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Mishnayos Maasros Perek 5 Mishnah 2

מעשרות פרק ה׳ משנה ב׳


One who uproots turnips and radishes from within his own [property] and plants [them elsewhere] within his own [property] for the purpose of seed, he is liable to tithe, since this is [equivalent to] their threshing floor. If onions take root in an upper story they become clean from any impurity. If some debris fell upon them and they are uncovered, they are regarded as though they were planted in the field.

הָעוֹקֵר לֶפֶת וּצְנוֹנוֹת מִתּוֹךְ שֶׁלּוֹ וְנוֹטֵעַ לְתוֹךְ שֶׁלּוֹ לְזֶרַע, חַיָּב, מִפְּנֵי שֶׁהוּא גָּרְנָן. בְּצָלִים, מִשֶּׁהִשְׁרִישׁוּ בָעֲלִיָּה, טָהֲרוּ מִלְּטַמֵּא. נָפְלָה עֲלֵיהֶם מַפֹּלֶת וְהֵם מְגֻלִּים, הֲרֵי אֵלּוּ כִּנְטוּעִים בַּשָּׂדֶה:


ונוטע בתוך שלו לזרע – [turnips and radishes] that the seed [will ripen] in them in the place of their planting.

מפני שהוא גרנן – their uprooting is their harvesting time, for they have no other harvesting time to make them liable for tithing, for their sowing is exempt from tithing, as it is written (Leviticus 27:30- listed incorrectly in the text of the Mishnah): “[All tithes from the land,] whether seed from the ground [or fruit from the tree, are the LORD’s,” but not every seed, except for garden seeds (i.e., seeds of vegetables) which are not eaten (see Mishnah Kilayim, Chapter 2, Mishnah 2), and it is found that their work had been completed and it is prohibited to plant them until one sets aside tithes.

טהרו מלטמא – as they are like they are sown, and the Torah increased the purity of seeds, as it is written (Leviticus 11:37): “[If such a carcass falls upon] seed grain that is to be sown, it is clean.” But, for all the rest of the things are like they are detached, and their presumption is for tithing and Seventh year produce, and even to purify them from ritual uncleanness , and especially when they had taken root in the attic that underneath them is the dust of the concrete pavement of stone chippings, but if they had taken root in the basket/pile is considered as detached even regarding ritual defilement.

והן מגולין – their leaves, in the manner of their growh, they are as planted in the field, and a person who uproots from them on Shabbat is liable for Seventh Year produce and tithes.

ונוטע בתוך שלו לזרע. [שיתבשל] בהם הזרע במקום נטיעתן:

מפני שהוא גרנן. עקירתן הוא גרנן, שאין להם גורן אחר להתחייב במעשר, דזרען פטור מן המעשר דכתיב (ויקרא כו) מזרע הארץ, ולא כל זרע, פרט לזרעוני גינה שאינן נאכלין, ונמצא שנגמרה מלאכתן ואסור לנוטען עד שיעשר:

טהרו מלטמא. דכזרועין דמו, והתורה רבתה בטהרת זרעים דכתיב (שם יא) על כל זרע זרוע אשר יזרע טהור הוא. אבל לכל שאר מילי כתלושין דמו, ובחזקתן הן למעשר ולשביעית, ואפילו לטהרת טומאה, דוקא השרישו בעליה שיש תחתיהן עפר המעזיבה, אבל השרישו בקופה כתלושים דמי אף לענין טומאה:

והן מגולין. העלין שלהן, כדרך גדילתן. כנטועים בשדה דמו, והתולש מהן בשבת חייב, וחייבין בשביעית ובמעשרות: