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Mishnayos Eruvin Perek 4 Mishnah 9

עירובין פרק ד׳ משנה ט׳


And this is the meaning of that which the Sages said: The pauper establishes an eiruv with his feet, i.e., one who does not have the bread required to establish an eiruv may walk anywhere within his Shabbat limit and declare: This is my residence, and his Shabbat limit is measured from that location. Rabbi Meir said: We have this leniency in effect only for a pauper, who does not have food for two meals. However, one who has bread may only establish residence with bread. Rabbi Yehuda says: This leniency is in effect for both a pauper and a wealthy person. The Sages said that one establishes an eiruv with bread only in order to be lenient with the wealthy person, so that he need not exert himself and go out and establish an eiruv with his feet. Instead, he can appoint an agent to place bread for him in that location. This, however, does not negate the option of personally going to that location in order to establish residence without bread.

וְזוֹ הִיא שֶׁאָמְרוּ, הֶעָנִי מְעָרֵב בְּרַגְלָיו. אָמַר רַבִּי מֵאִיר, אָנוּ אֵין לָנוּ אֶלָּא עָנִי. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר, אֶחָד עָנִי וְאֶחָד עָשִׁיר, לֹא אָמְרוּ מְעָרְבִין בְּפַת אֶלָּא לְהָקֵל עַל הֶעָשִׁיר, שֶׁלֹּא יֵצֵא וִיעָרֵב בְּרַגְלָיו:


זה שאמרו – such as the case of one who is on the road and he doesn’t have bread with him, and now he is poor, the Sages permitted him to make an Eruv with his feet for Rabbi Meir holds that the essence of the Eruv is with bread and it is a leniency for they were lenient regarding the poor or someone who is coming on the road and he doesn’t have any bread to make an Eruv with his feet. But Rabbi Yehuda holds that the essence of the Eruv is with the foot and it is a leniency, for they made a leniency for the rich who is not able to walk on his feet that he may send his Eruv through an agent and the Halakha is according to Rabbi Yehuda. But both Rabbi Meir and Rabbi Yehuda are similar in that if a person says that his Sabbath resting place is in a certain place, he does not acquire a Sabbath resting place in the place that he said, other than if he is poor or comes on the road and doesn’t have any bread with him, but if he is rich, he must send bread in the place of his Sabbath rest, and he who says: “My Sabbath resting place is in this particular place” does not acquire there a Sabbath resting place other than if there is time left during the day where he can run and arrive there prior to the onset of darkness, and if he lacks that much time left during the day, at the hour that he states: “My Sabbath resting place is in a certain place,” he did not acquire a Sabbath resting place there.

זהו שאמרו. כגון זה שהוא בדרך ואין עמו פת, דהשתא עני הוא, לו התירו חכמים לערב ברגליו. דסבירא ליה לרבי מאיר עיקר עירוב בפת, וקולא היא דאקילו גבי עני או מי שבא בדרך ואין עמו פת לערב ברגליו. ור׳ יהודה סבר עיקר עירוב ברגל, וקולא היא דאקילו לעשיר שאינו יכול לילך ברגליו לשלוח עירובו ע״י שליח. והלכה כר״י. ובין ר״מ ובין ר׳ יהודה שוים הם שהאומר שביתתי במקום פלוני אינו קונה שביתה באותו מקום שאמר, אא״כ הוא עני או בא בדרך שאין עמו פת, אבל עשיר צריך שישלח פת במקום שביתתו. והאומר שביתתי במקום פלוני אינו קונה שם שביתה אא״כ יש שהות ביום שהיה יכול לרוץ ולהגיע שם קודם שתחשך, ואם אין כל כך שהות ביום בשעה שאומר שביתתי במקום פלוני לא קנה שם שביתה: