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Mishnayos Zevachim Perek 13 Mishnah 5

זבחים פרק י"ג משנה ה׳


One who sacrifices sacrificial meat, which is eaten, and sacrificial portions, i.e., those that are to be burned on the altar, outside the courtyard, is liable for the sacrifice of the sacrificial portions. But he is not liable for sacrificing the meat. If there is a meal offering from which a handful was not removed, and one sacrificed it outside the Temple courtyard, he is exempt from liability, because until the handful is actually removed it is not fit to be burned on the altar inside the Temple. But if a priest took a handful from it and then returned its handful into the remainder of the meal offering, and one sacrificed the entire mixture outside the courtyard, he is liable, as once the handful has been removed it is fit to be burned on the altar inside the Temple, and one is liable for offering it up outside even though it is mixed into the remainder.

הַמַּקְרִיב קָדָשִׁים וְאֵמוּרֵיהֶם בַּחוּץ, חַיָּב. מִנְחָה שֶׁלֹּא נִקְמְצָה וְהִקְרִיבָהּ בַּחוּץ, פָּטוּר. קְמָצָהּ, וְחָזַר קֻמְצָהּ לְתוֹכָהּ, וְהִקְרִיבָהּ בַּחוּץ, חַיָּב:


המקריב קדשים ואימוריהן – that he sacrificed the meat and those [unsevered] portions of the sacrifice offered on the altar attached to it, he is liable because of the portions of the sacrifice offered on the altar. But we don’t say that the meat interposes between the portions of the sacrifice offered on the altar and the fire, and that what he intended to be inside is not offering on the altar, for he All-Merciful stated (Leviticus 1:8): “[And Aaron’s sons, the priests, shall lay out the sections, with the head and the suet,] on the wood that is on the fire,” and the person who offers it outside [the Temple courtyard] would not be liable. We did not say this because something that is one type mixed with something of the same type does not interpose.

מנחה שלא נקמצה – is not appropriate inside. Therefore, the person who offers it up outside is exempt.

קמצה וחזר קומצה לתוכה. והקריבה בחוץ חייב – and in a similar manner to it inside, it is fit/appropriate, as it is taught in [the chapter] “He who takes a handful of meal-offering/הקומץ את המנחה” (i.e., Tractate Menahot, Chapter 3, Mishnah 3): “[If] the handful was mixed up with residue, or with the residue of his fellow, he should not offer it up/נתערב קומצה בשיריה לא יקטיר,” but if he did offer it up, it is acceptable.

המקריב קדשים ואימוריהן. שהקריב הבשר והאימורים מחוברים בו, חייב משום אימורים. ולא אמרינן הרי בשר חוצץ בין האימורין לאש ודכוותה בפנים לאו העלאה היא דרחמנא אמר (שם א׳) על העצים אשר על האש, והמעלן בחוץ נמי לא יהא חייב. לא אמרינן הכי לפי שמין במינו אינו חוצץ:

מנחה שלא נקמצה. אינה ראויה לפנים. הלכך המקריבה בחוץ פטור:

קמצה וחזר קומצה לתוכה. והקריבה בחוץ חייב. שכיוצא בה בפנים כשרה כדתנן בהקומץ נתערב קומצה בשיריה לא יקטיר ואם הקטיר כשרה: