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Mishnayos Eruvin Perek 4 Mishnah 10

עירובין פרק ד׳ משנה י׳


If a person set out to go on a Shabbat eve to a town for which an eiruv is established in order to go there on Shabbat, and another person caused him to return home, he himself is permitted to go to that city on Shabbat, and for all the other residents of the town it is prohibited to go there. This is the statement of Rabbi Yehuda. Rabbi Meir says: Anyone who can establish an eiruv, and negated his residence in his original place, and did not establish an eiruv, i.e., he did not at least state that he seeks to establish residence somewhere else, is likened to both a donkey driver, who walks behind the animal and prods it, and a camel driver, who walks before the animal and leads it, in the sense that he is pulled in two opposite directions. Due to the uncertainty with regard to the location of his Shabbat limit, his movement is restricted as though his residence was established in both his city and at a location along the way to the other city. He may not venture beyond two thousand cubits from either location.

מִי שֶׁיָּצָא לֵילֵךְ בְּעִיר שֶׁמְּעָרְבִין בָּהּ וְהֶחֱזִירוֹ חֲבֵרוֹ, הוּא מֻתָּר לֵילֵךְ וְכָל בְּנֵי הָעִיר אֲסוּרִין, דִּבְרֵי רַבִּי יְהוּדָה. רַבִּי מֵאִיר אוֹמֵר, כֹּל שֶׁהוּא יָכוֹל לְעָרֵב וְלֹא עֵרֵב, הֲרֵי זֶה חַמָּר גַּמָּל:


מי שיצא –[a person who left] from his city that the people of city sent him to bring to them an Eruv [with a piece of bread] in order that they would be able to walk on the morrow to a city that is making an Eruv for it that is near to them two Sabbath limits and one can walk from one to the other through [the use of] an Eruv.

והחזירו חברו – for he said to him, it is a period of heat, or a period of cold.

הוא מותר לילך – on the next day to the same other city for since he took possession of the path in order to purchase a Sabbath resting place at the end of two-thousand cubits away from the city, he is like a poor person who states that “my Sabbath resting place is in a certain place,” and he has acquired there his resting place.

וכל בני עירו אסורין – for they did not take possession of the path and they have nothing other than two-thousand cubits in every direction from their city.

רמ"א וכו'- Rabbi Meir doubts whether he is poor since he left from his house and took possession of the path or perhaps because he was able to make an Eruv with bread or he didn’t make an Eruv, he is not a poor man; therefore he is an ass driver [or] a camel driver, who does not have two-thousand cubits from his city in every direction lest his Sabbath resting place is in the place where he was walking to bring there the Eruv at the end of the two-thousand [cubits] from his city and at the end of the two-thousand [cubits] from his city, he also did not acquire two-thousand [cubits] towards the side of another city – lest he did not acquire a Sabbath resting place other than in his own home, but the Halakha is according to Rabbi Yehuda.

מי שיצא. מעירו, ששלחוהו אנשי עירו להוליך להם עירוב כדי שיוכלו לילך מחר לעיר שמערבין לה, שהיא סמוכה להם שני תחומי שבת ויכולין לילך מזו לזו ע״י עירוב:

והחזירו חבירו. דאמר ליה עת חמה היא עת צנה היא:

הוא מותר לילך. למחר לאותה עיר אחרת, שכיון שהחזיק בדרך כדי לקנות שביתה לסוף אלפים אמה רחוק מן העיר הוי כעני שאומר שביתתי במקום פלוני וקנה לשם שביתה:

וכל בני עירו אסורין. שלא החזיקו בדרך ואין להם אלא אלפים אמה לכל רוח מעירם:

רבי מאיר אומר כו׳ ר״מ מספקא ליה, אי עני הוא הואיל ויצא מביתו והחזיק בדרך, או דלמא כיון שהיה יכול לערב בפת ולא עירב לאו עני. הוא הילכך הרי זה חמר גמל, שאין לו אלפים אמה לכל רוח מעירו שמא שביתתו במקום שהיה הולך להוליך שם העירוב בסוף אלפים מעירו, ולסוף האלפים מעירו נמי לא קנה אלפים לצד עיר האחרת שמא לא קנה שביתה אלא בביתו. והלכה כרבי יהודה: