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Mishnayos Bava Basra Perek 10 Mishnah 8

בבא בתרא פרק י׳ משנה ח׳


One who lends money to another by means of a promissory note can collect the debt from liened property that had been sold to others by the debtor after the loan was granted. One who lends money by means of witnesses, without recording the loan in a promissory note, can collect the debt only from unsold property. If one presents to a debtor a document in the handwriting of the debtor stating that he owes money to him, but without witnesses signed on the document, the creditor can collect only from unsold property. In the case of a guarantor whose commitment emerged after the signing of the promissory note, the creditor can collect the sum only from unsold property of the guarantor. The mishna relates: An incident occurred where such a case came before Rabbi Yishmael, and he said: The creditor can collect the sum from unsold property of the guarantor, but not from liened property that he has sold to others. Ben Nannas said to Rabbi Yishmael: The creditor cannot collect the sum from the guarantor at all, not from liened property that has been sold, nor from unsold property. Rabbi Yishmael said to him: Why not? Ben Nannas said to him: If one was strangling someone in the marketplace, demanding repayment of a loan, and another person found him doing so and said to the attacker: Leave him alone and I will give you the money he owes, the person who intervened is exempt from paying, as the creditor did not loan the money in the first place based on his trust of the one who intervened. Rather, who is a guarantor who is obligated to repay the loan he has guaranteed? One who tells the creditor before the loan takes place: Lend money to him, and I will give you the repayment, as in that case the creditor did loan the money based on his trust of the guarantor. And Rabbi Yishmael thereupon said: One who wants to become wise should engage in the study of monetary law, as there is no greater discipline in the Torah, and it is like a flowing spring. And, he added, one who wants to engage in the study of monetary law should attend to, i.e., become a disciple of, Shimon ben Nannas.

הַמַּלְוֶה אֶת חֲבֵרוֹ בִּשְׁטָר, גּוֹבֶה מִנְּכָסִים מְשֻׁעְבָּדִים. עַל יְדֵי עֵדִים, גוֹבֶה מִנְּכָסִים בְּנֵי חוֹרִין. הוֹצִיא עָלָיו כְּתַב יָדוֹ שֶׁהוּא חַיָּב לוֹ, גּוֹבֶה מִנְּכָסִים בְּנֵי חוֹרִין. עָרֵב הַיּוֹצֵא לְאַחַר חִתּוּם שְׁטָרוֹת, גּוֹבֶה מִנְּכָסִים בְּנֵי חוֹרִין. מַעֲשֶׂה בָא לִפְנֵי רַבִּי יִשְׁמָעֵאל וְאָמַר, גּוֹבֶה מִנְּכָסִים בְּנֵי חוֹרִין. אָמַר לוֹ בֶּן נַנָּס, אֵינוֹ גוֹבֶה לֹא מִנְּכָסִים מְשֻׁעְבָּדִים וְלֹא מִנְּכָסִים בְּנֵי חוֹרִין. אָמַר לוֹ, לָמָּה. אָמַר לוֹ, הֲרֵי הַחוֹנֵק אֶת אֶחָד בַּשּׁוּק וּמְצָאוֹ חֲבֵרוֹ וְאָמַר לוֹ הַנַּח לוֹ, פָּטוּר, שֶׁלֹּא עַל אֱמוּנָתוֹ הִלְוָהוּ. אֶלָּא אֵיזֶהוּ עָרֵב שֶׁהוּא חַיָּב, הַלְוֵהוּ וַאֲנִי נוֹתֵן לְךָ, חַיָּב, שֶׁכֵּן עַל אֱמוּנָתוֹ הִלְוָהוּ. אָמַר רַבִּי יִשְׁמָעֵאל, הָרוֹצֶה שֶׁיַּחְכִּים, יַעֲסוֹק בְּדִינֵי מָמוֹנוֹת, שֶׁאֵין לְךָ מִקְצוֹעַ בַּתּוֹרָה גָּדוֹל מֵהֶן, שֶׁהֵן כְּמַעְיָן הַנּוֹבֵעַ. וְהָרוֹצֶה שֶׁיַּעֲסוֹק בְּדִינֵי מָמוֹנוֹת, יְשַׁמֵּשׁ אֶת שִׁמְעוֹן בֶּן נַנָּס:


המלוה את חבירו בשטר – even though it is not written [in the loan document] property which is pledged from which debts may eventually be collected (i.e., landed property), collects from mortgaged property for we hold that surety (i.e., mortgaged property) is a scribal error, if it had not been written in the [loan] document. It is considered as if it was written.

הוציא עליו כתב ידו שהוא חייב לו – and there is no other testimony there.

גובה מנכסים בני חורין – and not mortgaged [property], for since he has no witnesses, it has no voice, and they did not know about him that he had property in order that he had to be careful about.

אחר חיתום שטרות – after the witnesses signed the document, [the guarantor wrote]: “I so-and-so the son of so-and-so is the guarantor.”

גובה מן הערב – from free standing properties alone for since witnesses did not inscribe on the surety/guarantor, it is like a loan by mouth.

אמר ליה בן ננס וכו' – for he holds that every guarantor after the giving of the money is not a guarantor for it wasn’t on the faithfulness of the guarantor and the trust in him that the creditor made the loan to him (i.e., the borrower), and even though Rabbi Yishmael extolled Ben Nanos, the Halakha is according to Rabbi Yishmael for the guarantor after the giving of the money requires an acquisition, and if not, it is not mortgaged, for before the giving of the money, there is no need for an acquisition.

המלוה את חבירו בשטר. אף על פי שאין כתוב בו אחריות נכסים גובה מנכסים משועבדים, דקיימא לן אחריות טעות סופר הוא אם לא כתבו בשטר, והרי הוא כאילו נכתב:

הוציא עליו כתב ידו שהוא חייב לו. ואין שם עדות אחר:

גובה מנכסים בני חורין. ולא ממשועבדים. דכיון דאין בו עדים לית ליה קלא ולא ידעי ביה לקוחות כי היכי דליזדהרו:

אחר חיתום שטרות. אחר שחתמו העדים בשטר, כתב אני פלוני בר פלוני ערב:

גובה. מן הערב, מבני חורין בלבד. דכיון דלא חתימי סהדי על הערבות הויא לה מלוה על פה:

אמר לו בן ננס וכו׳ דקסבר כל ערב שאחר מתן מעות לא הוי ערב, שלא על אמונת הערב והבטחתו הלוהו. ואע״פ שקילס ר׳ ישמעאל את בן ננס, הלכה כרבי ישמעאל. וערב דלאחר מתן מעות בעי קנין, ואי לא לא משתעבד. ושלפני מתן מעות לא בעי קנין: