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Mishnayos Bava Basra Perek 5 Mishnah 11

בבא בתרא פרק ה׳ משנה י"א


Rabban Shimon ben Gamliel said: In what case is this statement, that it is necessary to clean a measuring vessel, said? With regard to moist items, which are likely to adhere to the measuring vessels. But with regard to dry goods, which do not adhere to the measuring vessels, one does not need to clean his measuring vessels. And before adding the weights and merchandise the seller is obligated to let the pans of the scale that will hold the merchandise tilt an extra handbreadth for the buyer by adding a weight to that side. If the seller weighed for him exactly, i.e., with the scales equally balanced initially, instead of allowing the scales to tilt an extra handbreadth, he must give the buyer additional amounts [geirumin], an additional one-tenth in the case of liquids sold by weight, and an additional one-twentieth in the case of dry goods. The mishna continues to discuss the correct method of weighing: In a place where they were accustomed to measure merchandise in several stages with a small measuring vessel, one may not measure all the items at once with a single large measuring vessel. In a place where they measure with one large measuring vessel, one may not measure with several small measuring vessels. In a place where the custom is to level the top of the measuring vessel to remove substances heaped above its edges, one may not heap it, and where the custom is to heap it, one may not level it.

אָמַר רַבָּן שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן גַּמְלִיאֵל, בַּמֶּה דְבָרִים אֲמוּרִים, בַּלַּח. אֲבָל בַּיָּבֵשׁ, אֵינוֹ צָרִיךְ. וְחַיָּב לְהַכְרִיעַ לוֹ טֶפַח. הָיָה שׁוֹקֵל לוֹ עַיִן בְּעַיִן, נוֹתֵן לוֹ גֵרוּמָיו, אֶחָד לַעֲשָׂרָה בַּלַּח וְאֶחָד לְעֶשְׂרִים בַּיָּבֵשׁ. מְקוֹם שֶׁנָּהֲגוּ לָמֹד בַּדַּקָּה, לֹא יָמֹד בַּגַּסָּה. בַּגַּסָּה, לֹא יָמֹד בַּדַּקָּה. לִמְחֹק, לֹא יִגְדֹּשׁ. לִגְדֹּשׁ, לֹא יִמְחֹק:


וחייב להכריע טפח – from the weight a liter and beyond, but less than a liter, he doesn’t need the customary additional weight in retail of a handbreadth (see Tractate Bava Batra 89a).

היה שוקל עין בעין – as for example, in a place where they did not have the practice of the customary additional weight in retail of a handbreadth and he restores the reed of the balance equally.

נותן לו את הגירומין – his customary additional weight in retailing for every ten liters, he adds one-tenth of a liter which is 1/100 when he sells liquid/moist, and with dry [products], he adds [one-half] of one tenth of a liter to every twenty liters.

למוד בדקה – with a small measure.

לא ימוד בגסה – with a large measure, for there is loss to the purchaser as he doesn’t give him anything other than the one customary additional weight in retailing. But he should need to give him many customary additional weights in retailing.

למחוק – to remove what goes upon the rim of the measure.

לא יגדוש – and even though he adds cost to him.

ימחוק – and even though he lessens for him from the payment.

וחייב להכריע טפח. ממשקל ליטרא ואילך. אבל פחות מליטרא אין צריך הכרע טפח:

היה שוקל עין בעין. כגון במקום שלא נהגו להכריע ומעמיד קנה המאזנים בשוה:

נותן לו את גרומיו. הכרעותיו. לכל עשרה ליטרא מוסיף לו עשירית ליטרא, שהוא אחד למאה כשימכור בלח. וביבש מוסיף [חצי] עשירית ליטרא לכל עשרים ליטרא:

למוד בדקה. במדה קטנה:

לא ימוד בגסה. במדה גדולה. דהוי פסידא דלוקח, שאין נותן לו אלא הכרע אחד והיה צריך ליתן לו הכרעות רבות:

למחוק. להסיר מה שעולה על שפת המדה:

לא יגדוש. ואף על פי שמוסיף לו בדמים:

לא ימחוק. ואף על פי שפוחת לו מן הדמים: