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Mishnayos Bava Kamma Perek 8 Mishnah 1

בבא קמא פרק ח׳ משנה א׳


One who injures another is liable to pay compensation for that injury due to five types of indemnity: He must pay for damage, for pain, for medical costs, for loss of livelihood, and for humiliation. How is payment for damage assessed? If one blinded another’s eye, severed his hand, broke his leg, or caused any other injury, the court views the injured party as though he were a slave being sold in the slave market, and the court appraises how much he was worth before the injury and how much he is worth after the injury. The difference between these two sums is the amount that one must pay for causing damage. How is payment for pain assessed? If one burned another with a skewer [beshapud] or with a hot nail, or even if one burned another on his fingernail, which is a place where he does not cause a bruise that would affect the victim’s value on the slave market, the court evaluates how much money a person with a similar threshold for pain as the victim is willing to take in order to be made to suffer in this way. The one who burned the victim must then pay this amount. How is payment for medical costs assessed? If one struck another, then he is liable to heal him by paying for his medical costs. In a case where growths, e.g., blisters or rashes, appeared on the injured party, if the growths are due to the blow, the one who struck him is liable; if the growths are not due to the blow, the one who struck him is exempt. In a case where the wound healed, and then reopened, and again healed, and then reopened, the one who struck him remains liable to heal the injured party by paying for his medical costs, as it is apparent that the current wound resulted from the original injury. If the injury healed fully, the one who struck him is not liable to heal him by paying for any subsequent medical costs. How is payment for loss of livelihood assessed? The court views the injured party as though he were a watchman of cucumbers, and the one who caused him injury must compensate him based on that pay scale for the income that he lost during his convalescence. This indemnity does not take into account the value of the standard wages of the injured party because the one who caused him injury already gave him compensation for his hand or compensation for his leg, and that compensation took into account his professional skills. How is payment for humiliation assessed? It all depends on the stature of the one who humiliates the other and the one who is humiliated. One who humiliates a naked person, or one who humiliates a blind person, or one who humiliates a sleeping person is liable, but a sleeping person who humiliates another is exempt. If one fell from the roof onto another person, and thereby caused him damage and humiliated him, then the one who fell is liable for the indemnity of damage, since a person is always considered forewarned, and exempt from the indemnity of humiliation, as it is stated: “and putting out her hand, she takes hold of his private parts” (Deuteronomy 25:11); a person is not liable for humiliation unless he intends to humiliate the other person.

הַחוֹבֵל בַּחֲבֵרוֹ חַיָּב עָלָיו מִשּׁוּם חֲמִשָּׁה דְבָרִים, בְּנֶזֶק, בְּצַעַר, בְּרִפּוּי, בְּשֶׁבֶת, וּבְבֹשֶׁת. בְּנֶזֶק כֵּיצַד. סִמָּא אֶת עֵינוֹ, קָטַע אֶת יָדוֹ, שִׁבֵּר אֶת רַגְלוֹ, רוֹאִין אוֹתוֹ כְּאִלּוּ הוּא עֶבֶד נִמְכָּר בַּשּׁוּק וְשָׁמִין כַּמָּה הָיָה יָפֶה וְכַמָּה הוּא יָפֶה. צַעַר, כְּוָאוֹ בְשַׁפּוּד אוֹ בְמַסְמֵר, וַאֲפִלּוּ עַל צִפָּרְנוֹ, מְקוֹם שֶׁאֵינוֹ עוֹשֶׂה חַבּוּרָה, אוֹמְדִין כַּמָּה אָדָם כַּיּוֹצֵא בָזֶה רוֹצֶה לִטֹּל לִהְיוֹת מִצְטַעֵר כָּךְ. רִפּוּי, הִכָּהוּ חַיָּב לְרַפְּאֹתוֹ. עָלוּ בוֹ צְמָחִים, אִם מֵחֲמַת הַמַּכָּה, חַיָּב. שֶׁלֹּא מֵחֲמַת הַמַּכָּה, פָּטוּר. חָיְתָה וְנִסְתְּרָה, חָיְתָה וְנִסְתְּרָה, חַיָּב לְרַפְּאֹתוֹ. חָיְתָה כָל צָרְכָּהּ, אֵינוֹ חַיָּב לְרַפְּאֹתוֹ. שֶׁבֶת, רוֹאִין אוֹתוֹ כְּאִלוּ הוּא שׁוֹמֵר קִשּׁוּאִין, שֶׁכְּבָר נָתַן לוֹ דְמֵי יָדוֹ וּדְמֵי רַגְלוֹ. בֹּשֶׁת, הַכֹּל לְפִי הַמְבַיֵּשׁ וְהַמִּתְבַּיֵּשׁ. הַמְבַיֵּשׁ אֶת הֶעָרֹם, הַמְבַיֵּשׁ אֶת הַסּוּמָא, וְהַמְבַיֵּשׁ אֶת הַיָּשֵׁן, חַיָּב. וְיָשֵׁן שֶׁבִּיֵּשׁ, פָּטוּר. נָפַל מִן הַגָּג, וְהִזִּיק וּבִיֵּשׁ, חַיָּב עַל הַנֶּזֶק וּפָטוּר עַל הַבֹּשֶׁת, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (דברים כה) וְשָׁלְחָה יָדָהּ וְהֶחֱזִיקָה בִּמְבֻשָׁיו, אֵינוֹ חַיָּב עַל הַבֹּשֶׁת עַד שֶׁיְהֵא מִתְכַּוֵּן:


החובל. וכמה הוא יפה – for if he needed to, he would sell himself as a Hebrew slave. But the one who damages him causes him the loss of this money.

כיוצא בזה – according to what he enjoys, the greatness of his trouble and pain.

צמחין – white pustules.

שבת – all the days of the illness, we see him as if he is watchman of cucumbers and provide his salary of each day. For behold he is not fit for another labor even without illness for his hand is cut off or his leg and he has already been given their value.

הכל לפי המבייש – an unimportant man who was put to shame, his insult is greater.

והמתבייש – according to his importance is his shame [greater]. And each of these five things are derived from Biblical verses. Damages/נזק, as it is written (Exodus 21:24): “eye for eye” – and that does not mean to say an actual eye, as it is written (Numbers 35:31): “You may not accept a ransom for the life of a murderer.” For the life of a murderer you don’t take a ransom, but you do take a ransom for the heads of his limbs, for if he blinded he eye of his fellow, we give him the value of the eye, and that is “eye for an eye.” Pain/צער – we derive from (Exodus 21:25): “wound for wound.”. For it is an additional verse making him liable for the pain and even in the place of damage. And you should not say, behold he acquired his hand, and he now must cut it off. But we say that he should have cut it off with a drug, and this one severed it with iron and caused him pain. Therefore, he pays for the pain [that he caused]. ריפוי ושבת /healing and idleness/sitting. (Exodus 21:19): “Except that he must pay for his idleness and his cure,” and specifically if the illness comes on account of the wound. But if the hill person was negligent regarding himself and transgressed the words of the physician, the one who did damage is not liable for idleness and healing for we require on account of negligence. בשת/insult or indignity – as it is written (Deuteronomy 25:12): “You shall cut off her hand; [show no pity] – it is money. And the law of the Torah is that one cannot judge aa single law in the world other than judges who are ordained in the Land of Israel, as it is written (Exodus 22:8): “the case of both parties shall come before God.” And they [who judge] are not called "אלהים"/God, other than those who are ordained in the Land of Israel. But loans, business transactions, agreements by which one’s landed estate is mortgaged in the form of a sale from date (independent of he loan to consummated afterwards so that at a certain date the creditor can claim the property, even if sold in the meantime, by referring to the priority of his purchase (i.e., deeds of transfer), admissions and denials, we adjudicate them outside the Land [of Israel] as if they (i.e., the judges) are representatives of the Jewish court of the Land of Israel and their agency we make use of. And this alone in a found matter where there is a [potential] loss of money [and similarly] an animal that damaged with the tooth or the foot and they are forewarned, or if a man caused damage to an animal. But an animal that caused damage to a person, or a person to another person, we don’t judge hem outside the Land [of Israel] at all. Rather, we excommunicate the person who wounds or the one who causes damage, until he go up with his fellow litigant to the Land of Israel or that he will provide, through the path of compromise, something close to what appears in the eyes of the judge. But a limited matter, they don’t render a decision upon. And the same law applies to fines that written in the Torah and in all of them is Talmudic learning: We don’t collect them – the judges of the Diaspora, but rather we excommunicate whomever is liable for them as we have explained.

החובל. וכמה הוא יפה. שאם היה צריך היה מוכר עצמו בעבד עברי, וזה שהזיקו הפסידו ממון זה:

כיוצא בזה. לפי מה שהוא מעונג רב צערו וכאבו:

צמחין. אבעבועות לבנות:

שבת. כל ימי החולי רואין אותו כאילו הוא שומר קישואין ונותן שכירותו של כל יום, שהרי אין ראוי למלאכה אחרת אפילו בלא חולי, שהרי נקטע ידו ורגלו והוא כבר נתן לו דמיהן:

הכל לפי המבייש. אדם קל שבייש בשתו מרובה:

והמתבייש. לפי חשיבותו בשתו מרובה. וכולהו חמשה דברים מקרא נפקי. נזק, דכתיב (שמות כ״א:כ״ד) עין תחת עין, ואין לומר עין ממש דכתיב (במדבר ל״ה:ל״א) ולא תקחו כופר לנפש רוצח, לנפש רוצח אי אתה לוקח כופר אבל אתה לוקח כופר לראשי אברים, שאם סימא את עין חברו נותן לו דמי עינו, והיינו עין תחת עין. צער, נפקא לן מפצע תחת פצע (שמות כ״א:כ״ד), דקרא יתירא הוא לחייב על הצער ואפילו במקום נזק. דלא תימא הרי קנה ידו ויש עליו לחתכה, אלא אומרים היה עליו לחתכה בסם וזה חתכה בברזל וצערו, לפיכך משלם את הצער. ריפוי ושבת, רק שבתו יתן ורפא ירפא (שם). ודוקא כשהחולי בא מחמת מכה. אבל אם פשע החולה בעצמו ועבר על דברי הרופא, שוב אין המזיק חייב בשבת וריפוי שצריכין מחמת פשיעותא. בושת, דכתיב (דברים כ״ה) וקצותה את בפה, ממון. ודין תורה שאין יכולים לדון בשום דין שבעולם אלא דיינים הסמובים בארץ ישראל, דכתיב (שמות כ״ב:ח׳) עד האלהים יבוא דבר שניהם, ואין נקראים אלהים אלא דיינים הסמוכים בארץ ישראל. אלא שבהלואות ומקח וממכר והקנאות והודאות ובפירות דנין בהם בחוצה לארץ באילו הם שלוחים של בית דין של ארץ ישראל ושליחותייהו קעבדינן. וזה בלבד בדבר המצוי ויש בו חסרון כיס, וכן בהמה שהזיקה בשן ורגל שהם מועדים, או שהזיק אדם בבהמה. אבל בהמה שהזיקה אדם, או אדם באדם, אין דנין אותו בחוץ לארץ כלל, אלא מנדין את החובל או את המזיק עד שיעלה עם בעל דינו לארץ ישראל או שיתן דרך פשרה קרוב למה שנראה בעיני הדיין, אבל דבר קצוב אין פוסקים עליו. וכן הדין בכל הקנסות הכתובות בתורה ובכולה תלמודא, אין גובין אותן דייני חוצה לארץ, אלא שמנדין מי שנתחייב בהן כמו שביארנו: