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Mishnayos Eruchin Perek 9 Mishnah 2

ערכין פרק ט׳ משנה ב׳


When the Jubilee Year is in effect, one may sell a field only until the Jubilee Year, at which point the field returns to its original owner. If the owner redeems the field before the Jubilee Year, the payment per annum is calculated by dividing the sale price by the number of years from the sale until the Jubilee Year. The owner returns the per annum payment multiplied by the number of years remaining until the Jubilee Year. If the owner of a field sold it to the first buyer for one hundred dinars and the first buyer then sold it to the second buyer for two hundred dinars, when the original owner redeems the field he calculates the payment only according to the price that he set with the first buyer, as it is stated: “And he calculates the years of its sale, and he returns the remainder to the man to whom he sold it” (Leviticus 25:27). If the owner of a field sold it to the first buyer for two hundred dinars and the first buyer then sold it to the second buyer for one hundred dinars, when the original owner redeems the field, he calculates the payment only according to the price that was paid by the last buyer, as it is stated: “And he calculates the years of its sale, and he returns the remainder to the man to whom he sold it.” The superfluous term “to the man” indicates that the verse is referring to the man who is currently in possession of the field. One may not sell his ancestral field that is located in a distant area and redeem with the proceeds a field that he sold in a nearby area. Likewise, he may not sell a low-quality field and redeem with the proceeds a high-quality field. And he may not borrow money and redeem the field, nor may he redeem the field incrementally, half now and half at a later date. But with regard to redeeming a field from the Temple treasury, it is permitted to redeem the field in any of these ways. This is a halakha where greater stringency applies with regard to redeeming a field from an ordinary individual than with regard to redeeming it from the Temple treasury.

מְכָרָהּ לָרִאשׁוֹן בְּמָנֶה, וּמָכַר הָרִאשׁוֹן לַשֵּׁנִי בְּמָאתַיִם, אֵינוֹ מְחַשֵּׁב אֶלָּא עִם הָרִאשׁוֹן, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר, לָאִישׁ אֲשֶׁר מָכַר לוֹ. מְכָרָהּ לָרִאשׁוֹן בְּמָאתַיִם, וּמָכַר הָרִאשׁוֹן לַשֵּׁנִי בְּמָנֶה, אֵינוֹ מְחַשֵּׁב אֶלָּא עִם הָאַחֲרוֹן, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (שם), לָאִישׁ, לָאִישׁ אֲשֶׁר בְּתוֹכָהּ. לֹא יִמְכֹּר בְּרָחוֹק וְיִגְאֹל בְּקָרוֹב, בְּרָע וְיִגְאֹל בְּיָפֶה. לֹא יִלְוֶה וְיִגְאַל, וְלֹא יִגְאַל לַחֲצָאִים. וּבַהֶקְדֵּשׁ מֻתָּר בְּכֻלָּן. זֶה חֹמֶר בַּהֶדְיוֹט מִבַּהֶקְדֵּשׁ:


אינו מחשב – the [original] seller that came to redeem it.

אלא עם הראשון – and that calculation he will deduct for him for each and every year that he occupied it (i.e., enjoying its produce), and the remainder he will pay him.

אשר מכר לו – it is written concerning the redeemer of his acquired field (Leviticus 25:27): “[he shall compute the years since its sale,] refund the difference to the man to whom he sold it.”

לאיש אשר בתוכה – that he finds himself within the field that he (i.e., the original owner) comes to redeem. And from where [in the Torah] do we learn that we expound leniently regarding the seller and we don’t expound stringently? We learn [from a comparative analogy using the words]"גאולה" "גאולה" from [the law of] the Hebrew slave in the ancestral field; it is written (Leviticus 25:26): “[If a man has no one to redeem for him, but prospers] and acquires enough to redeem with,” and concerning a Hebrew slave, it is written (Leviticus 25:31): “[But houses in villages that have no encircling walls shall be classed as open country;] they may be redeemed,[and they will be released through the jubilee],” just as there leniently, so also here leniently. And there, from where [in the Torah] do we learn to be lenient? As it is taught in a Baraitha: “if it was sold for a Maneh (i.e., 100 zuz) and it improved in value/ameliorated, and now stood at two-hundred [Maneh], from where do we learn that we only calculate it for a Maneh and like as it arrived from that Maneh for each year we deduct it, we derive it from (Leviticus 25:52): “[and if few years remain until the jubilee year, he shall so compute:] he shall make payment for his redemption according to the years involved,” that is to say, to what it is worth in that year.

לא ימכור – [he should not sell] a far-off field that he has, in order to redeem this field that is close by. And similarly, he should not sell off a bad field in order that he can redeem this field which Is nice. And he may not borrow from others in order that he can redeem it. And he does not redeem half-of the field that he sold but rather either he redeems all of it or not any of it. And all of these things we derive from Scripture, as it is written (Leviticus 25:26): “[If a man has no one to redeem for him,] but prospers and acquires enough to redeem with.” "השיגה ידו" /he prospers from his own [efforts], and not that he will borrow and then redeem. "ומצא" /and acquires enough, implying that he will find something that he was not found with him at the time that he sold it, excluding selling [a field] far off in order to redeem what is close/nearby, with something bad in order that he can redeem it for something good that was found with him at the time that he sold it. "כדי גאותו" /enough to redeem with [in order that the redemption] that he is redeeming is not redeeming halves.

ובהקדש מותר בכולן – a person who dedicates/sanctifies his field is permitted to sell another field, or to borrow in order to redeem it, and if it is not sufficient to redeem all of it, he can redeem part of it and when he prospers, he will redeem all of it.

אינו מחשב. המוכר כשבא לגאלה:

אלא עם הראשון. ואותו חשבון ינכה לו כל שנה ושנה שאכלה, והמותר ישלם לו:

אשר מכר לו. בגואל שדה ממכרו כתיב, והשיב את העודף לאיש אשר מכר לו:

לאיש אשר בתוכה. שהוא מוצא עתה בתוך השדה כשבא לפדותה. ומנלן דדרשינן לקולא גבי מוכר ולא דרשינן לחומרא, גמרינן גאולה גאולה מעבד עברי, בשדה אחוזה כתיב (ויקרא כ״ה:כ״ו) ומצא כדי גאולתו, ובעבד עברי כתיב (שם) גאולה תהיה לו, מה להלן להקל אף כאן להקל. והתם מנלן דלהקל, דתניא, נמכר במנה והשביח ועמד במאתים, מנין שאין מחשבים אלא במנה וכמו שהגיע מאותו מנה לכל שנה כך מנכה לו, תלמוד לומר מכסף מקנתו. ומנין שאם נמכר במאתים והכסיף ועמד על מנה שאין מחשבים אלא במנה, תלמוד לומר כפי שניו, כלומר כפי מה שהוא שוה באותה שעה:

לא ימכור. שדה רחוקה שיש לו, כדי שיגאל שדה זו שהיא בקרוב. וכן לא ימכור ברע כדי שיגאל שדה זו שהיא יפה. ולא ילוה מאחרים כדי שיגאל. ואינו גואל חצי השדה שמכר אלא או גואל כולה או לא כלום. וכל הני ילפינן מקרא דכתיב (שם) והשיגה ידו ומצא כדי גאולתו. והשיגה ידו מעצמו, ולא שילוה ויגאל. ומצא, משמע שימצא דבר שלא היה מצוי לו בשעה שמכר, פרט למוכר ברחוק כדי לגאול בקרוב, ברע כדי לגאול ביפה, שהיה מצוי לו בשעה שמכר. כדי גאולתו, [כדי גאולה] הוא גואל ואינו גואל לחצאים:

ובהקדש מותר בכולן. המקדיש שדהו מותר למכור שדה אחרת, או ללוות, כדי לגאלה, ואם אינו מספיק לגאול כולה יגאל חציה וכשתשיג ידו יגאל כולה: