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Mishnayos Eruvin Perek 6 Mishnah 5

עירובין פרק ו׳ משנה ה׳


If a homeowner was in partnership with his neighbors, with this one in wine and with that one in wine, they need not establish an eiruv, for due to their authentic partnership they are considered to be one household, and no further partnership is required. If, however, he was in partnership with this one in wine and with that one in oil, they must establish an eiruv. As they are not partners in the same item, they are not all considered one partnership. Rabbi Shimon says: In both this case and that case, i.e., even if he partners with his neighbors in different items, they need not establish an eiruv.

בַּעַל הַבַּיִת שֶׁהָיָה שֻׁתָּף לִשְׁכֵנִים, לָזֶה בְיַיִן וְלָזֶה בְיַיִן, אֵינָם צְרִיכִים לְעָרֵב. לָזֶה בְיַיִן וְלָזֶה בְשֶׁמֶן, צְרִיכִים לְעָרֵב. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן אוֹמֵר, אֶחָד זֶה וְאֶחָד זֶה, אֵינָם צְרִיכִים לְעָרֵב:


שהוא שותף עם שכניו – that are in the alley for the purpose of an undefined partnership and not for the sake of an Eruv.

א"צ לערב – and it is that all of them will be partners in one utensil and specifically a combination of alleys that were [partners] in wine, as is taught in the Mishnah (Chapter 3, Mishnah 1): That they may prepare the Eruv and contribute to a partnership Eruv [with anything] (other than water or salt), but the Eruvim of courtyards, they don’t make an Eruv other than with bread, for it is an Eruv on account of dwelling and in the human dwelling the heart of a person is not drawn to anything other than to bread, and if he partnered in a combination of alleys with bread, all the more so that it is considered more and they rely upon that partnership of bread in the place of an Eruv but one does not need to make an Eruv of courtyards but if they partnered in wine or in other things, they must make an Eruv of courtyards and they don’t rely upon the partnership in order that the concept of Eruv should not be forgotten from the young children.

ר"ש אומר – but the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Shimon.

שהוא שותף עם שכניו. שבמבוי, לשם שותפות בעלמא ולא לשם עירוב:

א״צ לערב. והוא שיהיו כולן שותפין בכלי אחד. ודוקא שתופי מבואות הוו ביין כדתנן בכל מערבין ומשתתפין, אבל עירובי חצירות אין מערבין אלא בפת, דעירוב משום דירה הוא ודירה של אדם אין לבו נמשך אלא בפת. ואם שתף שתופי מבואות בפת כ״ש דחשיב טפי וסומכין על אותו שתוף של פת במקום עירוב וא״צ לערב עירובי חצירות, אבל אם נשתתפו ביין או בשאר דברים צריכים לערב עירובי חצירות ואין סומכין על השתוף, כדי שלא תשתכח תורת עירוב מן התינוקות:

ר״ש אומר כו׳ ואין הלכה כר״ש: