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Mishnayos Chagigah Perek 2 Mishnah 7

חגיגה פרק ב׳ משנה ז׳


The mishna continues: The garments of an am ha’aretz, one who is not careful with regard to the laws of ritual purity, are considered impure with the ritual impurity imparted by the treading of a zav. That is considered a primary level of impurity for individuals who are scrupulous with regard to impurity [perushin]. The garments of perushin are considered impure by the treading of a zav for priests who eat teruma; the garments of those who eat teruma are considered impure by the treading of a zav for those who eat sacrificial food; and likewise the garments of those who eat sacrificial food are considered impure by the treading of a zav for those dealing with the preparation of the purification waters. The mishna relates: Yosef ben Yo’ezer was the most pious member of the priesthood and was extremely careful to eat teruma in a state of ritual purity, and yet his cloth was considered impure by the treading of a zav for those who ate sacrificial food. Yoḥanan ben Gudgeda would eat non-sacred food while following the laws of ritual purity for sacrificial food all his days, and nevertheless his cloth was considered impure by the treading of a zav for those preparing the purification waters.

בִּגְדֵי עַם הָאָרֶץ מִדְרָס לַפְּרוּשִׁין. בִּגְדֵי פְרוּשִׁין מִדְרָס לְאוֹכְלֵי תְרוּמָה. בִּגְדֵי אוֹכְלֵי תְרוּמָה מִדְרָס לַקֹּדֶשׁ. בִּגְדֵי קֹדֶשׁ מִדְרָס לְחַטָּאת. יוֹסֵף בֶּן יוֹעֶזֶר הָיָה חָסִיד שֶׁבַּכְּהֻנָּה, וְהָיְתָה מִטְפַּחְתּוֹ מִדְרָס לַקֹּדֶשׁ. יוֹחָנָן בֶּן גֻּדְגְּדָא הָיָה אוֹכֵל עַל טָהֳרַת הַקֹּדֶשׁ כָּל יָמָיו, וְהָיְתָה מִטְפַּחְתּוֹ מִדְרָס לַחַטָּאת:


מדרס – a direct cause of Levitical uncleanness to defile a person and utensils like treading-contact uncleanness of one suffering from a flux/discharge which defiles a person and utensils as it is written (Leviticus 15:21): “Anyone who touches her bedding shall wash his clothes, [bathe in water, and remain unclean until evening].”

לפרושים – to those who consume their non-holy produce in ritual purity of non-holy produce.

בגדי פרושים מדרס לאוכלי תרומה – here is missing one gradation/level and this must be aught: the clothing of Pharisees are deemed as infected with treading-contact-uncleanness for those who consume the Second Tithe. The clothes of those consume Second Tithe are deemed as infected with treading-contact-uncleanness to those who consume Terumah/priest’s due, which are the Kohanim who consume Terumah, and all of these are gradations/levels from the words of the Scribes who said that there is no guarding/protecting of their ritual purity of these are considered observance/guarding with those, since they are [in comparison with the others] as if they had not observed it, they made a decree with regard to their garments lest his menstruating wife sit upon them and they are infected with treading-contact-uncleanness from a menstruating woman.

היה אוכל על טהרת הקדש – he would consume his non-holy produce in a state of ritual purity as if he was holy, as he was warned about them from all defilement that defiles that which is holy.

והיתה מטפחתו מדרס לחטאת – but not for that which is deemed holy for this Tanna/teacher holds that non-holy produce that was made through purification of the holy is considered as holy. And this is not the Halakha. For non-holy produce that was made on the purification of holy things are not holy for all things, as is brought at the end of the [Tractate of] Niddah (73a).

מדרס. אב הטומאה לטמא אדם וכלים כמדרס הזב שמטמא אדם וכלים, כדכתיב (ויקרא ט״ו:ה׳) וכל אשר יגע במשכבה יכבס בגדיו:

לפרושים. לאוכלי חוליהם בטהרת חולין:

בגדי פרושים מדרס לאוכלי תרומה. כאן חסר מעלה אחת. והכי אבעי ליה למתני, בגדי פרושים מדרס לאוכלי מעשר שני. בגדי אוכלי מעשר שני מדרס לאוכלי תרומה, דהיינו לכהנים בתרומתן. וכל הני מעלות מדברי סופרים נינהו, שאמרו אין שמירת טהרתן של אלו חשובה שמירה אצל אלו. ומתוך שהן אצל אלו כאילו לא שמרום, גזרו בבגדיהם שמא ישבה עליהם אשתו נדה, והרי הן מדרס הנדה:

היה אוכל על טהרת הקודש. היה אוכל חולין שלו בטהרה כאילו היה קודש. שהיה נזהר בהן מכל טומאה המטמא את הקודש:

והיתה מטפחתו מדרס לחטאת. אבל לא לקודש. דקסבר האי תנא חולין שנעשו על טהרת הקודש כקודש דמו. ואין כן הלכה. דחולין שנעשו על טהרת הקודש לאו כקודש דמו לכל הדברים. כדאיתא בסוף מסכת נדה: