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Mishnayos Kerisos Perek 2 Mishnah 6

כריתות פרק ב׳ משנה ו׳


This mishna cites an additional difference between the status of an espoused maidservant and the status of forbidden relatives. In all cases of intercourse with those with whom relations are forbidden, if one is an adult and one is a minor, the minor is exempt; if one is awake and one is sleeping, the sleeping one is exempt; if one commits the act unwittingly and one does so intentionally, the one who did so unwittingly is liable to bring a sin offering and the one who did so intentionally is liable to be punished with karet. By contrast, in a case of intercourse with an espoused maidservant, the man is liable to bring a guilt offering only if the woman is flogged, and that is the case only if she was an adult, awake, and committed the sin intentionally.

כָּל הָעֲרָיוֹת, אֶחָד גָּדוֹל וְאֶחָד קָטָן, הַקָּטָן פָּטוּר. אֶחָד עֵר וְאֶחָד יָשֵׁן, הַיָּשֵׁן פָּטוּר. אֶחָד שׁוֹגֵג וְאֶחָד מֵזִיד, הַשּׁוֹגֵג בְּחַטָּאת וְהַמֵּזִיד בְּהִכָּרֵת:


כל העריות – if one is an adult, the man or the woman, and the other is a minor, the minor is exempt but the adult is liable. But regarding a maidservant, it is not so, for if one is a minor, the adult also is exempt, for they are juxtaposed [in close context]/compared by analogy to each other (Leviticus 19:20): “there shall be an indemnity” and (verse 21): “But he must bring [to the entrance of the Tent of Meeting], as his reparation offering [to the LORD, a ram of reparation offering],” at the time when she is flogged, he brings a sacrifice, but [if] the woman is not flogged, the man does not bring a sacrifice.

אחד ער ואחד ישן ישן פטור – but the one who is awake is liable. But if the maidservant who has been designated [for another man] is awake, she is also exempt, for they have been compared by analogy/juxtaposed [by close context] to each other as we have stated.

שוגג בחטאת ומזיד בהכרת – and the maidservant who is a designated [to another man], if he acts willfully and she acts inadvertently, both of them are exempt, For since the woman is not flogged, the man does not bring a guilt-offering. But if he acted inadvertently and she acted willfully, she is flogged and he brings a guilt-offering.

כל העריות. אם האחד גדול, האיש או האשה, והאחר קטן, הקטן פטור וגדול חייב. ובשפחה אינו כן, דאם האחד קטן, גדול נמי פטור, דהא אתקוש להדדי, בקורת תהיה והביא את אשמו, בזמן שהיא לוקה הוא מביא קרבן, אין האשה לוקה אין האיש מביא קרבן:

אחד ער ואחד ישן ישן פטור. וער חייב. ובשפחה חרופה ער נמי פטור, דהא איתקוש להדדי כדאמרן:

שוגג בחטאת ומזיד בהכרת. ושפחה חרופה, אם הוא מזיד והיא שוגגת, שניהן פטורין, דהואיל ואין האשה לוקה אין האיש מביא אשם. ואם הוא שוגג והיא מזידה, היא לוקה והוא באשם: