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Mishnayos Bava Basra Perek 8 Mishnah 6

בבא בתרא פרק ח׳ משנה ו׳


One who says: This is my son, is deemed credible. One who says: This is my brother, is not deemed credible with regard to his other brothers’ obligation to share the inheritance with the subject of his statement. When one claims that this man is his brother, this claim is accepted with regard to the speaker’s own portion, and the man in question takes a share of their father’s inheritance with him, i.e., from his portion. If the man in question dies, the property he received from the father’s inheritance shall return to its place, i.e., to the possession of the brother who testified on his behalf, from whose portion he received a share. If property came into the man in question’s possession from somewhere else, other than from the father, and the man in question died, all of the brothers of the one who testified shall inherit with the one who testified, as according to his claim they too are the heirs of the deceased. With regard to one who died, and a will written by a person on his deathbed [dayetikei] is found bound to his thigh, which clearly indicates that it was written by him and was not forged, this is nothing. The will is not valid, as he did not give it to anyone, and he may have reconsidered. If he transferred ownership of the will to the designated recipient through another person, whether one of the heirs or whether not one of the heirs, his statement stands.

הָאוֹמֵר זֶה בְּנִי, נֶאֱמָן. זֶה אָחִי, אֵינוֹ נֶאֱמָן וְנוֹטֵל עִמּוֹ בְּחֶלְקוֹ. מֵת, יַחְזְרוּ נְכָסִים לִמְקוֹמָן. נָפְלוּ לוֹ נְכָסִים מִמָּקוֹם אַחֵר, יִירְשׁוּ אֶחָיו עִמּוֹ. מִי שֶׁמֵּת וְנִמְצֵאת דְּיָתֵיקֵי קְשׁוּרָה עַל יְרֵכוֹ, הֲרֵי זוֹ אֵינָהּ כְּלוּם. זִכָּה בָהּ לְאַחֵר, בֵּין מִן הַיּוֹרְשִׁין בֵּין שֶׁאֵינוֹ מִן הַיּוֹרְשִׁין, דְּבָרָיו קַיָּמִין:


זה בני נאנון – to inherit him and to exempt his wife from levirate marriage.

זה אחי אינו נאמן – to cause him to inherit with his brothers, for they do not recognize him.

ונוטל עמו בחלקו – as for example, if they are two brothers, besides the doubt, and they have to divide three fields, This one takes a field and one-half, and that one takes a field and one-half, and the third one testifies on the doubt that he is their brother, he gives him one-half of the field, but the other does not give him anything, or he says to him: “bring proof and then take.”

מת – [the one about whom there is] doubt.

יחזרו – those properties that his brothers gave him.

למקומן – meaning to say, to whomever had given them to him, but the other brothers do not inherit with him.

נפלו לו – to the one [about whom there is] doubt.

נכסים ממקום אחר – during his lifetime; or he bought property and now is dead.

ירשו אחיו – of the one who testifies that he is their brother.

עמו – for surely he admits to them that he is their brother, but these words [concern] when the rest of the brothers did not deny to state that he definitely is not their brother, but rather claim that they don’t recognize him, but if they deny that he is their brother, they do not inherit him other than the one who testified about him alone.

דיאתיקי – a will of someone on his deathbed. And the language of דיאתיקי is this what shall be established and come to pass.

קשורה לו ביריכו – that is not to say that after it was written and placed there, even so it is worthless, for he did not complete to transfer possession other than with the receipt of a document, but there is no document after death.

זה בני נאמן. ליורשו ולפטור את אשתו מן היבום:

זה אחי אינו נאמן. להורישו עם אחיו, שהרי אינן מכירים אותו:

ונוטל עמו בחלקו. כגון אם הם שני אחים לבד הספק, ויש להם לחלק שלש שדות, זה נוטל שדה ומחצה וזה נוטל שדה ומחצה, וזה שמעיד על הספק שהוא אחיו, נותן לו חצי השדה, והאחר אינו נותן לו כלום, דאמר ליה הבא ראיה ושקול:

מת. הספק:

יחזרו. אותן הנכסים שנתן לו אחיו:

למקומן. כלומר למי שנתנם לו. אבל שאר אחים אין יורשים עמו:

נפלו לו. לספק:

נכסים ממקום אחר. בחייו. או קנה נכסים ועכשיו מת:

יורשו אחיו. של זה שהיה מעיד שהוא אחיו:

עמו. דהא קא מודי להו שאחיהם הוא. והני מילי בדלא כפרו שאר האחין לומר ודאי שאינו אחיהן, אלא טוענים שאינן מכירים אותו. אבל אם כפרו בו שאינו אחיהם, לא יירשנו אלא זה שהעיד לו בלבד:

דייתיקי. צוואת שכיב מרע. ולשון דייתיקי דא תהא למיקם ולמיהוי:

קשורה על יריכו. דליכא למימר אחר כתבה ונתנה שם, אפילו הכי הרי זו אינה כלום, שהרי לא גמר להקנות אלא בקבלת השטר ואין שטר לאחר מיתה: