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Mishnayos Bava Metzia Perek 5 Mishnah 10

בבא מציעא פרק ה׳ משנה י׳


A person may say to another: Weed the wild growths from my field with me now, and I will weed your field with you at a later stage, or: Till my field with me today and I will till with you on a different day. But he may not say to him: Weed with me today and I will till with you a different day, or: Till with me today and I will weed with you, as due to the different nature of the tasks it is possible that one of them will have to work harder than the other did, which is a type of interest, since he repaid him with additional labor. All the dry days during the summer, when it does not rain, are viewed as one period, meaning that if they each agreed to work one day, the dry days are viewed as though they were all exactly equal in length, despite the slight differences between them. Similarly, all the rainy days are treated as one period. But he may not say to him: Plow with me in the dry season and I will plow with you in the rainy season. Rabban Gamliel says: There is a case of pre-paid interest, and there is also a case of interest paid later, both of which are prohibited. How so? If he had hopes of borrowing money from him in the future, and he sends him money or a gift and says: I am sending you this gift in order that you will lend to me, this is pre-paid interest. Similarly, if he borrowed money from him and subsequently returned his money, and he later sends a gift to him and says: I am sending you this gift in order to repay you for your money, which was idle with me, preventing you from earning a profit from it, this is interest paid later. Rabbi Shimon says: Not only is there interest consisting of payment of money or items, but there is also verbal interest. For example, the borrower may not say to the lender: You should know that so-and-so has come from such and such a place, when he is aware that this information is of significance to his creditor. Since his intention is to provide a benefit to the lender, he has effectively paid him an extra sum for the money he lent him, which constitutes interest.

אוֹמֵר אָדָם לַחֲבֵרוֹ, נַכֵּשׁ עִמִּי וַאֲנַכֵּשׁ עִמָּךְ, עֲדֹר עִמִּי וְאֶעְדֹּר עִמָּךְ, וְלֹא יֹאמַר לוֹ נַכֵּשׁ עִמִּי וְאֶעְדֹּר עִמָּךְ, עֲדֹר עִמִּי וַאֲנַכֵּשׁ עִמָּךְ. כָּל יְמֵי גָרִיד, אֶחָד. כָּל יְמֵי רְבִיעָה, אֶחָד. לֹא יֹאמַר לוֹ חֲרשׁ עִמִּי בַּגָּרִיד וַאֲנִי אֶחֱרשׁ עִמְּךָ בָּרְבִיעָה. רַבָּן גַּמְלִיאֵל אוֹמֵר, יֵשׁ רִבִּית מֻקְדֶּמֶת וְיֵשׁ רִבִּית מְאֻחֶרֶת. כֵּיצַד. נָתַן עֵינָיו לִלְווֹת הֵימֶנּוּ, וְהָיָה מְשַׁלֵּחַ לוֹ וְאוֹמֵר בִּשְׁבִיל שֶׁתַּלְוֵנִי, זוֹ הִיא רִבִּית מֻקְדֶּמֶת. לָוָה הֵימֶנּוּ וְהֶחֱזִיר לוֹ אֶת מְעוֹתָיו, וְהָיָה מְשַׁלֵּחַ לוֹ וְאָמַר בִּשְׁבִיל מְעוֹתֶיךָ שֶׁהָיוּ בְטֵלוֹת אֶצְלִי, זוֹ הִיא רִבִּית מְאֻחֶרֶת. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן אוֹמֵר, יֵשׁ רִבִּית דְּבָרִים, לֹא יֹאמַר לוֹ, דַּע כִּי בָא אִישׁ פְּלוֹנִי מִמָּקוֹם פְּלוֹנִי:


נכש עמי – [weed with me] today, and I will weed with you tomorrow. Weeding is the removal of bad grasses that grow in the grain.

עדור – dig

לא יאמר לו נכש עמי ואעדור עמך – sometimes this one is harder than that one, and there is here compensation for waiting (i.e., advancing the money to the seller – see Bava Metzia 63b).

כל ימי גריד אחד – and we are not troubled if one day is greater than its neighbor (i.e., during the dry season/summer); and similarly, all the days of rainfall [in the autumn] are one, and it is permissible to say, hoe/dig with me on this day of the dry season/days of sunlight and I hoe/dig with you one day of the dry season/days of sunlight, and similarly with the days of rainfall.

גריד – days of the sunlight.

רביעה – days of rainfall.

ואני אחרוש עמך ברביעה – for the days of rainfall are more difficult for the work in the fields

נכש עמי. היום ואנכש עמך למחר. ניכוש הוא עקירת העשבים הרעים הגדלים בתבואה:

עדור. חפור:

לא יאמר לו נכש עמי ואעדור עמך. פעמים שזו קשה מזו, ויש כאן אגר נטר:

כל ימי גריד אחד. ולא חיישינן אם יום אחד גדול מחבירו. וכן כל ימי רביעה אחד. ומותר לומר עדור עמי יום זה של גריד. ואני אעדור עמך יום אחר של גריד. וכן ברביעה:

גריד. ימות החמה:

רביעה. ימות הגשמים:

ואני אחרוש עמך ברביעה. שימי רביעה קשים למלאכה שבשדות: