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Mishnayos Kerisos Perek 2 Mishnah 3

כריתות פרק ב׳ משנה ג׳


There are five individuals who bring one offering for several transgressions, i.e., for violating the same transgression several times; and there are five individuals who bring a sliding-scale offering, which is determined based on the financial status of the sinner. These are the five individuals who bring one offering for several transgressions: First, one who engages in several acts of intercourse with an espoused maidservant, and second, a nazirite who became ritually impure due to several instances of contact with ritual impurity. The mishna continues to list the five situations in which one offering is brought to atone for several transgressions: Third, one who issues a warning to his wife declaring himself jealous with regard to several different men with whom he suspects her of committing adultery, and forbidding her to be alone with them. If the wife was then found separately in seclusion with each of the men, he brings her to the Temple with one single meal offering of jealousy. And fourth, a leper who was afflicted with several instances of leprosy, meaning that he was purified from his leprosy, and before he brought his offerings, he suffered a relapse of the leprosy. When he is finally purified, he brings only one set of offerings. If a leper brought the two requisite birds on the first day of his purification (see Leviticus 14:4–7), and prior to bringing his offerings on the eighth day of his purification he was afflicted with a relapse of leprosy, those birds do not satisfy his obligation until he brings his sin offering. Rabbi Yehuda says: Until he brings his guilt offering.

חֲמִשָּׁה מְבִיאִין קָרְבָּן אֶחָד עַל עֲבֵרוֹת הַרְבֵּה, וַחֲמִשָּׁה מְבִיאִים קָרְבָּן עוֹלֶה וְיוֹרֵד. אֵלּוּ מְבִיאִין קָרְבָּן אֶחָד עַל עֲבֵרוֹת הַרְבֵּה. הַבָּא עַל הַשִּׁפְחָה בִּיאוֹת הַרְבֵּה, וְנָזִיר שֶׁנִּטְמָא טֻמְאוֹת הַרְבֵּה, וְהַמְקַנֵּא לְאִשְׁתּוֹ עַל יְדֵי אֲנָשִׁים הַרְבֵּה, וּמְצֹרָע שֶׁנִּתְנַגַּע נְגָעִים הַרְבֵּה. הֵבִיא צִפֳּרָיו וְנִתְנַגַּע, לֹא עָלוּ לוֹ, עַד שֶׁיָּבִיא אֶת חַטָּאתוֹ. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹמֵר, עַד שֶׁיָּבִיא אֶת אֲשָׁמוֹ:


הבא על שפחה חרופה ביאות הרבה – as it is written (Leviticus 19:22); “With the ram of reparation offering the priest shall make expiation for him [before the LORD], for the sin that he committed, but he should have been able to write, “for his sin” and be silent. What is "אשר חטא"/that he committed (mentioned TWICE in this verse)? To include many sins. But these words are when he makes many sexual advances of one maidservant, but if he came upon many maidservants, even with [just] one act of forgetfulness, he is liable for each and every maidservant, as it is written (Leviticus 19:20): “who is a slave [and has been designated for another man],” to be liable for each and every maidservant.

ונזיר שנטמא טומאות הרבה – when he became defiled within seven days of his defilement, it is not necessary to state that he doesn’t bring other than one sacrifice, and it is a long [period of] defilement, for it is necessary for the one who became defiled on the seventh day which is the day of his shaving. But this Tanna/teacher holds that the Biblical verse as it is written (Numbers 6:11): “That same day he shall re-consecrate his head,” which is the day of his shaving as stated, for a Nazirite, purity occurs to him on the same day. But now, you might think I would say that he became defiled two times on the seventh day, that would be many defilements, for this one began his Nazirite vow in ritual purity, that would obligate him to two sacrifices, this comes to teach us that regarding sacrifices, he is not liable for anything other than one, and this does not come to the appropriate hour for a sacrifice, for even though that the ritual purity of his Nazirite [vow] begins from the seventh day, the time which is appropriate for a sacrifice, it is not other than from the eighth day.

המקנא לאשתו ע"י אנשים הרבה – as it is written (Numbers 5:29): “This is the ritual in cases of jealousy,” – one Torah for many jealousies.

ומצורע שנתנגע גגעים הרבה – as, for example, that he became afflicted with leprosy and was healed, and then was afflicted with leprosy and was healed many times, he does not bring other than one sacrifice for all of them, as it is written (Leviticus 14:2): “This shall be the ritual for a leper [at the time that he is to be purified],” – one Torah/ritual for a leper many times over.

הביא צפורים ונתנגע – in the Gemara (Tractate Keritot 9b) explains that this is how it should be taught: the birds did not count to make permanent/fixed for the poor and for the rich, for if he was poor at the time [of the bringing] of the birds, and he became rich prior to his bringing his sin-offering, he has to bring the sacrifice for the rich person. But if he was rich and then became poor, he brings the sacrifice of poverty until he brings his sin-offering. For we follow after the sin-offering whether [he is] in poverty or in wealth, as it is written (Leviticus 14:32): “[Such is the ritual for him who has a scaly affection] and whose means for his purification are limited.” When he doesn’t have the means at the time of his purification, he brings [according to] his poverty, and even though he became rich afterwards, but his purification, that is his sin-offering is his atonement. [The leper’s sacrifice is two lambs – one for a sin-offering and one for a guilt offering.]

עד שיביא אשמו – that is his purification, his guilt-offering is implied, that he gives from his money on his possessions/wealth which make him fit to eat Holy Things. But the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Yehuda.

הבא על שפחה חרופה ביאות הרבה. דכתיב (ויקרא י״ט:כ״ב) וכפר עליו הכהן באיל האשם וגו׳ על חטאתו אשר חטא, והוה מצי למכתב על חטאתו ולשתוק, מאי אשר חטא, לרבות חטאים הרבה. והני מילי כשבא ביאות הרבה על שפחה אחת, אבל בא על שפחות הרבה ואפילו בהעלם אחד, חייב על כל שפחה ושפחה, דכתיב והיא שפחה, לחייב על כל שפחה ושפחה:

ונזיר שנטמא טומאות הרבה. כשנטמא בתוך שבעת ימי טומאתו לא צריכא למימר דאינו מביא אלא קרבן אחד, דטומאה אריכתא היא, כי צריכא לנטמא ביום השביעי שהוא יום תגלחתו. וסבר האי תנא דקרא דכתיב (במדבר ו׳:י״א) וקדש את ראשו ביום ההוא, ביום שביעי שהוא יום תגלחתו קאמר, שנזירות טהרה חלה עליו באותו יום, והשתא סלקא דעתך אמינא כי נטמא תרי זימני בשביעי הוו להו טומאות הרבה, דהא התחילה נזירות דטהרה, וליחייב שתי קרבנות, קמשמע לן דלענין קרבן לא מיחייב אלא חד, דלא אתא זה לשעה הראויה לקרבן, דאע״ג דנזירות טהרה אתחלה לה מיום השביעי, שעה הראויה לקרבן אינה אלא מיום השמיני:

המקנא לאשתו ע״י אנשים הרבה. דכתיב (שם ה׳) זאת תורת הקנאות תורה אחת לקנאות הרבה:

ומצורע שנתנגע נגעים הרבה. כגון שנתנגע ונתרפא נתנגע ונתרפא פעמים הרבה, אינו מביא אלא קרבן אחד על כולם, דכתיב (ויקרא י,, ד) זאת תהיה תורת המצורע, תורה אחת למצורע פעמים הרבה:

הביא צפורים ונתנגע. בגמרא מפרש דהכי קתני, לא עלו צפורים להקבע בעניות ובעשירות. שאם היה עני בשעת [הבאת] צפורים והעשיר קודם שיביא חטאתו, צריך להביא קרבן עשיר. ואם היה עשיר והעני מביא קרבן דלות עד שיביא חטאתו. דבתר חטאת אזלינן בין בעניות בין בעשירות, דכתיב (שם) אשר לא תשיג ידו בטהרתו, כשלא תשיג ידו בשעת טהרתו יביא בדלות ואע״פ שהעשיר אחר כן, והאי טהרתו היינו חטאת שהוא כפרתו:

עד שיביא אשמו. דבטהרתו, אשמו משמע, שנותן מדמו על בהונותיו ומכשירו לאכול בקדשים. ואין הלכה כרבי יהודה: