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Mishnayos Shabbos Perek 13 Mishnah 3

שבת פרק י"ג משנה ג׳


One who rends his garment in his anger or in anguish over his dead relative is exempt. And anyone else who performs labors destructively on Shabbat is exempt. And one who performs a labor destructively in order to repair is liable, and his measure for liability is equivalent to the measure for one who performs that labor constructively.

הַקּוֹרֵעַ בַּחֲמָתוֹ וְעַל מֵתוֹ, וְכָל הַמְקַלְקְלִין, פְּטוּרִין. וְהַמְקַלְקֵל עַל מְנָת לְתַקֵּן, שִׁעוּרוֹ כַמְתַקֵּן:


הקורע על מתו – for a dead person for whom he is not required to tear clothing [when hearing of his passing] for he is ruining it and is exempt [from a sin-offering], but for a dead person for whom he is obligated to tear clothing and he repairs it/reconstructs it, he is liable [for a sin-offering].

ובחמתו כל המקלקלים פטורין – but our Mishnah is superseded and the Halakha is that a person who rends [his garment] in his anger is liable [for a sin-offering] even though he ruins it, regarding the clothing, he repairs it, regarding his inclination, and his mind is at rest for him through this.

הקורע על מתו וכו׳ במת שאינו חייב לקרוע עליו הוא דהוי מקלקל ופטור, אבל על מת שחייב לקרוע עליו, מתקן הוא וחייב:

ובחמתו וכל המקלקלים פטורין. הא מתניתין אדחיא לה, והלכה שהקורע בחמתו חייב, שאף ע״פ שמקלקל הוא אצל הבגד, מתקן הוא אצל יצרו ודעתו מתישבת עליו בכך: