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Mishnayos Eruvin Perek 6 Mishnah 3

עירובין פרק ו׳ משנה ג׳


If one of the residents of a courtyard forgot and did not participate in an eiruv with the other residents before Shabbat, and on Shabbat he renounced his rights in the courtyard to the other residents, his house is prohibited both to him, who forgot to establish an eiruv, and to them, the other residents, to bring in objects from the courtyard to his house or to take them out from his house into the courtyard. But their houses are permitted both to him and to them, for taking objects out into the courtyard and for bringing them in. If they gave away their rights in the courtyard to him, i.e., if they renounced their rights in his favor, he is permitted to carry from his house into the courtyard, but they are prohibited from doing so. If two residents of the courtyard forgot to establish an eiruv, and the others renounced their rights in the courtyard in their favor, they prohibit one another. In this scenario, the courtyard would belong to both of them, but each individual house remains the domain of its owner. It would therefore be prohibited for each of these residents to carry into the courtyard. For one resident may give away and receive rights in a domain, whereas two residents may only give away rights in a domain, but they may not receive rights in a domain. Since they did not establish an eiruv, it is unreasonable for the other residents of the courtyard to give away their rights in the domain, as the two who are prohibited because they did not participate in the eiruv render it prohibited for each other to carry.

אַנְשֵׁי חָצֵר שֶׁשָּׁכַח אַחַד מֵהֶן וְלֹא עֵרֵב, בֵּיתוֹ אָסוּר מִלְּהַכְנִיס וּמִלְּהוֹצִיא, לוֹ וְלָהֶם, וְשֶׁלָּהֶם מֻתָּרִין, לוֹ וְלָהֶם. נָתְנוּ לוֹ רְשׁוּתָן, הוּא מֻתָּר וְהֵן אֲסוּרִין. הָיוּ שְׁנַיִם, אוֹסְרִין זֶה עַל זֶה, שֶׁאֶחָד נוֹתֵן רְשׁוּת וְנוֹטֵל רְשׁוּת, שְׁנַיִם נוֹתְנִים רְשׁוּת וְאֵין נוֹטְלִין רְשׁוּת:


ביתו אסור להכניס ולהוציא – from his house to the courtyard whether he or the people of the courtyard. And like the case where he resigned possession of his courtyard (i.e., a legal fiction by which the carrying of objects on the Sabbath from one’s own place to one common to several persons, may be permitted), meaning to say the part that he shares with them in the courtyard, but he did not resign possession of his house for this Tanna/teacher holds what he resigns is resigned and what he did not resign, he did not resign, therefore, his house is his domain and the courtyard is their domain.

ושלהם – their homes it is permitted to remove from them to the courtyard, whether he or them for their homes and the courtyard are one domain and even though he did not make an Eruv, he is a guest regarding them for a guest can carry in the domain of his hospitality lodging.

נתנו לו – they [gave him] the domain of their courtyard, he is permitted to remove [something] from his house to the courtyard, for everything is like his domain, but they are prohibited even to carry from his house to the courtyard for they are not guests relating to him, for one in connection with many is considered a guest, but the many in connection with the individual are not considered guests.

היו שנים – [two] who did not make an Eruv and the rest of the members of the courtyard resigned possession to them, both of them are forbidden to each other because the courtyard belongs to both of them but the homes are specific – each home to its specific owner and one cannot take out from a domain that is specifically his to that domain which is (both) his and that of his fellow. But even though one of them retracted and resigned possession to his neighbor, it is of no effect, since at the time that the members of the courtyard resigned their possession to these two [individuals] who had not made an Eruv, they prohibit each other, it is found that the first resigning had no effect, and when he resigned possession once again, he was not able to acquire his own possession. Therefore, the members of a courtyard, someone of whom had made an Eruv and some of whom had not made an Eruv, those who had not made an Eruv had resigned their possession to those who had made an Eruv but those who had made an Eruv did not resign their possession to those who had not made an Eruv and they restrict each other, as it was stated, that a person who resigned his possession to the members of the courtyard must explicitly resign their ownership to each one individually.

ביתו אסור להכניס ולהוציא. מביתו לחצר, בין הוא בין אנשי החצר. וכגון שבטל להם רשות חצירו כלומר החלק שיש לו עמהם בחצר, ולא בטל להם ביתו, דסבר האי תנא מה שבטל בטל ומה שלא בטל לא בטל, הלכך הוה ליה בית רשותא דידיה וחצר רשותא דידהו:

ושלהם. בתים שלהן, מותרין להוציא מהן לחצר בין הוא בין הם, דהא בתים שלהם וחצר רשות אחת היא. והוא אע״ג דלא עירב הוי כאורח גבייהו, שאורח מטלטל ברשות אכסניא שלו:

נתנו לו. הם רשות חצירן, הוא מותר להוציא מביתו לחצר שהכל כרשותו, והן אסורים אפילו לטלטל מביתו לחצר. ולא הוי אורחים גביה, דחד לגבי רבים הוי אורח, רבים לגבי יחיד לא הוו אורחים:

היו שנים. שלא עירבו, ושאר בני חצר בטלו להם רשותם, שניהם אוסרים זה על זה, מפני שהחצר היא של שניהם והבתים מיוחדים כל בית לבעליו, ואין מוציא מרשות המיוחדת לו לרשות שלו ושל חברו. ואע״ג דהדר חד מנייהו ובטיל ליה לחבריה, אינו מועיל, הואיל ובשעה שבטלו בני החצר רשותם לאלו השנים שלא עירבו היו אוסרים זה על זה, אשתכח דבטול קמאי לא מהני, וכי הדר מבטל לא מצי לאקנויי רשותא דידהו דהא לא קנייה. הלכך בני חצר שקצתן עירבו וקצתן לא עירבו אותן שלא עירבו מבטלין רשותן לאותן שעירבו, ואין אותן שעירבו מבטלין רשותן לאותן שלא עירבו דאסרי אהדדי כדאמרן. והמבטל רשותו לבני חצר צריך שיפרש שמבטל לכל אחד ואחד: