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Mishnayos Eruvin Perek 10 Mishnah 11

עירובין פרק י׳ משנה י"א


With regard to a bolt that is attached to the door, but owing to the length of the rope, it does not hang from the door but drags along the ground, one may lock a door with it in the Temple on Shabbat, as this is prohibited only by rabbinic decree, issued to enhance the character of Shabbat as a day of rest, and rabbinic decrees are not in effect in the Temple. However, one may not lock a door with this bolt in the country outside the Temple. And with regard to one that is not tied at all but rests entirely on the ground, it is prohibited in both places, in and outside the Temple, as the use of this bolt is considered building. Rabbi Yehuda says: One that rests entirely on the ground is permitted in the Temple, and one that drags along the ground is permitted even in the rest of the country.

נֶגֶר הַנִּגְרָר, נוֹעֲלִים בּוֹ בַמִּקְדָּשׁ, אֲבָל לֹא בַמְּדִינָה. וְהַמֻּנָּח, כָּאן וָכָאן אָסוּר. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר, הַמֻּנָּח מֻתָּר בַּמִּקְדָּשׁ, וְהַנִּגְרָר בַּמְּדִינָה:


נגר הנגרר – a bolt that is attached to the door, but it is not suspended from it, as the rope that is tied to it is long and the bolt drags on the ground, and we are dealing with a bolt that lacks at its head a knob/club. But if it has a club/knob, Rabbi Yosi permits it even though it is not attached, and the Halakha is according to him.

נועלים בו במקדש – for this is merely something forbidden by the Rabbis as being out of harmony with the celebration of the Sabbath (and Yom Tov), and it is not actually “building” for since it is fastened, but rather because it drags, it appears like building, but there is no Sh’vut in the Temple.

והמונח – it is not attached at all, it is really “building.” And Rabbi Yehuda holds that it is not really “building,” but rather looks like “building.” But in the Temple, they (i.e., the Rabbis) did not decree because of Sh’vut. But even one who drags in the country (i.e., outside of Jerusalem/the Temple), is permitted, since it is attached, and even though it is not suspended. And the Halakha is according to Rabbi Yehuda.

נגר הנגרר. בריח הקשור בדלת אבל אינו תלוי בו שהחבל הקשור בו ארוך והבריח נגרר ע״ג קרקע ובנגר שאין בראשו גלוסטרא עסקינן. דביש בראשו גלוסטרא הא שרי ליה רבי יוסי לעיל אע״פ שאינו קשור והלכה כמותו:

נועלים בו במקדש. דשבות בעלמא הוא ואינו בונה ממש הואיל וקשור הוא אלא מפני שנגרר מיחזי כבונה ואין שבות במקדש:

והמונח. שאינו קשור כלל הוי בנין ממש. ור׳ יהודה סבר לא הוי בנין ממש אלא מיחזי כבנין, ובמקדש לא גזרו משום שבות. והנגרר אף במדינה מותר הואיל וקשור אע״פ שאינו תלוי. והלכה כר׳ יהודה: