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Mishnayos Bava Basra Perek 6 Mishnah 4

בבא בתרא פרק ו׳ משנה ד׳


With regard to one who sells a plot of land to another, with the buyer intending to build a bridal house for his son or a widowhood home for his daughter on that plot, and similarly, with regard to a contractor who receives a plot of land from another under a commission to build for the owner on that land a bridal house for his son, or a widowhood home for his daughter, the terms of the transaction are a matter of dispute. The mishna presents the dispute: In the latter case, the contractor must build a building that is at least four cubits by six cubits in size, and similarly, in the case of the sale, the seller must provide a plot of land that can accommodate a building of that size; this is the statement of Rabbi Akiva. Rabbi Yishmael says: A structure of this size is a cowshed, and a bridal house or a widowhood home is larger than that. One who wants to construct a cowshed builds a structure at least four cubits by six cubits in size. The mishna delineates the standard dimensions for various other structures. A small house is six by eight cubits. A large house is eight by ten cubits. A banquet hall [teraklin] is ten by ten cubits. The standard height for each of these structures is equal to the sum of half its length and half its width. There is a proof of the matter; Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel says: The proportions are like the building of the Sanctuary; it was forty cubits wide and twenty cubits long and its height was thirty cubits, which is the sum of half the width and half the length.

הַמּוֹכֵר מָקוֹם לַחֲבֵרוֹ לִבְנוֹת לוֹ בַיִת, וְכֵן הַמְקַבֵּל מֵחֲבֵרוֹ לִבְנוֹת לוֹ בֵית חַתְנוּת לִבְנוֹ וּבֵית אַלְמְנוּת לְבִתּוֹ, בּוֹנֶה אַרְבַּע אַמּוֹת עַל שֵׁשׁ, דִּבְרֵי רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא. רַבִּי יִשְׁמָעֵאל אוֹמֵר, רֶפֶת בָּקָר הוּא זֶה. הָרוֹצֶה לַעֲשׂוֹת רֶפֶת בָּקָר, בּוֹנֶה אַרְבַּע אַמּוֹת עַל שֵׁשׁ. בַּיִת קָטָן, שֵׁשׁ עַל שְׁמֹנֶה. גָדוֹל, שְׁמֹנֶה עַל עֶשֶׂר. טְרַקְלִין, עֶשֶׂר עַל עֶשֶׂר. רוּמוֹ כַּחֲצִי אָרְכּוֹ וְכַחֲצִי רָחְבּוֹ. רְאָיָה לַדָּבָר, הֵיכָל. רַבָּן שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן גַּמְלִיאֵל אוֹמֵר, הַכֹּל כְּבִנְיַן הֵיכָל:


בית חתנות לבנו – for it is way of a person to make a house for his son when he gets married to a woman.

בית אלמנות לבתו – when her husband dies and she returns to the house of her father, but during the life of her husband, she is with her husband, for it is not the way for the a groom to live with his father-in-law.

רפת בקר הוא זה – he would need to make it much bigger.

בית קטן – the least of these houses is six [cubits] by eight [cubits]. But a person who sells his friend a place, undefined to make for himself a house, it must be six [cubits] by eight [cubits].

גדול – and if he specified to make for him a large house.

טרקלין – it is made for the seating of princes.

רומו כחצי ארכו וכחצי רחבו – it refers to all of them, meaning for a small house, its height is seven [cubits] and for a large house, nine [cubits] and for a reception room, ten [cubits].

ראיה לדבר היכל – that its length was forty [cubits] and its width twenty [cubits] and its height thirty [cubits], which are one-half its length and width (see First Kings, Chapter 6, verses 2 and 17 for a description of the First Temple and Tractate Middot, Chapter 4, Mishnayot 6-7 for a description of the Second Temple).

הכל כבנין היכל – There is one who say that what is taught in the Mishnah above that its height should be [the sum of] half of its length and half of its width (see also Tractate Eruvin, Chapter 6, Mishnah 6). The proof of the matter is the Sanctuary/Temple. Rabban Shimon ben Gamaliel taught it as Rabbi Shimon ben Gamaliel states: הכל כבנין היכל/Everything should be in accord with the building of the Sanctuary/Temple. But there is one who says that Rabban Shimon ben Gamaliel disputes with the first Tanna/teacher [of the Mishnah] and expresses astonishment in asking: “Should everything be in accordance with the Sanctuary/Temple?” The matter is not dependent upon anything but the custom of the country.

בית חתנות לבנו. שדרך אדם לעשות לבנו בית כשנושא אשה:

בית אלמנות לבתו. כשמת בעלה ושבה אל בית אביה. אבל בחיי בעלה היא אצל בעלה, שאין דרך חתן לדור עם חמיו:

רפת בקר הוא זה. וצריך לעשותו גדול יותר:

בית קטן. הפחות שבבתים הוא שש על שמונה. והמוכר מקום לחבירו סתם לעשות לו בית צריך שיהיה שש על שמונה:

גדול. ואם פי׳ לעשות לו בית גדול:

טרקלין. עשוי למושב שרים:

רומו כחצי ארכו וכחצי רחבו. אכולהו קאי, דהיינו בבית קטן רומו שבעה, ובבית גדול תשעה, וטרקלין עשר:

ראיה לדבר היכל. שהיה ארכו ארבעים ורחבו עשרים ורומו שלשים, שהם חצי ארכו ורחבו:

הכל כבנין היכל. איכא דאמרי הא דתנן לעיל רומו כחצי ארכו וכחצי רחבו, ראיה לדבר היכל, רשב״ג קתני לה, שרשב״ג אומר הכל כבנין היכל. ואיכא דאמרי רשב״ג פליג את״ק ואתמוהי קא מתמה, וכי הכל בונים כבנין היכל, אין הדבר תלוי אלא במנהג המדינה: