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Mishnayos Oholos Perek 1 Mishnah 4

אהלות פרק א׳ משנה ד׳


[Both] persons and vessels can be defiled through a corpse. A greater stringency applies to persons than to vessels and to vessels than to persons. For with vessels [there can be] three [series of defilements], whereas with persons [there can be only] two. A greater stringency applies to persons, for whenever they are in the middle of a [series] there can be four [in the series], whereas when they are not in the middle of a [series] there can be [only] three.

אָדָם וְכֵלִים מִטַּמְּאִין בְּמֵת. חֹמֶר בָּאָדָם מִבַּכֵּלִים וְכֵלִים מִבָּאָדָם. שֶׁהַכֵּלִים שְׁלשָׁה וְהָאָדָם שְׁנָיִם. חֹמֶר בָּאָדָם, שֶׁכָּל זְמַן שֶׁהוּא בָאֶמְצַע, הֵן אַרְבָּעָה. וְשֶׁאֵינוֹ בָאֶמְצַע, הֵן שְׁלשָׁה:


שהכלים שלשה – as for example vessels that came in contact with a corpse and vessels [that came in contact] with vessels. And further, vessels are third [degree of ritual uncleanness [which came in contact’ with vessels that are second [degree of ritual uncleanness], all are impure.

והאדם שנים – as for example, a person [who came in contact] with a corpse and a second person [came in contact] with that person that was defiled [through contact] with a corpse. But a third person who has third [who came in contact] with [a person] with second [degree of uncleanness] is ritually pure.

שהוא באמצע – as for example, vessels and a person and vessels. For the fourth, whether it is a person or vessels defiles until nightfall, as we learned from our Mishnah above (see Mishnah 1).

שהכלים שלשה. כגון כלים שנגעו במת וכלים בכלים ועוד כלים שלישים בשניים, כולן טמאין:

והאדם שנים. כגון אדם במת ואדם שני בזה האדם שנטמא במת. אבל אדם השלישי בשני, טהור:

שהוא באמצע. כגון כלים ואדם וכלים, דהרביעי בין אדם בין כלים מיטמא טומאת ערב, כדשמעינן ממתניתין דלעיל: