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Mishnayos Eruvin Perek 8 Mishnah 4

עירובין פרק ח׳ משנה ד׳


With regard to one who placed his eiruv of courtyards in a gatehouse or in a portico, a roofed structure without walls or with incomplete walls, or one who deposited it in a balcony, this is not a valid eiruv. And one who resides there, in any of these structures, does not render it prohibited for the homeowner and the other residents of the courtyard to carry, even if he did not contribute to the eiruv. If, however, one deposited his eiruv in a hay shed or in a cowshed or in a woodshed or in a storehouse, this is a valid eiruv, as it is located in a properly guarded place. And one who resides there with permission, if he neglected to contribute to the eiruv, he renders it prohibited for the homeowner and the other residents of the courtyard to carry. Rabbi Yehuda says: If the homeowner has there, in the hay shed or the other places listed above, a right of usage, i.e., if he is entitled to use all or part of the area for his own purposes, then the one who lives there does not render it prohibited for the homeowner, as the area is considered the homeowner’s quarters, and the person living there is classified as a member of his household.

הַנּוֹתֵן אֶת עֵרוּבוֹ בְּבֵית שַׁעַר, אַכְסַדְרָה וּמִרְפֶּסֶת, אֵינוֹ עֵרוּב. וְהַדָּר שָׁם, אֵינוֹ אוֹסֵר עָלָיו. בְּבֵית הַתֶּבֶן וּבְבֵית הַבָּקָר וּבְבֵית הָעֵצִים וּבְבֵית הָאוֹצָרוֹת, הֲרֵי זֶה עֵרוּב. וְהַדָּר שָׁם, אוֹסֵר עָלָיו. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר, אִם יֶשׁ שָׁם תְּפִיסַת יָד שֶׁל בַּעַל הַבַּיִת, אֵינוֹ אוֹסֵר עָלָיו:


הנותן עירובו – the joining of courtyards.

בבית השער – a place adjacent to the gate of the courtyard and they customarily place there a guard so that people from the public domain should not enter into the courtyard.

והדר שם – [the person who lives there] in the gate house that is in the courtyard, does not prohibit upon an owner in the courtyard and he doesn’t have to place bread [there], for it is not a living space.

והדר שם אוסר עליו (a person who lives [in a shed for straw, cattle, wood or storage] who does not share in the Eruv -does prohibit him [from carrying in the courtyard]) – if the houseowner lent out his straw shed to dwell there, he prohibits him [from carrying] – since it is open to the courtyard.

אם יש שם תפיסת יד של בעל הבית (right of storage) – that the house owner has a place in the dwelling in this (i.e., right of storage in, for example, the shed for straw), that he places there his utensils to hide them, it doesn’t forbid him [from carrying objects in the courtyard] , and especially when there aren’t other dwellers there, but if there are other dwellers there, it forbids him; you can also deduce it as it is taught [in the Mishnah] that it does not prohibit him [if he lives in the gatehouse, portico or gallery] – upon him it does not prohibit, but not upon other dwellers it does prohibit, and even though the owner of the house made an Eruv with them. But if these utensils that the owner of the house places there are things that are taken on Shabbat, this is not the right of storage and it prohibits him (i.e., the tenant), but if he wishes, he can take them and cast them outside. And the Halakha is according to Rabbi Yehuda.

הנותן עירובו. עירובי חצרות:

בבית שער. מקום סמוך לשער החצר ורגילין להושיב שם שומר שלא יכנסו בני רשות הרבים לחצר:

והדר שם. בבית שער שבחצר אינו אוסר על בעל החצר ואינו צריך ליתן את הפת דלאו דירה היא:

והדר שם אוסר עליו. אם השאיל בעל הבית בית התבן שלו לדור שם, אוסר עליו, הואיל ופתוח לחצר:

אם יש שם תפיסת יד של בעל הבית. שיש לבעל הבית מקום בדירתו של זה, שנותן שם כליו להצניען, אינו אוסר עליו. ודוקא כשאין שם דיורין אחרים, אבל אם יש שם דיורין אחרים אוסר עליהן, דיקא נמי דקתני אינו אוסר עליו, עליו אינו אוסר אבל על דיורים אחרים אוסר ואע״פ שבעל הבית עירב עמהן. ואם הכלים הללו שנותן שם בעל הבית הם דברים הנטלים בשבת אין זו תפיסת יד ואוסר עליו, דאי בעי שקיל להו ושדי להו אבראי. והלכה כר״י: