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Mishnayos Temurah Perek 6 Mishnah 3

תמורה פרק ו׳ משנה ג׳


And which is the case where an animal has the halakhic status of the price of a dog, and it is therefore prohibited to sacrifice the animal on the altar? It is the case of one who says to another: Here is this lamb in place of a dog. And likewise, this prohibition applies in the case of two partners who divided their common property, which included nineteen lambs and one dog, and one took ten lambs and the other one took nine lambs and a dog. Sacrifice of the ten lambs taken by the partner in exchange for the nine lambs and the dog is prohibited, and sacrifice of the nine lambs that were taken by the partner with the dog is permitted. With regard to lambs given as payment to another for engaging in intercourse with his dog, or as the price of a prostitute to purchase her as his maidservant, their sacrifice is permitted, as it is stated: “As both of them are an abomination to the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 23:19), from which it is inferred: Two are prohibited, payment to a prostitute and the price of a dog, and not four, i.e., the additional two cases of payment for intercourse with a dog and the price of a prostitute, which are permitted. Furthermore, with regard to the two prohibited cases of payment to a prostitute and the price of a dog, sacrifice of their offspring is permitted, as it is stated “them,” and not their offspring.

אֵיזֶה הוּא מְחִיר כֶּלֶב. הָאוֹמֵר לַחֲבֵרוֹ, הֵא לְךָ טָלֶה זֶה תַּחַת כֶּלֶב זֶה. וְכֵן שְׁנֵי שֻׁתָּפִין שֶׁחָלְקוּ, אֶחָד נָטַל עֲשָׂרָה, וְאֶחָד נָטַל תִּשְׁעָה וָכֶלֶב, שֶׁכְּנֶגֶד הַכֶּלֶב, אֲסוּרִים, שֶׁעִם הַכֶּלֶב, מֻתָּרִים. אֶתְנַן כֶּלֶב וּמְחִיר זוֹנָה, הֲרֵי אֵלּוּ מֻתָּרִים, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (דברים כג), שְׁנַיִם, וְלֹא אַרְבָּעָה. וַלְדוֹתֵיהֶן מֻתָּרִים, שֶׁנֶּאֱמַר (שם) הֵן, וְלֹא וַלְדוֹתֵיהֶן:


אחד נטל עשרה ואחד נטל תשעה טלאים וכלב – corresponding to the ten lambs that his fellow took, the ten lambs that correspond to the nine [lambs] and the dog, all are prohibited [to the Temple] because of the price of a dog. But the nine [lambs] that are with the dog are permitted. But in the Gemara (Tractate Temurah 30a) it raises the question, why that which corresponds with the dog, all of them are prohibited? We should remove one for this dog, and these [lambs] all of them should be permitted. And it answers: Here we are dealing with a case where the value of the dog was greater of any one [of the corresponding lambs] and this additional amount is distributed over all [the corresponding lambs] (where not one of the corresponding lambs is of equal value to the dog, some of the additional value of the dog is extended to each of the lambs), and now the value of the dog belongs to all of them. As for example, those [lambs] that are corresponding are each worth one Denar – which is ten Denarim, and those nine [lambs] that are with him (i.e., the dog) are each worth a Denar minus a M’ah, which are nine Denarim less nine M’ot, but the dog is worth a Denar and nine Meot, it is found that those ten [lambs] corresponding to the nine [lambs] and the they have nine, for in each one of them there is M’ah the price of a dog, and the tenth is entirely the price of a dog.

שנים ולא ארבעה – both of them (see Deuteronomy 23:19 – “for both/שניהם are abhorrent to the LORD your God”) as it is written in Scripture they divide it as if it is written as “two.” “Two” teaches us specifically the hire for a harlot and the price of a dog, and not four – the price of a dog and the fee for a harlot, and they are, implying them, but not their offspring.

אחד נטל עשרה טלאים ואחד נטל תשעה טלאים וכלב. כנגד העשרה טלאים שנטל חברו. העשרה טלאים שכנגד התשעה וכלב, כולם אסורים משום מחיר כלב. והתשעה שעם הכלב מותרים. ובגמרא פריך, אמאי שכנגד הכלב כולם אסורים, ניפוק חד להדי כלבא והנך כולהו לישתרו. ומשני, הכא במאי עסקינן כגון דטפי דמי כלב מחד מינייהו, שאין באותן שכנגדו טלה שוה דמי הכלב, דהשתא שייכי דמי הכלב בכולהו. כגון שאותן שכנגדן שוין כל אחד דינר דהוי עשרה דינרין, ואותן תשעה שעמו שוין כל אחד דינר חסר מעה דהיינו תשעה דינרים פחות תשע מעות, והכלב שוה דינר ותשע מעות, נמצא באותן עשרה שכנגד התשעה וכלב יש בהן תשעה, שבכל אחד מהן יש בו מעה מחיר כלב, והעשירי כולו מחיר כלב:

שנים ולא ארבעה. שניהם דכתב קרא פלגינא ליה כאילו כתב שנים הן. שנים, אשמועינן דוקא אתנן זונה ומחיר כלב ולא ארבעה אתנן כלב ומחיר זונה. והן, משמע הן ולא ולדותיהן: