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Mishnayos Parah Perek 7 Mishnah 6

פרה פרק ז׳ משנה ו׳


One who carries the rope in his hand, If in his usual manner, the mixture is valid; But if not in his usual manner, it is invalid. The question was sent on to Yavneh on three festivals and on the third festival, it was ruled that the mixture was valid, as a temporary measure.

הַמּוֹלִיךְ אֶת הַחֶבֶל בְּיָדוֹ לְדַרְכּוֹ, כָּשֵׁר. וְשֶׁלֹּא לְדַרְכּוֹ, פָּסוּל. זֶה הָלַךְ לְיַבְנֶה שְׁלשָׁה מוֹעֲדוֹת, וּבְמוֹעֵד שְׁלִישִׁי הִכְשִׁירוּ לוֹ הוֹרָאַת שָׁעָה:


המוליך את החבל בידו לדרכו (if one carries the rope – borrowed for drawing water) in his hand to restore it to the owner – on his way to perform the rite – and gave it to him) – after he had filled the bucket with a rope, he returned the rope to its owners, on his way, that it was not necessary to make a circuit/go out of his way or to lengthen his path, but rather, according to his walking , he found the owner of the rope and returned to him what was his, this is not labor (i.e., intermediate act of work) and the filling is kosher/fit/acceptable.

שלא לדרכו – that he went out of his way in order to return the rope, it is work/labor and the drawing [of water] is invalid.

זה הלך – meaning to say, that on this matter, one Sage went to ask from the Sages of Yavneh, the y are the Great Sanhedrin that were exiled there.

הוראת שעה(a special dispensation) – it was a special case of an emergency. But if I was not this, it is not [allowed].

המוליך את החבל בידו לדרכו. לאחר שמילא את הדלי בחבל החזיר את החבל לבעלים. לדרכו, שלא הוצרך לעקם או להרחיב את דרכו אלא לפי הילוכו מצא בעל החבל והחזיר לו את שלו, אין זו מלאכה וכשר המילוי:

שלא לדרכו. שעיקם את דרכו כדי להחזיר החבל, מלאכה היא ופסול:

זה הלך. כלומר על דבר זה הלך חכם אחד לשאול מחכמי יבנה, הן סנהדרי גדולה שגלו שם:

הוראת שעה. שעת הדחק היה. הא לאו הכי לא: