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Mishnayos Pesachim Perek 8 Mishnah 1

פסחים פרק ח׳ משנה א׳


A woman, when she is living in her husband’s house, if her husband slaughtered the Paschal lamb on her behalf and her father also slaughtered the Paschal lamb on her behalf, she should eat from her husband’s lamb because it is assumed that the wife intended to be included in her husband’s group. However, if, as was often customary, she went on the first Festival following her marriage to observe the Festival in her father’s house, then, if both her husband slaughtered the Paschal lamb on her behalf and her father also slaughtered the Paschal lamb on her behalf, she may eat in whichever place she wishes, since it is not obvious with whose group she intended to be included. In the case of an orphan with multiple guardians, if each of his guardians [apotropsin] slaughtered a Paschal lamb on his behalf, intending that he be included in their group, he may eat in whichever place he wishes. A slave jointly owned by two partners may not eat from the lamb of either of them, unless it was stipulated beforehand from whose lamb he will partake. One who is half slave and half free man may not eat from his master’s lamb. It is assumed that the master did not intend to allow this person’s free half to partake of the lamb, and therefore the master did not slaughter the lamb with him in mind. Consequently, the half slave is not included among those registered for his master’s offering unless he was explicitly included.

הָאִשָּׁה בִּזְמַן שֶׁהִיא בְּבֵית בַּעְלָהּ, שָׁחַט עָלֶיהָ בַּעְלָהּ וְשָׁחַט עָלֶיהָ אָבִיהָ, תֹּאכַל מִשֶּׁל בַּעְלָהּ. הָלְכָה רֶגֶל רִאשׁוֹן לַעֲשׂוֹת בְּבֵית אָבִיהָ, שָׁחַט עָלֶיהָ אָבִיהָ וְשָׁחַט עָלֶיהָ בַּעְלָהּ, תֹּאכַל בִּמְקוֹם שֶׁהִיא רוֹצָה. יָתוֹם שֶׁשָּׁחֲטוּ עָלָיו אַפֹּטְרוֹפְּסִין, יֹאכַל בִּמְקוֹם שֶׁהוּא רוֹצֶה. עֶבֶד שֶׁל שְׁנֵי שֻׁתָּפִין, לֹא יֹאכַל מִשֶּׁל שְׁנֵיהֶן. מִי שֶׁחֶצְיוֹ עֶבֶד וְחֶצְיוֹ בֶן חוֹרִין, לֹא יֹאכַל מִשֶּׁל רַבּוֹ:


האשה תאכל משל בעלה – all the time that she did not explain that her mind/intentions are with her father, for generally her intention is to be counted with her husband.

רגל הראשון – that was after her marriage, for it is the manner of married women to go to the house of their fathers.

תאכל במקום שהיא רוצה – and such is the case where she is not pursued until now to go regularly to the house of her father. Therefore, it is doubtful to us which is preferable to her.

אפטרופין – an orphan that had two guardians/administrators and he assigned this one for his Passover offering and that one for his Passover offering.

לא יאכל משל שניהם – neither from the Passover offering of this one, nor from the Passover offering of that one. For who gave permission to divide the one to be appointed with this one and he has no remedy other that if the both of them wanted to be appointed with the one.

לא יאכל משל רבו – but he eats from his own [only] and since it is the law that they force the master and he writes a bill of manumission for him, even though he has is not yet freed, he is like a free person. Therefore, he eats of his own.

האשה. תאכל משל בעלה. כל זמן שלא פירשה שדעתה בשל אביה, דמסתמא דעתה למנות על של בעלה:

רגל הראשון. שלאחר נשואיה, שכך דרך הנשואות ללכת לבית אביהן:

תאכל במקום שהיא רוצה. וכגון שאינה רדופה עד הנה לילך לבית אביה תדיר, הילכך מספקא לן בהי ניחא לה:

אפטרופסים. יתום שהיו לו שני אפטרופסין והמנוהו זה על פסחו וזה על פסחו:

לא יאכל משל שניהם. לא מפסחו של זה ולא מפסחו של זה, דמי נתן רשות לחלק האחד להמנות עם זה. ואין לו תקנה אלא אם כן רצו שניהם שימנה עם האחד:

לא יאכל משל רבו. אבל משל עצמו אוכל, דכיון דדינא הוי דכופין את רבו וכותב לו גט שחרור, אע״פ שעדיין לא נשתחרר הרי הוא כבן חורין, הילכך אוכל משל עצמו: