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Mishnayos Eruchin Perek 4 Mishnah 3

ערכין פרק ד׳ משנה ג׳


But with regard to the offerings of a leper that is not so, as the offerings that one brings are determined by his status at the time he brings them. Even if it is common knowledge that his father died and left him an inheritance of ten thousand dinars, or that his ship is at sea and merchandise valued at ten thousand dinars is coming into his possession, the Temple treasury has no share in it. His payment is determined solely by his present situation.

אֲבָל בַּקָּרְבָּנוֹת אֵינוֹ כֵן, אֲפִלּוּ אָבִיו מֵת וְהִנִּיחַ לוֹ רִבּוֹא, סְפִינָתוֹ בַיָּם וּבָאוּ בְרִבּוֹאוֹת, אֵין לַהֶקְדֵּשׁ בָּהֶן כְּלוּם:


אפילו אביו מת – at the time when this person is obligated for a sacrifice, his father is on his deathbed and about to die, and he (i.e., the father) died and he inherited from him ten-thousand before he brought his sacrifice, he does not bring anything other than the sacrifice of an impoverished person, just as he was at the time that he became obligated for a sacrifice.

ספינתו בים – not that his ship was lade from his business-dealings with ten-thousand, for if so, he is rich. But rather, that his ship was rented out to others with ten-thousand as payment, and he lacks anything in his hand other than that ship. But because of the payment, he is not rich, for the rent is not completely paid other than at the end, and it is found that now he is a poor person. But, because of the ship itself, he is a poor person, for this Tanna/teacher [of the Mishnah] holds like one who says further on (see Talmud Arakhin 17b-18a) that if the person making the Valuation was a donkey-driver, the Kohen gives him his donkey and he doesn’t give it to be dedicated to the Temple, but if he was a farmer, he leaves for him the yoke/pair of working animals tied to the yoke which is his income. And so too, he leaves him his ship.

אפילו אביו מת. בשעה שנתחייב זה בקרבן היה אביו גוסס ונוטה למות, ומת וירש ממנו רבוא קודם שהביא קרבנו, אינו מביא אלא קרבן עני, כמו שהיה בשעה שנתחייב בקרבן:

ספינתו בים. לא שהיתה ספינתו טעונה מסחורות שלו ברבוא, דא״כ עשיר הוא. אלא שהיתה ספינתו מושכרת לאחרים בריבוא שכר, והוא אין בידו אלא אותה ספינה. ומשום שכרה לאו עשיר הוא, דאין שכירות משתלמת אלא בסופה, ונמצא שעכשיו עני הוא. ומשום הספינה עצמה לאו עשיר הוא, דהאי תנא סבר כמאן דאמר לקמן שאם היה המעריך חמר נותן לו הכהן חמורו ואינו נוטלו להקדש, ואם היה אכר מניח לו צמד בקרו דהיא פרנסתו, והכי נמי מניח לו ספינתו: