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Mishnayos Bechoros Perek 7 Mishnah 4

בכורות פרק ז׳ משנה ד׳


The mishna lists additional blemishes that disqualify a priest from performing the Temple service: If a priest’s eyes are large like those of a calf or small like those of a goose; if his body is disproportionately large relative to his limbs or disproportionately small relative to his limbs; if his nose is disproportionately large relative to his limbs or disproportionately small relative to his limbs, he is disqualified. And the tzomem and the tzome’a are also disqualified. What is a tzome’a? It is anyone whose ears are small. And what is the tzomem? It is anyone whose ears are similar to a sponge.

עֵינָיו גְּדוֹלוֹת כְּשֶׁל עֵגֶל, אוֹ קְטַנּוֹת כְּשֶׁל אַוָּז, גּוּפוֹ גָּדוֹל מֵאֵבָרָיו אוֹ קָטָן מֵאֵבָרָיו, חָטְמוֹ גָּדוֹל מֵאֵבָרָיו אוֹ קָטָן מֵאֵבָרָיו, הַצִּמֵּם, וְהַצִּמֵּעַ. אֵיזֶה הוּא צִמֵּעַ, שֶׁאָזְנָיו קְטַנּוֹת. וְהַצִּמֵּם, שֶׁאָזְנָיו דּוֹמוֹת לִסְפוֹג:


גופו גדול מיבריו – the measurement of his body is larger than appropriate according to the measurement of the remainder of his limbs, as for example, his hands, and his feet and his legs.

חוטמו גדול – the measurement of his nose is like the measurement of a small finger of his hand. But if it was long than this or shorter than this, it is a blemish.

דומות לספוג – shrunk and closed up.

גופו גדול מאיבריו. שיעור גופו גדול מן הראוי לפי שיעור שאר אבריו כגון ידיו ורגליו ושוקיו:

חוטמו גדול. שיעור החוטם כשיעור אצבע קטנה של ידו. ואם היה ארוך מכן או קצר מכן, הרי זה מום:

דומות לספוג. שכווצות וסתומות: