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Mishnayos Eruchin Perek 5 Mishnah 4

ערכין פרק ה׳ משנה ד׳


With regard to one who says: It is incumbent upon me to donate the valuation of so-and-so, and both the one who vowed and the object of the vow die, the heirs of the one who vowed must give the valuation of the object of the vow to the Temple treasury. With regard to one who says: It is incumbent upon me to donate the assessment of so-and-so, and the one who vowed dies, his heirs must give his assessment to the Temple treasury. If the object of the vow dies, the heirs of the one who vowed need not give his assessment to the Temple treasury, as there is no monetary value for the dead.

הָאוֹמֵר, עֶרְכּוֹ שֶׁל פְּלוֹנִי עָלָי, מֵת הַנּוֹדֵר וְהַנִּדָּר, יִתְּנוּ הַיּוֹרְשִׁין. דָּמָיו שֶׁל פְּלוֹנִי עָלָי, מֵת הַנּוֹדֵר, יִתְּנוּ הַיּוֹרְשִׁין. מֵת הַנִּדָּר, לֹא יִתְּנוּ הַיּוֹרְשִׁין, שֶׁאֵין דָּמִים לַמֵּתִים:


מת הנודר והנידר יתנו היורשים – and he that stood in judgement before he died, as was explained above, but the ending clause is necessary: “The price of so-and-so is incumbent upon me,” if the person taking the vow dies, the heirs will give the money, for you might have thought that even though that he stood in judgment, since the person making the vow died prior to making an estimate/valuation of the one whom the vow was about, his possessions are not mortgaged, for it comes to tell us that an approximate assessment/assessment by sight is a revealing a general thing, for since the person about whom the vow is taken lives, we assess him.

מת הנודר והנידר יתנו היורשים. והוא שעמד בדין קודם שמת, כדפרישנא לעיל. וסיפא אצטריכא ליה. דמיו של פלוני עלי, מת הנודר יתנו היורשים. דמהו דתימא אע״ג דעמד בדין, הואיל ומת הנודר קודם שישומו הנידר, לא אשתעבוד נכסיה, קמשמע לן אומדנא גילוי מילתא בעלמא הוא, והואיל ונידר קיים אמדינן ליה: