לִי חוֹבִי, וּזְרָקוֹ לוֹ, קָרוֹב לַמַּלְוֶה, זָכָה הַלֹּוֶה. קָרוֹב לַלֹּוֶה, הַלֹּוֶה חַיָּב. מֶחֱצָה עַל מֶחֱצָה, שְׁנֵיהֶם יַחֲלֹקוּ. הָיְתָה עוֹמֶדֶת עַל רֹאשׁ הַגַּג וּזְרָקוֹ לָהּ, כֵּיוָן שֶׁהִגִּיעַ לַאֲוִיר הַגַּג, הֲרֵי זוֹ מְגֹרֶשֶׁת. הוּא מִלְמַעְלָה וְהִיא מִלְּמַטָּה וּזְרָקוֹ לָהּ, כֵּיוָן שֶׁיָּצָא מֵרְשׁוּת הַגַּג, נִמְחַק אוֹ נִשְׂרַף, הֲרֵי זוֹ מְגֹרָשֶׁת:


אמר לו בעל חובו: זרוק לי חובי – In the Gemara we establish it for when the creditor says, throw me my debt (the monies owed by the debtor) in the [manner similar to the] nature of Jewish divorce, and since he [i.e., the creditor] said this to him [i.e., the borrower], this obligation of indebtedness has the same [format] as the law the law of Jewish divorce, for if the borrower threw it closer to the creditor, and it [became] lost , the borrower is acquitted and he is not liable to pay [again], but if it landed closer to the borrower, he is liable to pay. But if the creditor said to him: throw me my debt and it shall be dismissed, since he threw it to him in any matter, he is exempt.

לאויר הגג – wherever there is a gap of less than three handbreadths near the bottom of the roof, it isd considered a “Lavud” – the legal fiction of considering separated parts as united.

מרשות הגג – if it left the divided off space of the roof and entered into the partition of the space where it is standing (serving as a legal fiction – as if one of its broadside were prolonged to form a partition).

או נשרף הרי זו מגורשת – the throwing of the Jewish bill of divorce into the courtyard preceded its being burned in the airspace of the courtyard, for if it had been burned in the courtyard first, in principle, from the beginning, it was being tossed into the fire, and she is not divorced.

אמר לו בעל חובו זרוק לי חובי. בגמרא מוקמינן לה באומר זרוק לי חובי בתורת גטין, דכיון דא״ל הכי הוה ליה לחוב זה דין גט, ואם זרק אותו הלוה קרוב למלוה ואבד, זכה הלוה ואינו חייב לשלם. ואם קרוב ללוה, הלוה חייב וכו׳. אבל אם אמר לו זרוק לי חובי והפטר, מכיון שזרקו לו בכל ענין, פטור:

לאויר הגג. לפחות משלשה סמוך לקרקעית הגג, דכלבוד דמי:

מרשות הגג. יצא ממחיצת הגג ונכנס לתוך מחיצת המקום שהיא עומדת בו:

או נשרף הרי זו מגורשת. והוא שקדמה זריקת הגט בחצר קודם שתהא הדליקה באויר החצר. שאם היתה הדליקה בחצר תחלה, מעיקרא לשריפה קאזיל ואינה מגורשת: