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Mishnayos Zevachim Perek 8 Mishnah 1

זבחים פרק ח׳ משנה א׳


All the offerings that were intermingled with animals from which deriving benefit is forbidden, e.g., sin offerings left to die, or with an ox that was sentenced to be stoned, even if the ratio is one in ten thousand, deriving benefit from them all is prohibited and they all must die. If the offerings were intermingled with animals whose sacrifice is forbidden but deriving benefit from them is not, the halakha is different. Examples of this are an ox with which a transgression was performed, which disqualifies it from being sacrificed as an offering, or an ox that is known to have killed a person based on the testimony of one witness or based on the admission of the owner. Had two witnesses testified, deriving benefit from the ox would have been prohibited. Additional examples include when an offering is intermingled with an animal that copulated with a person; or an animal that was the object of bestiality; or with an animal that was set aside for idol worship; or one that was worshipped as a deity; or with an animal that was given as payment to a prostitute or as the price of a dog, as it is written: “You shall not bring the payment of a harlot, or the price of a dog, into the house of the Lord your God” (Deuteronomy 23:19). Additional examples include an offering that was intermingled with an animal born of a mixture of diverse kinds, e.g., the offspring of a ram and a goat, or with an animal with a wound that will cause it to die within twelve months [tereifa], or with an animal born by caesarean section. In all these cases the animals that are intermingled shall graze until they become unfit for sacrifice and then they shall be sold. And from the money received in the sale, the owner shall bring another offering of the monetary value of the highest-quality animal among them, of the same type of offering that the intermingled offering was. The mishna continues: If sacrificial animals were intermingled with unblemished, non-sacred animals, which, if consecrated, are fit for sacrifice, the non-sacred animals shall be sold for the purpose of purchasing offerings of the same type as the offering with which they were intermingled.

כָּל הַזְּבָחִים שֶׁנִּתְעָרְבוּ בְחַטָּאוֹת הַמֵּתוֹת, אוֹ בְשׁוֹר הַנִּסְקָל, אֲפִלּוּ אֶחָד בְּרִבּוֹא, יָמוּתוּ כֻלָּם. נִתְעָרְבוּ בְשׁוֹר שֶׁנֶּעֶבְדָה בוֹ עֲבֵרָה, אוֹ שֶׁהֵמִית אֶת הָאָדָם עַל פִּי עֵד אֶחָד, אוֹ עַל פִּי הַבְּעָלִים, בְּרוֹבֵעַ, וּבְנִרְבָּע, וּבְמֻקְצֶה, וּבְנֶעֱבָד, וּבְאֶתְנָן, וּבִמְחִיר, וּבְכִלְאַיִם, וּבִטְרֵפָה, וּבְיוֹצֵא דֹפֶן, יִרְעוּ עַד שֶׁיִּסְתָּאֲבוּ, וְיִמָּכְרוּ וְיָבִיא בִדְמֵי הַיָּפֶה שֶׁבָּהֶן מֵאוֹתוֹ הַמִּין. נִתְעָרֵב בְּחֻלִּין תְּמִימִים, יִמָּכְרוּ הַחֻלִּין לִצְרִיכֵי אוֹתוֹ הַמִּין:


כל שזבחים שנתערבו בחטאות המתות – this is what he said: all the animal offerings that were mixed up with sin-offerings left to die or with the ox to be stoned.

אפילו אחת בריבוי ימותו כולן – for since they had become mixed up with that from which are forbidden to derive benefit, there is no remedy to redeem them that we say that they should graze until they become unfit. And they are not abrogated through a majority, for they are considered living creatures and are not nullified. And sin-offerings left to die are five in number, and they are these: the offspring of a sin-offering, an animal substituted for a sin-offering, a sin-offering whose owners have died, a sin-offering whose owners have already gained atonement through another offering and a sin-offering of sheep or goats that is more than a year old. These five sin-offerings we place them in a closed place until they die on their own, and they are called “sin-offerings left to die.”

בשור שנעבדה בו עבירה – that it (i.e., the ox) was disqualified for offering as a sacrifice. As for example, that it put a person to death on the testimony of a single witness who is not prohibited to a commoner, because it is not stoned other than through two witnesses.

או על פי הבעלים – that its owners came to the Jewish court and admitted that it had put a person to death, that it would be exempted from stoning that they admit to a fine, it would be exempt. But to On-High, it would be prohibited, for we hold (Leviticus 1:2): “[When any of you presents an offering of cattle to the LORD, he shall choose his offering from the herd] or from the flock/ומן הצאן,” to exclude that [ox] which gores.

ברובע ונרבע – by the testimony of one witness, or by the owners, or prior to the completion of the court case, or that [animal] which killed someone or the ox which had a sexual relation with a human being (i.e., a non-Jew) or an ox with which a non-Jewish person had sexual relations, which is forbidden to the All-High, but not to the commoner.

מוקצה – that he had separated for a sacrifice to idolatry and was also worshipped, both of them are permitted to a commoner.

באתנן ומחיר – all of these are unconsecrated animals, and one animal sacrifice is mixed with them, all of them should sent out to pasture. For it is impossible to ritually slaughter one of them without a blemish, lest that this one is the animal offering. For the person who ritually slaughters Holy Things outside [the Temple courtyard] is liable for extirpation. But to sell them for the needs of burnt offerings is impossible, for they are invalidated.

ויביא בדמי היפה שבהן מאותו המין – if it was a sin-offering, [let him purchase] another sin-offering; if it was burnt-offering, [let him purchase] another burnt-offering. And he should the monies according to the measurement of the worth of the best of them and state: “Every place which is animal offering will be redeemed by these monies.”

נתערב – one animal offering in many unconsecrated fit/kosher animals.

ימכרו החולין – all of them.

לצריכי אותו המין – that the one animal offering was mixed in with them, and it was found that all of them are Holy Things from one species but it is not known who are the owners of each and every one, for the first animal offering – the name of its owners was upon it, but it is not known which it is. And the remedy, that each of one of them should be offered as a sacrifice in the name of someone and he should state that he will offer each of them as a sacrifice, behold this one is in the name of its owners.

כל הזבחים שנתערבו בחטאות המתות. הכי קאמר, כל הזבחים שנתערבו בהם חטאות המתות, או שור הנסקל:

אפילו אחת בריבוא ימותו כולן. דכיון דנתערבו באיסורי הנאה אין תקנה לפדותם דנימא ירעו עד שיסתאבו. ולא בטלי ברובא, דבעלי חיים חשיבי ולא בטלי. וחטאות המתות הן חמשה, ואלו הן, ולד חטאת, ותמורת חטאת, וחטאת שמתו בעליה, ושכיפרו בעליה באחרת, ושעברה שנתה. אלו חמש חטאות מניחין אותן במקום סגור עד שימותו מאליהן, והן נקראין חטאות המתות:

בשור שנעבדה בו עבירה. שהוא נפסל בה להקרבה. כגון שהמית את האדם על פי עד אחד שאינו אסור להדיוט, לפי שאינו נסקל אלא על פי שני עדים:

או על פי הבעלים. שבאו בעלים לב״ד והודו שהמית, דאפטר ליה מסקילה דמודה בקנס פטור. אבל לגבוה נאסר, דקיי״ל, ומן הצאן, להוציא את הנוגח:

ורובע ונרבע. על פי עד אחד, או על פי הבעלים, או קודם שנגמר דינו, או שהיה אותו שהמית והרובע והנרבע [של] נכרי. שנאסר לגבוה ולא להדיוט:

מוקצה. שהפרישוהו לקרבן לעבודה זרה, ונעבד נמי, שניהם מותרים להדיוט:

באתנן ומחיר. כל הני חולין נינהו, וזבח אחד מעורב בהן, כולן ירעו. שאי אפשר לשחוט אחד מהם בלא מום, שמא זהו הזבח. והשוחט קדשים בחוץ חייב כרת. ולמכרן לצרכי עולות אי אפשר, שהרי פסולים:

ויביא בדמי היפה שבהן מאותו המין. אם חטאת חטאת ואם עולה עולה. ויקח מעות כשיעור דמי היפה שבכולן ויאמר, כל מקום שהוא הזבח יהא מחולל על המעות הללו:

נתערב. זבח אחד בחולין כשרים הרבה:

ימכרו החולין. כולן:

לצריכי אותו המין שהיה הזבח שנתערב בהן. ונמצאו כולן קדשים ממין אחד אלא שאין ידוע מי בעליו של כל אחד ואחד, שהרי הזבח הראשון שם בעליו עליו ואין ידוע איזהו. ותקנתו, שיקריב כל אחד לשם מי שהוא ויאמר כשיקריב כל אחד, הרי הוא לשם בעלים שלו: