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Mishnayos Chullin Perek 2 Mishnah 5

חולין פרק ב׳ משנה ה׳


In the case of one who slaughters a domesticated animal, an undomesticated animal, or a bird, and blood did not emerge from them during the slaughter, all of these are permitted for consumption and do not require the ritual washing of the hands as they may be eaten with ritually impure [mesoavot] hands, because they were not rendered susceptible to ritual impurity through contact with blood, which is one of the seven liquids that render food susceptible to impurity. Rabbi Shimon says: They were rendered susceptible to ritual impurity by means of the slaughter itself.

הַשּׁוֹחֵט בְּהֵמָה חַיָּה וְעוֹף וְלֹא יָצָא מֵהֶן דָּם, כְּשֵׁרִים, וְנֶאֱכָלִים בְּיָדַיִם מְסֹאָבוֹת, לְפִי שֶׁלֹּא הֻכְשְׁרוּ בְדָם. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן אוֹמֵר, הֻכְשְׁרוּ בַשְּׁחִיטָה:


בידים מסואבות – without the ritual washing of the hands, for the Rabbis decreed that “hands” are [naturally considered] “second” degree of Levitical uncleanness and we are dealing with unconsecrated food that was made on the purification of food dedicated for sacred purposes for something that is “second” degree of Levitical uncleanness makes something else “third” degree of Levitical uncleanness, for had we been dealing with unconsecrated meat alone, if they had been made fit [ for Levitical uncleanness] by contact with blood, something that is second degree of Levitical uncleanness does not make something else third degree of Levitical uncleanness.

לפי שלא הוכשרו בדם – since food does not receive susceptibility for ritual uncleanness until water comes upon it, or one of the seven liquids which are: water, wine, olive oil, milk and bees’ honey, blood and dew (see also Leviticus 11:34: “ As to any food that may be eaten, it shall become impure if it came in contact with water; as to any liquid that may be drunk, it shall become impure if it was inside any vessel.”).

הוכשרו בשחיטה – for since ritual slaughter is permissible for this meat, anything like a limb from a living animal is also compared to food regarding defilement, but the Halakha does not follow Rabbi Shimon.

בידים מסואבות. כלומר בלא נטילת ידים. דגזרו על הידים להיות שניות לטומאה. ובחולין שנעשו על טהרת הקודש מיירי, דשני עושה שלישי בהן. דאילו בחולין גרידא, אפילו היו מוכשרין בדם אין שני עושה שלישי בחולין:

לפי שלא הוכשרו בדם. שאין אוכל מקבל טומאה עד שיבוא עליו מים או אחד משבעה משקין, שהם מים יין שמן חלב ודבש דם טל:

הוכשרו בשחיטה. מגו דשריא שחיטה להך בשר מידי אבר מן החי, משויא ליה נמי אוכלא לגבי טומאה. ואין הלכה כר״ש: