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Mishnayos Parah Perek 7 Mishnah 4

פרה פרק ז׳ משנה ד׳


[If one said to another] "Prepare the mixture for me and I will prepare the one for you," the first is valid. [If he said,] "Fill the water for me and I will fill the water for you," that of the latter is valid. [If he said,] "Prepare the mixture for me and I will draw the water for you," both mixtures are valid. [If he said,] "Fill the water for me and I will prepare the mixture for you’, both mixtures are invalid.

קַדֵּשׁ לִי וַאֲקַדֵּשׁ לָךְ, הָרִאשׁוֹן כָּשֵׁר. מַלֵּא לִי וַאֲמַלֵּא לָךְ, הָאַחֲרוֹן כָּשֵׁר. קַדֵּשׁ לִי וַאֲמַלֵּא לָךְ, שְׁנֵיהֶם כְּשֵׁרִים. מַלֵּא לִי וַאֲקַדֵּשׁ לָךְ, שְׁנֵיהֶם פְּסוּלִים:


קדש לי ואקדש לך – as for example, that each one filled water for himself, and this one came and mixed [with ashes] the water of that one, and that one mixed the water [with ashes] of this one, the one who mixed [the water with ashes] first what he mixed for his fellow is kosher/fit, for his fellow did not do any work other than until after his waters were mixed [with ashes], but when they (i.e., the waters) were mixed with ashes, no work/labor invalidates it. But what the second [person] who mixed [ashes in the water] for the first [person] is invalid, for the first invalidated in that he mixed [water and ashes] in the water of the second ‘person] before his waters were mixed [with ashes].

מלא לי ואמלא לך – the latter drawing of water/filling is kosher/fit, but the first drawing of water/filling is invalid, that is, that the waters that were filled were invalidated through the work of filling/drawing that he filled for his fellow.

קדש לי ואמלא לך – that he had the waters filled/drawn and said to his fellow, “mix for me my waters [with ashes] and afterwards, I will draw [water] for you.”

שניהם כשרים – for the work/labor does not invalidate after the mixing [of ashes with water]. And this also when the waters were drawn/filled for him, his waters are fit/kosher, that from when the waters were filled/drawn for him, he did not do any work.

מלא לי ואקדש לך – that the other that had waters filled/drawn and he said to him: “Fill for me [waters] first, and afterwards I will mix [the ashes in the water] for you.”

שניהם פסולים – this one who filled until his waters were not mixed [with ashes], and this one who mixed [ashes with water] for his fellow from when his waters were filled up/drawn.

קדש לי ואקדש לך. כגון שכל אחד מילא מים לעצמו, ובא זה וקידש מימיו של זה, וזה קידש מימיו של זה, אותו שקידש ראשון כשר מה שקידש לחבירו, דחבירו לא עשה מלאכה אלא עד אחר שנתקדשו מימיו, ומשנתקדשו אין מלאכה פוסלת. אבל מה שקידש השני לראשון פסול, שהראשון פסלה במה שקידש מימי השני קודם שנתקדשו מימיו:

מלא לי ואמ, לא לך. המילוי האחרון כשר. אבל מילוי ראשון פסול, היינו המים שנתמלאו ראשונה, דנפסלו במלאכה במילוי שמילא לחבירו:

קדש לי ואמלא לך. שהיו לו מים ממולאים ואמר לחבירו קדש לי מימי ואחר כך אמלא לך:

שניהם כשרים. דאין המלאכה פוסלת אחר קידוש. וזה נמי שנתמלאו לו המים מימיו כשרים, דמשנתמלאו לו המים לא עשה מלאכה:

מלא לי ואקדש לך. שהאחר היו לו מים ממולאים ואמר לו זה מלא לי תחלה ואחר כך אקדש לך:

שניהם פסולים. זה, שמילא עד שלא נתקדשו מימיו. וזה, שקידש לחברו משנתמלאו מימיו: