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Mishnayos Chagigah Perek 3 Mishnah 4

חגיגה פרק ג׳ משנה ד׳


The previous mishna listed stringencies that apply to sacrificial food but not to teruma. However, there are also stringencies that apply to teruma over sacrificial food: In Judea all people, even people who are not generally meticulous in their observance of the halakhot of ritual purity [amei ha’aretz], are trusted with regard to the purity of consecrated wine and oil throughout all the days of the year. And during the period of the winepress and olive press, when grapes and olives are pressed and made into wine and oil, respectively, they are trusted even with regard to the purity of teruma, as all people, including amei ha’aretz, purify their vessels for this season. But once the periods of the winepress and olive press have passed, if amei ha’aretz brought to him, i.e., to a priest who is meticulous concerning the halakhot of ritual purity [ḥaver], a barrel of teruma wine, he may not accept it from them, as amei ha’aretz are not trusted with regard to matters of ritual purity during the rest of the year. But the giver may leave it over for the following winepress season, in the following year, at which point the ḥaver priest may accept it from him, although it was prohibited for him to accept the same barrel beforehand. And if the giver said to the priest: I separated and placed into this barrel of teruma a quarter-log of sacrificial wine or oil, he is trusted with regard to the entire contents of the barrel. Since an am ha’aretz is trusted with regard to the purity of sacrificial food, he is also believed with regard to teruma that is mingled with the sacrificial food. With regard to jugs of wine and jugs of oil that are mingled, amei ha’aretz are trusted with regard to them during the period of the winepress and the olive press, and also up to seventy days before the winepress, for that is when people begin to purify their vessels in preparation for the wine-pressing season.

חֹמֶר בַּתְּרוּמָה, שֶׁבִּיהוּדָה נֶאֱמָנִים עַל טָהֳרַת יַיִן וְשֶׁמֶן כָּל יְמוֹת הַשָּׁנָה, וּבִשְׁעַת הַגִּתּוֹת וְהַבַּדִּים אַף עַל הַתְּרוּמָה. עָבְרוּ הַגִּתּוֹת וְהַבַּדִּים וְהֵבִיאוּ לוֹ חָבִית שֶׁל יַיִן שֶׁל תְּרוּמָה, לֹא יְקַבְּלֶנָּה מִמֶּנּוּ, אֲבָל מַנִּיחָהּ לַגַּת הַבָּאָה. וְאִם אָמַר לוֹ, הִפְרַשְׁתִּי לְתוֹכָהּ רְבִיעִית קֹדֶשׁ, נֶאֱמָן. כַּדֵּי יַיִן וְכַדֵּי שֶׁמֶן הַמְדֻמָּעוֹת, נֶאֱמָנִין עֲלֵיהֶם בִּשְׁעַת הַגִּתּוֹת וְהַבַּדִּים, וְקֹדֶם לַגִּתּוֹת שִׁבְעִים יוֹם:


שביהודה נאמנים וכו' – for this reason, the Mishnah took [the words} “in Judea” because a strip of the land of the Cutheans interrupted between the Galilee and Judea but Jerusalem was part of the land of Judea and it was not possible to bring sanctified things from the Galilee to Judea, because they (i.e., the Rabbis) decreed ritual defilement on the land of idolaters, and even on that of Haverim/those who observed the Levitical laws of purity in the Galilee, they could not bring it for libations.

נאמנים על טהרת יין ושמן – all the days of the year, ignoramuses who said that this wine is ritually pure and is for libations; that this oil is ritually pure as it is for meal-offerings are always believed/deemed faithful because of the stringency of sanctified things, they take care and do not lie, but if he said that this wine and oil were pure and it was for Terumah/priest’s due, he is not believed, for the prohibition of ritual impurity of Terumah is not severe in the eyes of the ignoramuses and we suspect that perhaps they are lying.

ובשעת הגיתות והבדים – at the time of the harvesting /vintage and at the time that when the olives are stored away in the vat for pressing, they are believed even about Terumah/priest’s due, because everyone purifies their utensils at the time of the making of wine and oil in order to separate the Terumah in [a state of] ritual purity.

עברו הגיתות וכו' – after the time of the vintage, or the time of the storing of the olives in the building containing the tank and the implements for the pressing of the olives and an ignoramus brings a jug of wine or of oil, it is for a Kohen who observes the laws of Levitical purity and he states that they are ritually pure. לא יקבלנה ממנו – that they are considered ritually pure, for after the vats for wine-pressing and the presses for olives, he is not believed.

אבל מניחה לגת אחרת – the ignoramus who knows that after the vats for wine-pressing and the presses for olives that he is not believed, he leaves this jug for another vat for wine-pressing and then gives it to a Kohen who at that time is believed concerning it.

רביעית – one-quarter of a log (i.e., a log equals the volume of six eggs) for libations is believed for his entire jug, for if he had intended to tell a lie, he would have invented one more advantageous to his case, for since he is believed for sanctified things, he is believed also for priest’s due/Terumah.

כדי יין וכדי שמן המדומעות – He who ritually purifies his otherwise improvised meal that had been made without separating priestly or Levitical shares for libations, and now, there is non-holy produce with priest’s due and sanctified foods mixed in where the priestly and Levitical shares had not been separated out, and he comes to say all on the pitchers that they are ritually pure, even though an ignoramus is not believed at the time regarding the pitchers the season for wine pressing. Today, we believe him regarding the pitchers even seventy days prior to the season for wine pressing, for since if he had intended to tell a lie, he would have invented one more advantageous to his case, so just as we believe him regarding sanctified things, we believe him also regarding Terumah/priest’s due and the pitchers, for it is a disgrace for the sanctified things that the pitchers that were intertwined were considered as ritually impure it was offered. And [the Rabbis] took seventy days prior because it was the way of the world to designate the utensils for use and ritually purify them seventy days prior to the wine-pressing.

שביהודה נאמנין וכו׳ להכי נקט ביהודה, לפי שרצועה של ארץ כותיים היתה מפסקת בין גליל ליהודה, וירושלים ארץ יהודה היתה, ולא היה אפשר להביא קודש מארץ הגליל ליהודה לפי שגזרו טומאה על ארץ העמים, ואפילו של חברים שבגליל לא היה אפשר להביאו לנסכים:

נאמנין על טהרת יין ושמן כל ימות השנה. עם הארץ שאמר יין זה טהור והוא לנסכים, שמן זה טהור והוא למנחות, נאמן לעולם, דמשום חומרא דקודש מזדהר ולא משקר. אבל אם אמר יין ושמן אלו טהורים והן לתרומה, אינו נאמן, שאין אסור טומאת תרומה חמור בעיני עמי הארץ וחיישינן דלמא משקרי בה:

ובשעת הגתות והבדים. בעת הבציר ובעת שעוצרים הזיתים בבד, נאמנין אף על התרומה, לפי שכל בני אדם מטהרים את כליהם בעת עשיית היין והשמן כדי להפריש התרומה בטהרה:

עברו הגתות וכו׳ לאחר שעבר זמן הבציר או זמן עצירת הזיתים בבית הבד, והביא עם הארץ חבית של יין או של שמן של תרומה לכהן חבר ואומר שהיא טהורה. לא יקבלנה ממנו בחזקת טהורה, דלאחר הגיתות והבדים אינו נאמן:

אבל מניחה לגת הבאה. עם הארץ שיודע שלאחר הגתות והבדים אינו נאמן, מניח חבית זו לגת הבאה ואז נותנה לכהן, דבאותה שעה הוא נאמן עליה:

רביעית. הלוג יין לנסכים נאמן על כל החבית. דמגו דמהימן אקודש מהימן נמי אתרומה:

כדי יין וכדי שמן המדומעות. המטהר את טבלו לנסכים, והשתא איכא חולין ותרומה וקודש מעורבין ומדומעין זה בזה, ובא לומר גם על הכדים שהן טהורים, אע״ג דעם הארץ אינו נאמן על הכדים אפילו בשעת הגתות, האידנא מהמנינן ליה על הכדים אפילו קודם שעת הגתות שבעים יום, דמגו דמהימן אקודש מהימן נמי אתרומה ואכדים, דגנאי הוא לקודש שיהיו הכדים שעירוהו מהם בחזקת טומאה והוא קרב. ושבעים יום דנקט, משום דאורחא דעלמא הוא להזמין את הכלים ולטהרם שבעים יום קודם הגתות: