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Mishnayos Bava Basra Perek 3 Mishnah 5

בבא בתרא פרק ג׳ משנה ה׳


These are uses of property that have the means to establish the presumption of ownership, and these are uses of property that do not have the means to establish the presumption of ownership: If one would stand an animal in a courtyard; or if one would place an oven, a millstone, or a stove there; or if one raises chickens in a courtyard, or places his fertilizer in a courtyard, these actions are not sufficient to establish the presumption of ownership. But if one constructed a partition ten handbreadths high to contain his animal, and similarly if he constructed a partition for his oven, and similarly if he constructed a partition for his stove, and similarly if he constructed a partition for his millstone; or if one brought chickens into the house, or if he fashioned a place in the ground for his fertilizer that is three handbreadths deep or three handbreadths high, these actions are sufficient to establish the presumption of ownership.

אֵלּוּ דְבָרִים שֶׁיֵּשׁ לָהֶם חֲזָקָה, וְאֵלּוּ דְבָרִים שֶׁאֵין לָהֶם חֲזָקָה. הָיָה מַעֲמִיד בְּהֵמָה בֶחָצֵר, תַּנּוּר, וְכִירַיִם, וְרֵחַיִם, וּמְגַדֵּל תַּרְנְגוֹלִין, וְנוֹתֵן זִבְלוֹ בֶחָצֵר, אֵינָהּ חֲזָקָה. אֲבָל עָשָׂה מְחִצָּה לִבְהֶמְתּוֹ גְּבוֹהָה עֲשָׂרָה טְפָחִים, וְכֵן לַתַּנּוּר, וְכֵן לַכִּירַיִם, וְכֵן לָרֵחַיִם, הִכְנִיס תַּרְנְגוֹלִין לְתוֹךְ הַבַּיִת, וְעָשָׂה מָקוֹם לְזִבְלוֹ עָמֹק שְׁלֹשָׁה אוֹ גָבוֹהַּ שְׁלֹשָׁה, הֲרֵי זוֹ חֲזָקָה:


שיש להם חזקה – if he had taken possession of his fellow land for this purpose for three years, it is considered possession.

היה מעמיד במהתו בחצר – this Tanna/teacher is speaking of a jointly owned courtyard, where they are not strict with each other concerning keeping cattle [in the courtyard] and other similar things. And because of this, it is not considered a presumption of possession even though he had possessed that thing for three years.

אבל אם עשה מחיצה וכו' – for in such a manner, he is definitely strict. If he had been silent about this for three years and didn’t protest, it is considered possession. But Rabbi Moshe ben Maimonuni commented that a joint owner who is strict about making a partition and no one protested immediately is considered possession. But even though he made a partition, as a mere individual and no one protested, it is not considered possession until after three years.

שיש להם חזקה. אם החזיק בקרקע חבירו לענין זה שלשה שנים הויא חזקה:

היה מעמיד בהמתו בחצר. האי תנא בחצר השותפים קא מיירי דלא קפדי אהדדי אהעמדת בהמה וכיוצא בה, ומשום הכי לא הויא חזקה אפילו כי החזיק להאי מלתא שלש שנים:

אבל אם עשה מחיצה וכו׳ דבכי האי גוונא ודאי קפדי, אי שתיק לה שלש שנים ולא מיחה, ודאי הויא חזקה. ורבינו משה בר מיימוני פירש, דבשותף דקפיד אעשיית מחיצה, אם עשה שותפו מחיצה ולא מיחה לאלתר הויא חזקה. אבל אינש דעלמא אע״פ שעשה מחיצה ולא מיחה לא הויא חזקה עד לאחר שלש שנים: