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Mishnayos Meilah Perek 1 Mishnah 3

מעילה פרק א׳ משנה ג׳


The mishna adds that just as Rabbi Eliezer and Rabbi Akiva disagree as to whether the sprinkling of blood exempts meat that left the courtyard from liability for its misuse, so too, they disagree with regard to the sacrificial portions of offerings of lesser sanctity consumed on the altar that left the Temple courtyard before the sprinkling of the blood. The dispute is whether the subsequent sprinkling of the blood generates liability for misuse of those portions. Rabbi Eliezer says: The sprinkling of the blood is completely ineffective in rendering those portions consecrated to the Lord. Consequently, one is not liable for misusing them. And similarly, one is not liable for their consumption due to violation of the prohibitions of piggul, notar, or of partaking of meat while ritually impure. Rabbi Akiva says: The sprinkling is effective, and therefore one is liable for misusing them. And likewise, one is liable for its consumption due to violation of the prohibitions of piggul, notar, or of partaking of the meat while ritually impure.

אֵמוּרֵי קָדָשִׁים קַלִּים שֶׁיָּצְאוּ לִפְנֵי זְרִיקַת דָּמִים, רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר אוֹמֵר, אֵין מוֹעֲלִין בָּהֶן, וְאֵין חַיָּבִין עֲלֵיהֶן מִשּׁוּם פִּגּוּל נוֹתָר וְטָמֵא. רַבִּי עֲקִיבָא אוֹמֵר, מוֹעֲלִין בָּהֶן, וְחַיָּבִין עֲלֵיהֶן מִשּׁוּם פִּגּוּל, נוֹתָר וְטָמֵא:


אימורי קדשים קלים – we don’t commit religious sacrilege with those portions of the sacrifice offered on the altar of lesser Holy Things other than after the sprinkling/tossing of the blood, as we stated at the end of the chapter (see Mishnah 4), and if they went out [from the Temple courtyard] before the sprinkling/tossing of the blood.

ר' אליעזר אומר אין מועלין בהן – just as that Rabbi Eliezer has [the opinion] that the sprinkling [of the blod] does not effect [meat] that leaves [the Temple courtyard] to exclude the meat of the most Holy Things from becoming religious sacrilege, here too, it does not take effect [for meat] that leaves to include the parts of the sacrifice offered on the altar of lesser Holy Things regarding religious sacrilege, and just as Rabbi Akiva has the opinion that sprinkling/tossing of the blood effects that [meat] which leaves [the Temple courtyard] to exclude the meat of the Most Holy Things from religious sacrilege, it effects that [meat] which leaves to include the portions of the sacrifice offered o the altar of lesser Holy Things regarding religious sacrilege.

אימורי קדשים קלים. אין מועלים באימורי קדשים קלים אלא לאחר זריקת דמים, כדאמרינן בשלהי פרקין. ואם יצאו לפני זריקת דמים:

ר׳ אליעזר אומר אין מועלין בהן. דכי היכי דאית ליה לר׳ אליעזר דאין זריקה מועלת ליוצא לאפוקי בשר קדשי קדשים ממעילה, הכי נמי אין מועלת ליוצא להביא אימורי קדשים קלים לידי מעילה. וכי היכי דאית ליה לר׳ עקיבא דזריקה מועלת ליוצא לאפוקי בשר קדשי קדשים מידי מעילה, מועלת נמי ליוצא להביא אימורי קדשים קלים לידי מעילה: