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Mishnayos Bechoros Perek 8 Mishnah 9

בכורות פרק ח׳ משנה ט׳


The firstborn son takes a double portion, i.e., twice the portion taken by the other sons, when inheriting the property of the father, but he does not take twice the portion when inheriting the property of the mother. And neither does he take twice the portion in any enhancement of the value of the property after the death of the father, nor does he take twice the portion in property due the father, as he does in property the father possessed. And neither does a woman take these portions, i.e., any enhancement of the value of the property or the property due the husband, from her husband’s property for payment of her marriage contract upon her divorce or her husband’s death; nor do the daughters take this share of the property for their sustenance, to which they are entitled from their late father’s possessions. Nor does a man whose married brother died childless [yavam] receive these portions, even though he acquires his brother’s portion of their shared father’s inheritance after performing levirate marriage with his brother’s wife. The mishna summarizes: And all of them do not take a portion in any enhancement of the value of the property after the death of the owner, nor do they take a portion in property due the deceased, as they do in property in his possession.

הַבְּכוֹר נוֹטֵל פִּי שְׁנַיִם בְּנִכְסֵי הָאָב, וְאֵינוֹ נוֹטֵל פִּי שְׁנַיִם בְּנִכְסֵי הָאֵם. וְאֵינוֹ נוֹטֵל פִּי שְׁנַיִם בַּשֶּׁבַח, וְלֹא בָרָאוּי כְּבַמֻּחְזָק. וְלֹא הָאִשָּׁה בִּכְתֻבָּתָהּ, וְלֹא הַבָּנוֹת בִּמְזוֹנוֹתֵיהֶן, וְלֹא הַיָּבָם. וְכֻלָּן אֵין נוֹטְלִין בַּשֶּׁבַח, וְלֹא בָרָאוּי כְּבַמֻּחְזָק:


ולא בנכסי האם – the usufruct property (i.e., the wife’s personal property from which her husband is entitled to benefit – brought into the marriage from her father’s home and that is not included in her marriage contract, and property that she inherits or receives as a gift after her marriage) of the mother, as it is written (Deuteronomy 21:17): “since he is the first fruit of his vigor, the birthright is his due,” implying that it refers to that which is his (i.e., the father’s), that is to say, with his property, “the birthright is his due,” but not the property of his wife.

ואינו נוטל פי שים בשבח – if the property [of the father] grew in value after the death of the father prior to their dividing it, the first born does not take a double portion of the increased value/amelioration. But rather, they assess the property, what it was worth at the time of the death of the father and the first-born [son] takes a double portion of them alone, as it states (Deuteronomy 21:17): “and allot to him a double portion of all he possesses,” of what belonged to the father at the time of [his] death.

ולא בראוי (what is coming due to the estate [as he does of what is held in possession]) – in the property, for their father did not hold in possession at the time of his death, but other than what was appropriate to fall to him in inheritance, but what fell to them after a time, the first-born does not take from them a double portion.

ולא האשה בכתובתה – in the growth that accrued . But if the property [value] is not equivalent at the time of the death of her husband in order to the measure [of what is written] in her Ketubah, but afterwards it increased [in value], she does not take for her Ketubah settlement other than what they were worth [at the time of his death], and even though in general, the creditor collects the increase in value, this is one of the leniencies of the Ketubah that they taught here. And she does not take what is coming due to the estate as she does of what is held in possession.

ולא הבנות – [the daughters do not] take maintenance/alimentation after the death of their father according to the conditions of her (i.e., the wife’s) Ketubah (see Tractate Ketubot, Chapter 4, Mishnah 11), but the female children, they will be yours, but from me they may dwell in my house and are supported from my property. Not from the increase in value of the property nor from that which is appropriate to come after death. Since the maintenance of the daughters is from the conditions of the Ketubah, they are like the Ketubah itself.

ולא היבם – [the levir] who takes a portion of the [property] of the dead when he performs levirate marriage with his wife, he does not take the portion of his brother, neither from the increase [in value] nor form that which is coming due to the estate [over time]. What is the reason? The All-Merciful calls him “the first born (Deuteronomy 25:6): “The first son that she bears shall be accounted to the dead brother,” like the first-born son; just as the first-born does not take from the increase nor that which is appropriate to come [to him], so too the levir does not take neither the increase in value nor what is appropriate to come (i.e., what is expected to accrue to the estate).

וכולן אינן נוטלין בשבח – He teaches this again [in the Mishnah] to include increase that comes of its own accord/automatically, as for example, grain that was ruined when his father died and now it made ears of corn, or dates in the budding stage and they now became large dates. For if the Mishnah had only taught the first clause, I would think that the firstborn does not take a double-portion of the increase in value, that they words refer to the increase that his brother was busy with as for example the manuring of the fields and the crushing of the earth and the hoeing.

ולא בראוי כבמוחזק – to include [as well] if the father of their father was alive at the time of the death of their father, that the property would be appropriate to them [via inheritance] when he would die, even though that certainly, it would eventually fall to them, and even if he has another son, these would take the portion of their father, for I might think that it is like what is held in possession. Hence, this is not the case. For if only from the first clause of the Mishnah, I might think that what is appropriate according to what is taught in the first clause, the first born does not take, as for example, when the property of the brother of their father who did not have children fell to them at the time of the death of their father, it is not appropriate other than from doubt, for perhaps he will not have issue.

ולא בנכסי האם. נכסי מלוג של האם. דכתיב (דברים כ״א:י״ז) כי הוא ראשית אונו לו משפט הבכורה, משמע דאדידיה קאי, כלומר בנכסיו משפט הבכורה ולא בנכסי אשתו:

ואינו נוטל פי שנים בשבח. אם השביחו הנכסים לאחר מיתת האב קודם שחלקו, אין הבכור נוטל פי שנים בשבח. אלא שמין את הנכסים מה הן שוין בשעת מיתת אביהן והבכור נוטל פי שנים בהן בלבד, שנאמר (שם) בכל אשר ימצא לו, לאב בשעת מיתה:

בראוי. בנכסים שלא היה אביהן מוחזק בשעת מיתתו אבל ראויין היו ליפול לו בירושה ונפלו להן לאחר זמן, אין הבכור נוטל בהן פי שנים:

ולא האשה בכתובתה. בשבח שהשביחו. אם אין שוין הנכסים בשעת מיתת בעלה כדי שיעור כתובתה ואח״כ השביחו, אינה נוטלת כתובתה אלא כמה שהיו שוין. ואע״ג דבעלמא בעל חוב גובה השבח, מקולי כתובה שנו כאן. וכן אינה נוטלת בראוי כבמוחזק:

ולא הבנות. נוטלות מזונות לאחר מיתת אביהן בתנאי כתובה, ובנן נוקבין די יהוויין ליכי מנאי יהוויין יתבן בביתי ומתזנן מנכסאי, לא מן השבח שהשביחו הנכסים ולא מן הראוי לבוא לאחר מיתה. כיון דמזונות הבנות מתנאי כתובה הן ככתובה דמו:

ולא היבם. הנוטל חלק המת שיבם את אשתו, אינו נוטל חלק אחיו לא מן השבח ולא מן הראוי לבוא. מאי טעמא, דבכור קרייה רחמנא (דברים כ״ה:ו׳) והיה הבכור אשר תלד, כבכור, מה בכור אינו נוטל בשבח ולא בראוי לבוא, אף יבם אינו נוטל לא בשבח ולא בראוי לבוא:

וכולן אינן נוטלין בשבח. הדר תנא ליה, לאתויי שבחא דממילא, כגון תבואה שהיתה שחת כשמת אביו ועכשיו נעשו שבולים, או תמרים סמדר ונעשו עכשיו תמרים גדולים. דאי מרישא, הוה אמינא כי אין בכור נוטל פי שנים בשבח הני מילי בשבח שטרח בו אחיו כגון זיבול שדות וקשקוש ועידור:

ולא בראוי כבמוחזק. לאתויי אם היה אבי אביהם חי בשעת מיתת אביהם והיו נכסים ראויים ליפול להם כשימות, אע״ג דודאי עתידים ליפול להם ואפילו יש לו בן אחר יטלו אלו חלק אביהן, וסלקא דעתך אמינא דכמוחזק דמי, קמשמע לן. דאי מרישא, הוה אמינא ראוי דקתני רישא שאין הבכור נוטל בו, כגון שנפלו להן נכסי אחי אביהן שלא היו לו בנים בשעת מיתת אביהן, ואין ראויין אלא מספק דשמא לא יהיה לו זרע: