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Mishnayos Bava Basra Perek 10 Mishnah 3

בבא בתרא פרק י׳ משנה ג׳


A scribe may write a bill of divorce for a man who requests one, even if his wife is not with him to give her consent when he presents his request, as there is no possibility that he will misuse the document. And a scribe may write a receipt for a woman upon her request, attesting to the payment of her marriage contract, even if her husband is not with her to give his consent. This is true provided that the scribe recognizes the parties requesting the document, to prevent misrepresentation. And for both documents, the husband gives the scribe his wages. A scribe may write a promissory note for a debtor who requests one, even if the creditor is not with him when he requests the document, but a scribe may not write a promissory note for a creditor who requests it unless the debtor is with him and consents. And it is the debtor who gives the scribe his wages. A scribe may write a bill of sale for a seller of a field who requests one even if the purchaser is not with him when he presents his request, but a scribe may not write a bill of sale for a purchaser who requests it unless the seller is with him and consents. And it is the purchaser who gives the scribe his wages.

כּוֹתְבִין גֵּט לָאִישׁ אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁאֵין אִשְׁתּוֹ עִמּוֹ, וְהַשּׁוֹבֵר לָאִשָּׁה אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁאֵין בַּעְלָהּ עִמָּהּ, וּבִלְבַד שֶׁיְּהֵא מַכִּירָן, וְהַבַּעַל נוֹתֵן שָׂכָר. כּוֹתְבִין שְׁטָר לְלֹוֶה אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁאֵין מַלְוֶה עִמּוֹ, וְאֵין כּוֹתְבִין לְמַלְוֶה, עַד שֶׁיְּהֵא לֹוֶה עִמּוֹ, וְהַלֹּוֶה נוֹתֵן שָׂכָר. כּוֹתְבִין שְׁטָר לְמוֹכֵר אַף עַל פִּי שֶׁאֵין לוֹקֵחַ עִמּוֹ. וְאֵין כּוֹתְבִין לְלוֹקֵחַ, עַד שֶׁיְּהֵא מוֹכֵר עִמּוֹ, וְהַלּוֹקֵחַ נוֹתֵן שָׂכָר:


כותב גט לאיש – and [the witnesses] inscribe [their names], and he will divorce here when he desires, and even though his wife is not with him, for she is divorced against her will.

ושובר לאשה – which she does for her husband regarding her Jewish marriage settlement/Ketubah, for it is a liability for him to her, and is a benefit for her husband, as we obtain a privilege in behalf of a person in his absence (see Tractate Eruvin, Chapter 7, Mishnah 11).

ובלבד שיהא מכירן – that the scribe and the witnesses recognize/know the man and the woman [getting divorced]., whether with a Jewish bill of divorce or a receipt, for if they do not recognize them lest he write a Get/Jewish bill of divorce in the name of another married woman where his name is the same as the other man’s name, and she should take out that same Jewish bill of divorce where she is not divorced by it and similarly for the receipt.

והלוה נותן שכר – even if it is giving a person goods to trade with another (usually two shares of the profit going to the investor and one to the trader) where half of it is a loan and half of it is a deposit. Nevertheless, the person receiving the business pays the fee to the scribe (see Talmud Bava Batra 168a).

כותבין גט לאיש. וחותמין, והוא יגרש מתי שירצה, ואע״פ שאין אשתו עמו. שהרי היא מתגרשת בע״כ:

ושובר לאשה. שהיא עושה לבעלה על כתובתה. דחוב הוא לה וזכות לבעלה, וזכין לאדם שלא בפניו:

ובלבד שיהא מכירן. שיהא הסופר והעדים מכירין האיש והאשה. בין בגט בין בשובר. שאם אינו מכירן, שמא יכתוב גט על שם אשת איש אחר ששמו כשמו ותוציא אותו הגט אשה שאינה מגורשת בו. וכן בשובר:

והלוה נותן שכר. ואפילו היא עסקא דפלגא מלוה ופלגא פקדון, אפילו הכי מקבל העיסקא הוא נותן כל השכר לסופר: