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Mishnayos Pesachim Perek 7 Mishnah 12

פסחים פרק ז׳ משנה י"ב


If a portion of a limb has gone out of its permissible boundary, one must cut the meat until one reaches the bone at the point that separates between the part of the limb that went out of its boundary and the part that did not, and then peel the meat away from the bone until one reaches the joint, and cut off the limb at the joint, as it is prohibited to break the bone itself. And with regard to other offerings, one may chop off the part that exited with a hatchet, as it is not subject to the prohibition of breaking a bone. How does one determine the outer boundaries of a particular location? Anything that is located from the inside of the doorway inward is considered as though it is inside, and anything that is located from the doorway outward is considered as though it is outside. And the windows in the wall and the thickness of the wall are considered as though they are inside, such that an offering is considered to have exited the premises only if it is taken outside the wall.

אֵבָר שֶׁיָּצָא מִקְצָתוֹ, חוֹתֵךְ עַד שֶׁמַּגִּיעַ לָעֶצֶם, וְקוֹלֵף עַד שֶׁמַּגִּיעַ לַפֶּרֶק, וְחוֹתֵךְ. וּבַמֻּקְדָּשִׁין קוֹצֵץ בַּקּוֹפִיץ, שֶׁאֵין בּוֹ מִשּׁוּם שְׁבִירַת הָעֶצֶם. מִן הָאֲגַף וְלִפְנִים כְּלִפְנִים, מִן הָאֲגַף וְלַחוּץ כְּלַחוּץ. הַחַלּוֹנוֹת וְעֹבִי הַחוֹמָה, כְּלִפְנִים:


A limb from the Paschal sacrifice.

Part of [a limb] left [the group's] boundaries, and it is necessary to chop the portion that exited; as it says (Exodus 22) "And meat that was torn (died without slaughter) in the field you should not eat," this is explained to refer to any flesh that was left out in the field i.e. it left it's boundaries; Like holy of holies that went beyond the courtyard or lesser holies that exited Jerusalem: that meat that left is considered "torn" and you should not eat it.

Cut the part of the meat that exited in a circle until the bone.

And peel the meat that didn't depart until it reaches the joint, and eat the peeled meat since it did not exit, and chop the joint and send off the entire bone of which part left the boundary.

And with mukdashim: other sacrifices sans the paschal sacrifice cleave the portion that exited (through the bone) with a cleaver. With the paschal sacrifice it is forbidden to do this, since it is prohibited from having a bone broken.

From the door-wing and inside: A door-wing is any place where the door closes i.e. the place that the door overlaps and taps when it is closed. (This is the inner lip of thick portion of the door until the spot of closure. From the wing inwards.) This is entirely inside the city.

As inside: and eat there the lesser holies.

From the door-wing and towards the outside: This is from the point of closure outwards, it is considered outside.

The windows that are in the walls of Jerusalem. And the thickness of the top of the wall in the roof, is considered like the inside.

אבר. מן הפסח:

שיצא מקצתו. חוץ למחיצתו, וצריך לחתוך את היוצא דכתיב (שמות כב) ובשר בשדה טריפה לא תאכלו, ודרשינן ביה כל בשר שיצא בשדה כלומר שיצא חוץ למחיצתו, כגון קדשי קדשים שיצאו חוץ לעזרה וקדשים קלים שיצאו חוץ לירושלים, אותו בשר היוצא טריפה הוא ולא תאכלו:

חותך. את הבשר היוצא סביב עד שמגיע לעצם:

וקולף. את הבשר שלא יצא לחוץ עד שמגיע לפרק שמתחברים שם שני עצמות, ואוכל את הבשר שקלף שהרי לא יצא, וחותך את הפרק ומשליך כל העצם שיצא מקצתו:

ובמוקדשים. בשאר קדשים חוץ מהפסח:

קוצץ בקופיץ. אותו מקצת האבר שיצא. ובפסח אינו יכול לעשות כן מפני שהוא מוזהר על שבירת עצם:

מן האגף ולפנים כלפנים. אגף קרי כל מקום הגפת הדלתות שהוא חופף ונוקש שם כשסוגרו דהיינו [משפת הפנימי של עובי הפתח עד מקום הנקישה. מן האגף ולפנים, דהיינו] תוך העיר ממש:

כלפנים. ואוכלים שם קדשים קלים:

מן האגף ולחוץ. דהיינו ממקום הנקישה ולחוץ, כלחוץ:

החלונות. שבחומת ירושלים. ועובי ראש החומה בגגה, כלפנים: