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Mishnayos Eruvin Perek 3 Mishnah 1

עירובין פרק ג׳ משנה א׳


One may establish a joining of houses in courtyards [eiruv ḥatzerot] in order to permit carrying on Shabbat in a courtyard shared by two or more houses, and one may establish a joining of Shabbat borders [eiruv teḥumin] in order to extend the distance one is permitted to walk on Shabbat; and similarly, one may merge courtyards in order to permit carrying in an alleyway shared by two or more courtyards. This may be done with all kinds of food except for water and salt, as they are not considered foods and therefore may not be used for these purposes. The mishna continues with two similar principles: All types of food may be bought with second-tithe money, which must be taken to Jerusalem and used to purchase food (Deuteronomy 14:26), except for water and salt. Similarly, one who vows that nourishment is prohibited to him is permitted to eat water and salt, as they are not considered sources of nourishment. It was further stated with regard to the laws of joining courtyards that one may establish an eiruv teḥumin for a nazirite with wine, even though he is prohibited to drink it, because it is permitted to others. And similarly, one may establish an eiruv teḥumin for an Israelite with teruma, even though he may not eat it, because it is permitted to a priest. The food used for an eiruv teḥumin must be fit for human consumption, but it is not essential that it be fit for the consumption of the one for whom it is being used. Summakhos, however, says: One may only establish an eiruv teḥumin for an Israelite with unconsecrated food. It was additionally stated that one may establish an eiruv teḥumin for a priest in a beit haperas, a field containing a grave that was plowed over. There is doubt as to the location of bone fragments in the entire area. A priest is prohibited to come into contact with a corpse, and therefore may not enter a beit haperas. Rabbi Yehuda says: An eiruv teḥumin may be established for a priest even between the graves in a graveyard, an area which the priest may not enter by Torah law, since he can interpose between himself and the graves and go and eat the food that comprises the eiruv without contracting ritual impurity.

בַּכֹּל מְעָרְבִין וּמִשְׁתַּתְּפִים, חוּץ מִן הַמַּיִם וּמִן הַמֶּלַח. וְהַכֹּל נִקָּח בְּכֶסֶף מַעֲשֵׂר, חוּץ מִן הַמַּיִם וּמִן הַמֶּלַח. הַנּוֹדֵר מִן הַמָּזוֹן, מֻתָּר בְּמַיִם וּבְמֶלַח. מְעָרְבִין לְנָזִיר בְּיַיִן וּלְיִשְׂרָאֵל בִּתְרוּמָה. סוּמְכוֹס אוֹמֵר, בְּחֻלִּין. וּלְכֹהֵן בְּבֵית הַפְּרָס. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר, אֲפִלּוּ בְּבֵית הַקְּבָרוֹת, מִפְּנֵי שֶׁיָּכוֹל לֵילֵךְ לָחוֹץ וְלֶאֱכֹל:


בכל מערבין – the joining of borders/עירובי תחומין (i.e., placing a small amount of food somewhere within the two-thousand cubit limit, establishing that location as one’s residence for Shabbat, and the two thousand cubits are measured from there), whereas the joining of courtyards/עירובי חצרות – is not made other than with bread (i.e., all the inhabitants of a serious of homes sharing a common courtyard place food in one place before Shabbat, they are considered as an extended household and one may carry within the courtyard), and this "בכל"/”with any” that is taught in our Mishnah , is not exact, as we state in the Gemara (Tractate Eruvin 27a): “one may not derive anything from the general statement, not even when an exception is stated (as there may be other exceptions),” for surely here it is taught in our Mishnah: “With any [food] do they prepare the Eruv… except for water and salt,” and there are also a kind of mushroom and truffles that we don’t make Eruvin and merging [of alleyways] with them (i.e., if several courtyards open into a common alleyway, it is prohibited for the inhabitants of the houses in the courtyards to carry within the alleyway unless he inhabitants of each house place food in one place for the duration of Shabbat together with the placement of a side pole placed at the entrance to the alleyway or a cross-beam placed over it to mark the entrance to the alleyway and that it is prohibited to carry outside the alleyway), and these are not food, like water and salt.

ומשתתפים – merging of alleyways.

הכל נלקח בכסף מעשר – as it is written (Deuteronomy 14:26): “and spend the money on anything you want – [cattle, sheep, wine, or other intoxicant or anything you may desire].”

חוץ מן המים ומן המלח – for it is not fruit from fruit.

הנודר מן המזון – not that he said: “that nourishment should be forbidden to me,” for it is not called “nourishment”/מזון – other than from five species that nourishes and satisfies (see Talmud Eruvin 30a), but rather, as for example, that he said, all that feed me – I take a vow of abstinence (as a substitute for the word “sacrifice”/קרבן ), and all words of support/nourishing and we impose an oath by hours, except from water and salt.

מערבין לנזיר ביין – and even though it is not proper for him (as Nazirites are forbidden to partake of wine as part of their vow), it is proper for others.

ולישראל בתרומה – for this (i.e., heave-offering) is appropriate [only] for Kohanim.

סומכוס אומר חולי – fo we require something that is appropriate to him, and regarding wine for a Nazirite, Sumchos does not dispute, because it is possible that the Nazirite will come before a scholar for absolution from his vow and the wine will [then] be permitted to him on that Shabbat, but Terumah/heave-offering, it is impossible that it will be appropriate for an Israelite (as Terumah is only for a Kohen), for even an Israelite who separates the heave-offering upon it, and behold it will be as if it had not been lifted up, for behold, it returns to eatables that are forbidden pending the separation of sacred gifts, and it is forbidden to eat from it until he returns and separates another heave-offering, for we don’t separate heave-offering on Shabbat, even at twilight; therefore, it is not appropriate for him. But the Halakha is not according to Sumchos.

ולכהן בבית הפרס – it is taught anonymously and is not Sumchos who said it.

בית הפרס – it is field in which a grave was ploughed, it is permitted for a Kohen to enter there when he is breathing and walking by, and sees that he doesn’t touch a bone the size of a barley-corn, and because of this, it is permitted to place his Eruv there, for he is able to enter in the place where he placed his Eruv, but he and his Eruv are in another place.

לחוץ – to make a partition between himself and the grave so that it would not cause Levitical uncleanness arising from being under the same shelter with, or forming a shelter over, a corpse, such, for example that he would enter there with a chest, ark, and/or a turret. So we see that is appropriate for him but the dispute of Rabbi Yehuda and the Rabbis we establish in the Gemara (Tractate Eruvin 30b-31a) that even regarding an Israelite, the Rabbis dispute upon that of Rabbi Yehudah, and they state that we don’t place the joining of borders (i.e., by placing a enough food for a small meal somewhere within one’s two thousand cubit limit, one establishes that location as one’s residence for Shabbat) in a cemetery but the Mishnah did not mention the Kohen, other to inform us of the strength of Rabbi Yehuda’s [opinion], for even a Kohen they permitted, and in this, they dispute, for Rabbi Yehuda holds that even though it is prohibited to benefit and to use the cemetery, it is permitted to place the Eruv there, for we don’t make a joining of borders other than for a matter of a commandment, but the commandments were not given to benefit from them but even though the Eruv guards after its acquisition , for at twilight it acquires and already the commandment has been performed and it guards there the entire Shabbat, Rabbi Yehuda holds that a person is not strict regarding his Eruv if he lost it or it was stolen after he acquired it, but the Rabbis hold that a person is strict regarding his Eruv after he acquired it and desires that it not be stolen; therefore, when the Eruv is guarded in the cemetery all of Shabbat after he acquired it at twilight and the commandment was completed, it was found that he is using something that is forbidden for benefit, and that the graves are forbidden for benefit and therefore, a person should not leave his Eruv in the cemetery and the Halakha is according to the Sages.

בכל מערבין. עירובי תחומין. דאילו עירובי חצירות אין מערבין אלא בפת. והאי בכל דתנן במתניתין, לאו דוקא, כדאמרינן בגמרא אין למדין מן הכללות אפילו במקום שנאמר בהן חוץ, דהא הכא תנן בכל מערבין חוץ מן המים ומן המלח, ואיכא נמי כמהין ופטריות דאין מערבין ולא משתתפים בהם דלאו מזון נינהו, כמו מים ומלח:

ומשתתפים. שתופי מבואות:

הכל נלקח בכסף מעשר. כדכתיב (דברים י״ד:כ״ו) ונתת הכסף בכל אשר תאוה נפשך:

חוץ מן המים ומן המלח. דלאו פרי מפרי הוא:

הנודר מן המזון. לא דאמר יאסר עלי מזון, דאין נקרא מזון אלא חמשת המינים דזייני וסעדי, אלא כגון דאמר כל הזן עלי קונם, וכל מילי זייני ומשביעים לפי שעה חוץ מן המים והמלח:

מערבין לנזיר ביין. דאף על גב דלא חזי לדידיה, חזי לאחריני:

ולישראל בתרומה. דהא חזיא לכהנים:

סומכוס אומר בחולין. דמידי דחזי ליה בעינן. וביין לנזיר לא פליג סומכוס, מפני שאפשר שישאל הנזיר על נדרו ויהיה היין מותר לו באותה שבת, אבל תרומה אי אפשר שתהיה ראויה לישראל, שאפילו ישאל המפריש התרומה עליה והרי היא כאילו לא הורמה, הרי היא חוזרת לטבלה ואסור לאכול ממנה עד שיחזור ויפריש תרומה אחרת, ואין מפרישין תרומה בשבת אפילו בין השמשות, הילכך לא חזיא ליה. ואין הלכה כסומכוס:

ולכהן בבית הפרס. סתמא היא, ולאו סומכוס קאמר לה.

בית הפרס. שדה שנחרש בה קבר מותר לכהן ליכנס שם כשהוא מנפח והולך, ורואה שאינו נוגע בעצם כשעורה. ומשום הכי מותר ליתן עירובו שם שהרי יכול להכנס במקום שנתן שם עירובו והוי הוא ועירובו במקום אחד:

לחוץ. לעשות מחיצה בינו לקבר שלא יאהיל, כגון שיכנס שם בשידה תיבה ומגדל, אלמא חזי ליה. ופלוגתא דר׳ יהודה ורבנן מוקמינן בגמרא דאפילו בישראל פליגי רבנן עליה דר״י ואמרי דאין מניחין עירובי תחומין בבית הקברות, ולא נקט כהן אלא להודיעך כחו דר״י דאפילו בכהן שרי. ובהא קמיפלגי, דר״י סבר אע״ג דאסור ליהנות ולהשתמש בבית הקברות, מותר להניח שם עירוב, דאין מערבין עירובי תחומין אלא לדבר מצוה ומצות לאו ליהנות נתנו, ואע״פ שמשתמר שם העירוב אחר קנייתו דהא בין השמשות קונה וכבר נעשית המצוה והוא משתמר שם כל השבת. קסבר ר״י אין אדם מקפיד על עירובו אם אבד או נגנב לאחר שקנה ורבנן סברי אדם מקפיד על עירובו לאחר שקנה, ורוצה שלא יגנב, הלכך כשהעירוב משתמר בבית הקברות כל השבת לאחר שקנה בין השמשות ונגמרה מצותו נמצא משתמש באסורי הנאה שהקברות אסורים בהנאה, לפיכך לא יניח אדם עירוב בבית הקברות. והלכה כחכמים: