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Mishnayos Bechoros Perek 8 Mishnah 2

בכורות פרק ח׳ משנה ב׳


In the case of a boy born by caesarean section and the son who follows him, both of them are not firstborn, neither with regard to inheritance nor with regard to redemption from a priest. Rabbi Shimon says: The first son is a firstborn with regard to inheritance if he is his father’s first son, and the second son is a firstborn with regard to redemption from a priest for five sela coins, because he is the first to emerge from the womb and he emerged in the usual way.

יוֹצֵא דֹפֶן וְהַבָּא אַחֲרָיו, שְׁנֵיהֶם אֵינָן בְּכוֹר לֹא לַנַּחֲלָה וְלֹא לַכֹּהֵן. רַבִּי שִׁמְעוֹן אוֹמֵר, הָרִאשׁוֹן לַנַּחֲלָה, וְהַשֵּׁנִי לְחָמֵשׁ סְלָעִים:


יוצא דופן והבא אחריו – [the second one] through the womb. As for example, that they tore the woman when twins were in her stomach, and after that they removed the first of them through the wall (i.e., by means of Caesarean section, the second left [the womb] through the womb. But to remove an offspring from the woman through the wall [i.e., via Caesarean section] and when the woman would heal, she would once again become pregnant and give birth [naturally]. Maimonides wrote that this is impossible.

שניהם אינן בכור – the first [child born] is not a firstborn for [a double-portion of the] inheritance, for we require (Deuteronomy 21:15): “[If a man has two wives, one loved and the other unloved,] and both the loved and the unloved have born him sons, [but the first-born is the son of the unloved one].” The second is also not the first-born, for we require (Deuteronomy 21:17): “the first fruit of his vigor.” And the first born for a Kohen – the first is not, for we require (Numbers 18:15): “the first issue of the womb.” And the second [child born] is also not the first born for the Kohen [to be redeemed with five Selaim], for [the child] is the first-born of the womb and not the first born for offspring as for example, this one that was the offspring prior to this is not a firstborn.

רבי שמעון אומר הרשון לנחלה – he holds that (Deuteronomy 21:15) “have born [him sons],” that even for that comes out from the wall (i.e., Caesarean section) is implied.

והשני לחמש סלעים – he holds, [that child] is the firstborn for the womb, even though he is not the first-born for offspring which is a firstborn. But the Halakha is not according to Rabbi Shimon.

יוצא דופן והבא אחריו. דרך רחם. כגון שקרעו אשה שתאומים בבטנה, ולאחר שהוציאו הראשון דרך דופן יצא השני דרך רחם. אבל להוציא ולד מן האשה דרך דופן ושתתרפא האשה ותחזור ותתעבר ותלד, כתב רמב״ם דאי אפשר:

שניהם אינן בכור. ראשון לא הוי בכור לנחלה, וילדו לו בעינן. ושני נמי לא, ראשית אונו בעינן. ובכור לכהן ראשון לא הוי, דפטר רחם בעינן. ושני נמי לא הוי בכור לכהן, דבכור לרחם ואינו בכור לולדות כגון זה שהיה ולד קודם. לכן, אינו בכור:

רבי שמעון אומר הראשון לנחלה. סבר וילדו אף יוצא דופן במשמע:

והשני לחמש סלעים. סבר, בכור לרחם אע״פ שאינו בכור לולדות הוי בכור. ואין הלכה כר׳ שמעון: