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Mishnayos Brachos Perek 3 Mishnah 6

ברכות פרק ג׳ משנה ו׳


Continuing the earlier discussion of the halakhot of immersion for Torah study and prayer for one who experienced a seminal emission, the mishna discusses a case where individuals who were already impure with a severe form of ritual impurity are exposed to the impurity of a seminal emission as well. They are required to immerse themselves and purify themselves of the impurity of the seminal emission even though they remain impure due to the more severe impurity. Consequently, even a zav, whose impurity lasts at least seven days, who experienced a seminal emission, for which, were he not a zav, he would be impure for only one day; a menstruating woman who discharged semen, despite the fact that she is already impure with a severe impurity unaffected by her immersion; and a woman who engaged in conjugal relations with her husband and later saw menstrual blood, all require immersion. And Rabbi Yehuda exempts them from immersion.

זָב שֶׁרָאָה קְרִי, וְנִדָּה שֶׁפָּלְטָה שִׁכְבַת זֶרַע, וְהַמְשַׁמֶּשֶׁת שֶׁרָאֲתָה נִדָּה, צְרִיכִין טְבִילָה, וְרַבִּי יְהוּדָה פּוֹטֵר:


זב שראה קרי – Even though that he [who is afflicted with gonorrhea] has made himself impure for seven days because of his gonorrhea, and his immersion [in the Mikveh/ritual bath] does not purify him, nevertheless, he requires immersion according to the words of the Torah, according to the enactment of Ezra , since one who has a nocturnal emission and a menstruant woman , if she came to pray and discharged her seed, she considered to be like one who had a nocturnal emission, as a woman who releases her seed is defiled through her emission for three days after sexual intercourse. And from then onwards, her seed has decayed in her body and its not appropriate of having a fetus created from it. And this is the explanation concerning a menstruant woman who emits her seed during the time of intercourse which she engaged in the previous night before she saw it and when she engages in sex and finds that she is a menstruant woman; after she had engaged in intercourse, she requires ritual immersion.

ורבי יהודה פוטר – Even a woman who engaged in sexual intercourse and saw that she had become a menstruant woman, Rabbi Yehuda exempts, even though ab initio, she should immerse herself, and one can say that her obligation of immersion was prevented. And we have already written above that she did not have to engage in ritual immersion because it was a decree that most of the community could not could not follow.

זב שראה קרי. אע״פ שטמא טומאת שבעה משום זיבה ואין טבילה זו מטהרתו, אפילו הכי צריך טבילה לדברי תורה כתקנת עזרא משום קרי. וכן נדה אם באה להתפלל ופולטת שכבת זרע הרי היא כבעל קרי. ושכבת זרע מטמא האשה בפליטתו כל שלשה ימים לאחר תשמיש. ולאחר מכאן כבר הסריח בגופה ואין ראוי עוד להיות ולד נוצר ממנו. והכי פירושו נדה שפלטה עתה תשמיש ששמשה אתמול קודם שראתה והמשמשת מטתה שראתה נדה אחר ששמשה צריכין טבילה:

ורבי יהודה פוטר. אף במשמשת שראתה נדה פטר ר׳ יהודה, ואף על גב דמעיקרא בת טבילה הות ואיכא למימר דלא פקעא חובת טבילה מינה. וכבר כתבנו לעיל דבטלוה לטבילותא מפני שהיתה תקנה שאין רוב הצבור יכולין לעמוד בה: