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Mishnayos Demai Perek 5 Mishnah 8

דמאי פרק ה׳ משנה ח׳


One who buys untithed produce from two places, he may tithe from one lot for the other. Although they have said one may not sell untithed produce except in the case of necessity.

הַלּוֹקֵחַ טֶבֶל מִשְּׁנֵי מְקוֹמוֹת, מְעַשֵּׂר מִזֶּה עַל זֶה, אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁאָמְרוּ, אֵין אָדָם רַשַּׁאי לִמְכֹּר טֶבֶל אֶלָּא לְצֹרֶךְ:


משני מקומות – that the two sellers informed him that it is eatables forbidden pending the separation of sacred gifts.

אלא לצורך – as for example when there was mixed to his fellow a small amount of unconsecrated produce in a large amount of eatables forbidden pending the separation of sacred gifts (i.e., טבל). For these eatables forbidden pending separation of sacred gifts have no remedy until he tithes for it from another place. And especially to a member of the order for the observance of Levitical laws in daily intercourse (i.e., a חבר) who is permitted to sell eatables forbidden pending the separation of sacred gifts, but not to those not observing certain religious customs regarding tithes (i.e., the עם הארץ ). But those not observing certain religious customs regarding tithes who had mixed unconsecrated produce with eatables forbidden pending the separation of sacred gifts - how does he act? He walks near the member of the order for the observance of Levitical laws in daily intercourse and he purchases for him eatables forbidden pending the separation of sacred gifts from another place and tithes it for him.

משני מקומות. ששני המוכרים הודיעוהו שהוא טבל:

אלא לצורך. כגון שנתערב לחברו חולין מועטין בטבל מרובה, שאין לטבל זה תקנה עד שיעשר עליו ממקום אחר. ודוקא לחבר מותר למכור טבל אבל לא לעם הארץ. וע״ה שנתערב לו חולין בטבל כיצד הוא עושה הולך אצל חבר והוא לוקח לו טבל ממקום אחר ומעשר לו: