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Mishnayos Menachos Perek 1 Mishnah 2

מנחות פרק א׳ משנה ב׳


Both the meal offering of a sinner and all other meal offerings with regard to which the one who removed their handful was a non-priest, or a priest who was an acute mourner, i.e., whose relative died and was not yet buried, or a priest who was ritually impure who immersed that day and was waiting for nightfall for the purification process to be completed, or a priest lacking the requisite priestly vestments, or a priest who had not yet brought an atonement offering to complete the purification process, or a priest who did not wash his hands and feet from the water in the Basin prior to performing the Temple service, or an uncircumcised priest, or a ritually impure priest, or a priest who removed the handful while sitting, or while standing not on the floor of the Temple but upon vessels, or upon an animal, or upon the feet of another person; in all these cases the meal offerings are unfit for sacrifice. If the priest removed the handful with his left hand the meal offering is unfit. Ben Beteira says: He must return the handful to the vessel that contains the meal offering and again remove the handful, this time with his right hand. If a priest removed the handful of flour, and a stone, a grain of salt, or a pinch [koret] of frankincense emerged in his hand, the meal offering is unfit due to the fact that the Sages said: The handful that is outsized or that is lacking is unfit. The existence of one of these foreign items in the handful means that the requisite measure of flour is lacking. And which is the outsized handful? It is one where he removed the handful overflowing [mevoratz] in a manner in which his fingers do not hold the flour. And which is the lacking handful? It is one where he removed the handful with the tips of his fingers. How does the priest perform the removal of a handful? He extends his fingers onto the palm of his hand.

אַחַת מִנְחַת חוֹטֵא וְאַחַת כָּל הַמְּנָחוֹת שֶׁקְּמָצָן זָר, אוֹנֵן, טְבוּל יוֹם, מְחֻסַּר בְּגָדִים, מְחֻסַּר כִּפּוּרִים, שֶׁלֹּא רְחוּץ יָדַיִם וְרַגְלַיִם, עָרֵל, טָמֵא, יוֹשֵׁב, עוֹמֵד עַל גַּבֵּי כֵלִים, עַל גַּבֵּי בְהֵמָה, עַל גַּבֵּי רַגְלֵי חֲבֵרוֹ, פָּסָל. קָמַץ בִּשְׂמֹאל, פָּסָל. בֶּן בְּתֵירָא אוֹמֵר, יַחֲזִיר וְיַחֲזֹר וְיִקְמֹץ בְּיָמִין. קָמַץ וְעָלָה בְיָדוֹ צְרוֹר אוֹ גַרְגִּיר מֶלַח אוֹ קֹרֶט שֶׁל לְבוֹנָה, פָּסַל, מִפְּנֵי שֶׁאָמְרוּ, הַקֹּמֶץ הַיָּתֵר וְהֶחָסֵר, פָּסוּל. אֵיזֶה הוּא הַיָּתֵר, שֶׁקְּמָצוֹ מְבֹרָץ. וְחָסֵר, שֶׁקְּמָצוֹ בְרָאשֵׁי אֶצְבְּעוֹתָיו. כֵּיצַד הוּא עוֹשֶׂה, פּוֹשֵׁט אֶת אֶצְבְּעוֹתָיו עַל פַּס יָדוֹ:


זר ואונן וטבול יום כו' – all of them are explained in the Second Chapter of [Tractate] Zevakhim [Mishnah 1], and we prove them from Scriptural verses that their Divine Service is invalid.

ערל – a Kohen whose brother died on account of ritual circumcision.

יושב – that we require to stand to minister/serve [before God].

על גבי כלים כו' – that we require that there will not be anything that divides/cuts off between him and the floor.

בן בתירא אומר יחזיר – the handful of the meal-offering which the priest takes to be put on the altar into the meal-offering.

ויחזיר ויקמוץ בימין – and same law applies to all of these invalidates that are considered in our Mishnah, Ben Beteyra holds that if someone transgressed one of them and took a fistful, he should return the handful of the meal-offering to its place and a kosher/fit Kohen should take a handful of the meal-offering to be put on the altar into the meal offering. But the Halakha is not according to Ben Beteyra.

עלה בידו צרור – it was found that the handful of meal-offering which the Kohen takes to put on the altar was missing the place of the stone or a grain of salt or a particle of frankincense, for prior to taking a fistful of meal-offering he singles out all of the frankincense to one side and takes a handful of meal-offering and afterwards collects it and places with the handful of meal-offering and burns everything. But if he happens upon a grain of salt or a particle of frankincense, the handful of meal-offering is missing according to the place of the particle [of frankincense].

מבורץ – full and overflowing.

שקמצו בראשי אצבעותיו – he did not stretch them over the entire palm of his hand.

פושט את אצבעותיו על פס ידו – the sides of his fingers enter into the flour and he brings in the flour into his hand and smooths it with his small finger so that the flour will not go outside of the fistful and he he smooths it with his thumb that the flour would not leave outside of his finger. And this he had to do with meal-offerings prepared in a pan (i.e., fried in a flat pan) or [a meal-offering] prepared in a deep pan (i.e., fried in a container full of oil) that their creations are baked and after they their baking, he crumbles it and takes a fistful. But it is impossible to crumble it so much into thin pieces, for they would not go forth from the fistful, therefore, he smooths them with his thumb from above and with the small finger (i.e., pinky) from below. And these were of the most difficult [acts] of Divine service that were in the Temple. That in this great difficulty one is able to compare that he would not be missing or have too much. And Maimonides wrote, that the words of the one of said that this is a difficult [act] of Divine Service were set aside, and he explains and he takes a fistful of the meal-offering as people would take fistfuls that is mentioned in the Gemara [i.e., Tractate Menahot 11a], that he fills his palm from it in the manner that people fill their hands from what they take in their hands. But I say, that that the explanation is not as how people take a fistful [of meal-offering] but rather, causes the sides of his fingers to enter into the flour that he brings in the flour with the sides of his fingers into his hand, but he doesn’t take the flour but rather fills three of his fingers until the palm of his hand and not further, in order that it will be cutting through from end to end and burst forth and come out, he smooths it from below with his small finger (i.e., pinky) and from above with a thumb. And that the words of the one who said that this is a difficult act from the difficult acts of Divine Service that is in the Temple are not set aside and the method of the Gemara is like m words. And such all of my teachers have explained it.

זר ואונן וטבול יום כו׳ כולהו מפורשים בפרק ב׳ דזבחים. ומוכחינן להו מקראי דעבודתן פסולה:

ערל. כהן שמתו אחיו מחמת מילה:

יושב. דבעינן לעמוד לשרת.

על גבי כלים כו׳. דבעינן שלא יהיה דבר חוצץ בינו ובין הרצפה:

בן בתירא אומר יחזיר. הקומץ לתוך המנחה:

ויחזור ויקמוץ בימין. והוא הדין לכל הנך פסולים דחשיב במתניתין סבירא ליה לבן בתירא שאם עבר אחד מהן וקמץ יחזיר הקומץ למקומו ויחזור כהן כשר ויקמוץ. ואין הלכה כבן בתירא:

עלה בידו צרור. נמצא קומץ חסר מקום הצרור או גרגיר מלח או קורט של לבונה. דקודם קמיצה בורר כל הלבונה לצד אחד וקומץ ואח״כ מלקט אותם ונותנה עם הקומץ ושורף הכל, ואם נזדמן בתוך הקומץ גרגיר מלח או קורט של לבונה הרי הקומץ חסר כדי מקום הקורט:

מבורץ. מלא וגדוש:

שקמצו בראשי אצבעותיו. שלא פשטן על כל פס ידו:

פושט את אצבעותיו על פס ידו. מכניס צדי אצבעותיו בקמח ומכניס הקמח לתוך ידו ומוחק באצבע קטנה שלא יצא הקמח חוץ לקמיצה ומוחק בגודל שלא יצא הקמח חוץ לאצבע. וזה היה צריך לעשות במנחת מחבת ומרחשת דמעשיהן אפויין ולאחר אפייתן פותתן וקומץ, ואי אפשר לפותתן דקות כל כך שלא יהיו יוצאות חוץ לקומץ, הלכך מוחק בגודל מלמעלה ובאצבע קטנה מלמטה. וזו היתה מעבודות קשות שבמקדש, דבקושי גדול יכול להשוות שלא יהא לא חסר ולא יתר. ורמב״ם כתב, שנדחו דברי האומר שזו עבודה קשה שבמקדש, והוא מפרש וקומץ כדקמצי אינשי האמור בגמרא [דף י״א], דהיינו שממלא כפו ממנו כדרך שבני אדם ממלאים ידיהם ממה שלוקחים בידם. ואני אומר, שאין פירוש כדקמצי אינשי אלא שמכניס צדי אצבעותיו בקמח ומכניס הקמח בצדי אצבעותיו לתוך ידו, אבל אינו נוטל קמח אלא מלא שלש אצבעותיו על פס ידו ולא יותר, וכדי שלא יהיה מבורץ ומבצבץ ויוצא, מוחק מלמטה באצבע קטנה ומלמעלה בגודל. ולא נדחו כלל דברי האומר שזו עבודה קשה מעבודות קשות שבמקדש ושיטת הגמרא כדברי. וכן פירשוה כל רבותי: