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Mishnayos Bava Kamma Perek 7 Mishnah 2

בבא קמא פרק ז׳ משנה ב׳


The mishna lists a series of cases in which a thief is required to pay the fourfold or fivefold penalty. If one stole an animal, as established based on the testimony of two witnesses, and he subsequently slaughtered the animal or sold it, also based on the testimony of the same witnesses, or based on the testimony of two other witnesses, he pays the fourfold or fivefold payment. If one stole an animal and sold it on Shabbat, or if he stole it and sold it for idol worship, or if he stole it and slaughtered it on Yom Kippur, he pays the fourfold or fivefold payment. Although his sale or slaughter in these circumstances involved a sin, he is not liable to receive the death penalty for the sale and must consequently pay the fourfold or fivefold payment. If one stole an animal of his father’s and then slaughtered it or sold it, and afterward his father died and he inherited his father’s estate either on his own or in partnership with his brothers, or if he stole an animal and slaughtered it and afterward he consecrated it, he pays the fourfold or fivefold payment. In the case of one who stole an animal and slaughtered it, not for the purpose of eating its meat, but to use it for medicinal purposes or to feed the meat to dogs, and likewise a thief who slaughters the animal to eat its meat but it was found to be an animal with a condition that will cause it to die within twelve months [tereifa], or a thief who slaughters a non-sacred animal in the Temple courtyard, he pays the fourfold or fivefold payment. Rabbi Shimon exempts the thief from the fourfold or fivefold payment in these last two cases, as he maintains that the legal status of an act of slaughter that is not fit for accomplishing its full ritual purpose is not considered an act of slaughter.

גָּנַב עַל פִּי שְׁנַיִם, וְטָבַח וּמָכַר עַל פִּיהֶם אוֹ עַל פִּי שְׁנַיִם אֲחֵרִים, מְשַׁלֵּם תַּשְׁלוּמֵי אַרְבָּעָה וַחֲמִשָּׁה. גָּנַב וּמָכַר בְּשַׁבָּת, גָּנַב וּמָכַר לַעֲבוֹדָה זָרָה, גָּנַב וְטָבַח בְּיוֹם הַכִּפּוּרִים, גָּנַב מִשֶּׁל אָבִיו וְטָבַח וּמָכַר וְאַחַר כָּךְ מֵת אָבִיו, גָּנַב וְטָבַח וְאַחַר כָּךְ הִקְדִּישׁ, מְשַׁלֵּם תַּשְׁלוּמֵי אַרְבָּעָה וַחֲמִשָּׁה. גָּנַב וְטָבַח לִרְפוּאָה אוֹ לִכְלָבִים, הַשּׁוֹחֵט וְנִמְצָא טְרֵפָה, הַשּׁוֹחֵט חֻלִּין בָּעֲזָרָה, מְשַׁלֵּם תַּשְׁלוּמֵי אַרְבָּעָה וַחֲמִשָּׁה. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן פּוֹטֵר בִּשְׁנֵי אֵלּוּ:


גנב על פי שנים – meaning to say that two testify against him that he stole.

גנב ומכר בשבת – but he slaughtered which is punishable by stoning, he who has committed two offenses simultaneously, must be held answerable for the severer only.

וטבח ביום הכפורים – for his wanton violation is not punishable other than through extirpation, and such as the case where they (i.e., the witnesses) didn’t warn him and they ae not whipped for we hold that all who are liable for flogging are those who act inadvertently, but are liable for payment, but those who are liable for the death penalty at the hands of the Jewish court , even inadvertently, are exempt from payment.

וטבח ומכר ואחר כך מת אביו – but if his father died and afterwards, he slaughtered [the animal], it (i.e., the Mishnah] taught at the conclusion that he is exempt, because he is slaughtering what is his and selling what is his, for he inherited his father.

בשני אלו – with an animal torn by wild beasts and with non-holy produce eaten in the Temple courtyard, for Rabbi Shimon holds that slaughter that is not worthy is not called slaughtering, but for medicinal purposes and for dogs, it is an appropriate slaughter, and if he wants he can eat from it.

גנב על פי שנים. כלומר שנים מעידין אותו שגנב:

גנב ומכר בשבת. אבל טבח שהוא ענוש סקילה. קם ליה בדרבה מיניה:

וטבח ביום הכפורים. שאין זדונו אלא כרת. וכגון דלא אתרו ביה ולא לקי, דקיימא לן כל חייבי מלקיות שוגגים חייבים בתשלומין. אבל חייבי מיתות ב״ד, אפילו שוגגים פטורים מן התשלומין:

וטבח ומכר ואחר כך מת אביו. אבל מת אביו ואחר כך טבח, תנא סיפא דפטור, דשלו הוא טובח ושלו הוא מוכר, שהרי ירש את אביו:

בשני אלו. בטרפה ובחולין בעזרה. דקסבר ר״ש שחיטה שאינה ראויה לאו שמה שחיטה. אבל לרפואה ולכלבים, שחיטה ראויה היא, דאי בעי מצי אכיל מינה: