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Mishnayos Beitzah Perek 2 Mishnah 4

ביצה פרק ב׳ משנה ד׳


Beit Shammai say: One may bring peace-offerings on a Festival, but one may not place his hands on them, as this is considered using animals, which is prohibited on a Festival by rabbinic decree. However, one may not bring burnt-offerings, apart from the obligatory daily and additional offerings of the day, because burnt-offerings are consumed entirely on the altar and not by people, and slaughter is permitted on a Festival only for the purpose of human consumption. And Beit Hillel say: One may bring both peace-offerings and burnt-offerings, and one may even place his hands on them.

בֵּית שַׁמַּאי אוֹמְרִים, מְבִיאִין שְׁלָמִים וְאֵין סוֹמְכִין עֲלֵיהֶן, אֲבָל לֹא עוֹלוֹת. וּבֵית הִלֵּל אוֹמְרִים, מְבִיאִין שְׁלָמִים וְעוֹלוֹת וְסוֹמְכִין עֲלֵיהֶם:


מביאין שלמים – on Yom Tov/the Festival day, holiday peace-offerings, because there’re is through them the need for consumption by a person.

ואין סומכין עליהם – for laying of hands upon them is prohibited because of the rabbinic decree to enhance the character of the day as a day of rest, for he would lay his hands with all of his strength and he would be making use of animals, for he lays his hands on them on the Eve of the Festival day, for the School of Shammai does not hold by the rule that immediately after the lay of hands comes the slaughtering [of the animal] (see Mishnah Menahot, Chapter 9, Mishnah 8 at the conclusion).

אבל לא עולות – outside of the daily whole-offerings and Musaf/additional offerings which are a community sacrifice at a fixed time. But one should not bring an individual whole burnt-offering which cannot be consumed by a commoner (i.e., non-Kohen). But even the burnt-offerings for appearing [during the Festival in the Temple]are offered on the other days of the Festival, but not on the Festival day/Yom Tov, for the All-Merciful stated (Numbers 29:35): “[On the eight day] you shall hold a solemn gathering,” for you, but not for Most-High.

וב"ה אומרים – one brings festival peace offerings and whole burnt offerings for appearance [in the Temple], as it is written (Deuteronomy 16:8): “[After eating unleavened bread for six days,] you shall hold a solemn gathering for the LORD] your God on the seventh day…,” everything is for God. But vows and free-will donations, according to everyone are not offered on the Festival, neither whole burnt-offerings or peace-offerings.

מביאין שלמים ביו״ט. שלמי חגיגה. לפי שיש בהם צורך אכילה לאדם:

ואין סומכין עליהם. שהסמיכה אסורה משום שבות, שבכל כחו היה סומך והוה ליה משתמש בבעלי חיים. אלא סומכין עליהם מעיו״ט, דלית להו לב״ש תכף לסמיכה שחיטה:

אבל לא עולות. חוץ מתמידין ומוספין שהן קרבן צבור וזמנן קבוע. אבל לא יביא עולת יחיד שאין בה אכילת הדיוט. ואפילו עולות ראיה קרבות בשאר ימות הרגל ולא ביו״ט, דרחמנא אמר (במדבר כ״ט:ל״ה) עצרת תהיה לכם, לכם ולא לגבוה:

וב״ה אומרים. מביאים שלמי חגיגה ועולות ראיה. דכתיב (דברים ט״ז:ח׳) עצרת לה׳, כל דלה׳. אבל נדרים ונדבות דברי הכל אין קריבין ביו״ט לא עולות ולא שלמים: