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Mishnayos Bava Kamma Perek 5 Mishnah 3

בבא קמא פרק ה׳ משנה ג׳


Similarly, if one brought his ox into the homeowner’s courtyard without permission, and the homeowner’s ox gored it or the homeowner’s dog bit it, the homeowner is exempt. If it gored the homeowner’s ox, the owner of the goring ox is liable. Furthermore, if the ox that he brought into the courtyard without permission fell into the owner’s pit and contaminated its water, the owner of the ox is liable to pay compensation for despoiling the water. If the homeowner’s father or son were inside the pit at the time the ox fell and the person died as a result, the owner of the ox pays the ransom. But if he brought the ox into the courtyard with permission, the owner of the courtyard is liable for the damage caused. Rabbi Yehuda HaNasi says: The homeowner is not liable in any of the cases in the mishna, even if he gave his permission for the items to be brought into his premises, unless he explicitly accepts responsibility upon himself to safeguard them.

הִכְנִיס שׁוֹרוֹ לַחֲצַר בַּעַל הַבַּיִת שֶׁלֹּא בִרְשׁוּת, וּנְגָחוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ שֶׁל בַּעַל הַבַּיִת, אוֹ שֶׁנְּשָׁכוֹ כַלְבּוֹ שֶׁל בַּעַל הַבַּיִת, פָּטוּר. נָגַח הוּא שׁוֹרוֹ שֶׁל בַּעַל הַבַּיִת, חַיָּב. נָפַל לְבוֹרוֹ וְהִבְאִישׁ מֵימָיו, חַיָּב. הָיָה אָבִיו אוֹ בְנוֹ לְתוֹכוֹ, מְשַׁלֵּם אֶת הַכֹּפֶר. וְאִם הִכְנִיס בִּרְשׁוּת, בַּעַל הֶחָצֵר חַיָּב. רַבִּי אוֹמֵר, בְּכֻלָּן אֵינוֹ חַיָּב, עַד שֶׁיְּקַבֵּל עָלָיו לִשְׁמֹר:


היה אביו או בנו – of the owner of the house were in it (i.e., the cistern) and the same law applies for the rest of the people, but [the Mishnah] took a usual incident.

משלם את הכופר – as for example, the [owner of the] animal had been forewarned to cause himself to fall upon on people in cisterns and currently saw herbs in the pit and caused itself to fall into the cistern to eat the herbs and killed a person, that the [owner of the] ox is exempt from the death penalty, for it killed without intention. But the owners [of the ox] pay the ransom, for it includes the ransom even if the animal killed without intention, as we have stated above.

רבי אומר וכו' – And the Halakha is according to Rabbi [Yehuda HaNasi]. Therefore, if [the owner of] the animal led his ox [into the courtyard] with the permission of the owner of house, in an undefined manner, and he didn’t accept upon himself to guard [the animal], the owner of the house is exempt, for he did not accept upon himself watching/proper care. And the one who brings it (i.e., the animal) in is also exempt [from liability] because he brought it (i.e., the animal) in with permission.

היה אביו או בנו. של בעל הבית בתובו. והוא הדין לשאר אנשים, אלא אורחא דמלתא נקט:

משלם את הכופר. וכגון שהיה מועד להפיל עצמו על בני אדם בבורות, והאידנא חזי ירקא בבור והפיל עצמו לבור לאכול ירקא והרג את האדם, שהשור פטור ממיתה הואיל והרג שלא בכוונה, והבעלים משלמין את הכופר, דאתרבי כופר אפילו שהרג שלא בכונה כדאמרינן לעיל:

רבי אומר וכו׳ והלכה כרבי. הלכך אם הכניס שורו ברשות בעל הבית סתם ולא קיבל עליו לשמור, בעה״ב פטור דהא לא קבל עליה נטירותא. והמכניס נמי פטור, לפי שהכניס ברשות: