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Mishnayos Yoma Perek 7 Mishnah 3

יומא פרק ז׳ משנה ג׳


If the High Priest read the Torah in sacred white fine linen garments, he then sanctified his hands and feet as he did each time before removing the priestly vestments. He then removed the linen garments, descended to the ritual bath, and immersed. Afterward he ascended and dried himself with a towel, and they brought him the golden garments of the High Priesthood, and he dressed in them and sanctified his hands and feet. The mishna addresses those offerings whose sacrifice has still not been mentioned. The verses in Leviticus, chapter 16, detail the special offerings of the atonement service of Yom Kippur. Of those offerings, the ram of the High Priest and the ram of the people have still not been addressed. In addition to this, the additional offerings of Yom Kippur detailed in Numbers, chapter 29, have not yet been discussed. These include seven one-year-old lambs and a bull to be brought as a burnt-offering and a goat to be brought as a sin-offering. The mishna continues: He emerged and offered his ram and the ram of the people and the seven unblemished year-old lambs mandated to be offered that day. This is the statement of Rabbi Eliezer. Rabbi Akiva says: Those offerings were not sacrificed at this point; rather, they were sacrificed with the daily morning offering; and the bull of the Yom Kippur burnt-offering; and the goat whose services are performed outside of the Sanctuary, i.e., in the Temple courtyard, were sacrificed with the daily afternoon offering.

אִם בְּבִגְדֵי בוּץ קוֹרֵא, קִדֵּשׁ יָדָיו וְרַגְלָיו, פָּשַׁט יָרַד וְטָבַל, עָלָה וְנִסְתַּפֵּג. הֵבִיאוּ לוֹ בִגְדֵי זָהָב, וְלָבַשׁ, וְקִדֵּשׁ יָדָיו וְרַגְלָיו, וְיָצָא וְעָשָׂה אֶת אֵילוֹ וְאֶת אֵיל הָעָם, וְאֶת שִׁבְעַת כְּבָשִׂים תְּמִימִים בְּנֵי שָׁנָה, דִּבְרֵי רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר. רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא אוֹמֵר, עִם תָּמִיד שֶׁל שַׁחַר הָיוּ קְרֵבִין, וּפַר הָעוֹלָה וְשָׂעִיר הַנַּעֲשֶׂה בַחוּץ הָיוּ קְרֵבִין עִם תָּמִיד שֶׁל בֵּין הָעַרְבָּיִם:


אילו ואיל העם – the reason of Rabbi Eliezer is because his ram and the ram of the people, and the innards of the sin offering and the removal of the ladle and coal-pan, all these are written at the beginning of Leviticus in the portion of the day (Leviticus chapter 16), he does them at the outset, and goes back and performs the additional sacrifices/Musaf of a burnt offering of a bull and the seven lambs and the he-goat which are done outside, all of them with the daily offering offered at eventide, as it is written, at the end, in the Book of Numbers (chapter 29, verses 7-11).

ור"ע אומר – the burnt offering of a bull and the seven lambs of the Additional Service/Musaf.

עם תמיד של שחר היו קרבים – as it is written (Numbers 28:23): “You shall present these in addition to the morning portion of the regular burnt offering,” etc. Hence we see, that the Musaf/Additional offerings are made with the morning burnt offering near it, and afterwards, the Divine Service of the day, and after that the goat that offered outside, and even though it is from the Musaf, it cannot precede the Divine Service of the day, as it is stated concerning it (Numbers 29:11): “in addition to the sin offering of expiation [and the regular burnt offering with its meal offering, each with its libation],” we learned that the inner goat which is part of the Divine Service of the day precedes it, and afterwards, his ram and the ram of the people, and after that, the innards of the sin offering, all of these at the third ritual immersion. But the removal of the ladle and the coal-pan is after that and after that the daily offering of the eventide. And the Halakha is according to Rabbi Akiba.

אילו ואיל העם. טעמא דר״א, משום דאילו ואיל העם ואימורי חטאת והוצאת כף ומחתה כל הני דכתיבי ברישא בתורת כהנים בפרשת היום, עביד להו ברישא, והדר עביד מוספין פר העולה ושבעה כבשים ושעיר הנעשה בחוץ, כולן עם תמיד של בין הערבים דכתיב לבסוף, בחומש הפקודים:

ור״ע אומר. פר העולה ושבעה כבשים של מוספין:

עם תמיד של שחר היו קרבין. דכתיב (במדבר כ״ח:כ״ג) מלבד עולת הבוקר אשר לעולת התמיד וגו׳ אלמא מוספין עם עולת הבקר נעשים בסמוך לה, ואחר כך עבודת היום, ואחר כך שעיר הנעשה בחוץ, ואף על פי שהוא מן המוספין אינו יכול להקדים לעבודת היום לפי שנאמר בו (שם כ״ט) מלבד חטאת הכפורים, למדנו ששעיר הפנימי שהוא מעבודת היום קודמו, ואחר כך אילו ואיל העם ואחר כך אימורי חטאת כל אלו בטבילה שלישית. ואח״כ הוצאת כף ומחתה ואח״כ תמיד של בין הערבים. והלכה כר׳ עקיבא: