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Mishnayos Bava Basra Perek 1 Mishnah 2

בבא בתרא פרק א׳ משנה ב׳


And similarly with regard to a garden, in a place where it is customary to build a partition in the middle of a garden jointly owned by two people, and one of them wishes to build such a partition, the court obligates his neighbor to join in building the partition. But with regard to an expanse of fields [babbika], in a place where it is customary not to build a partition between two people’s fields, and one person wishes to build a partition between his field and that of his neighbor, the court does not obligate his neighbor to build such a partition. Rather, if one person wishes to erect a partition, he must withdraw into his own field and build the partition there. And he makes a border mark on the outer side of the barrier facing his neighbor’s property, indicating that he built the entire structure of his own materials and on his own land. Therefore, if the wall later falls, the assumption is that the space where the wall stood and the stones belong only to him, as is indicated by the mark on the wall. Nevertheless, in a place where it is not customary to build a partition between two people’s fields, if they made such a partition with the agreement of the two of them, they build it in the middle, i.e., on the property line, and make a border mark on the one side and on the other side. Therefore, if the wall later falls, the assumption is that the space where the wall stood and the stones belong to both of them, to be divided equally.

וְכֵן בְּגִנָּה, מְקוֹם שֶׁנָּהֲגוּ לִגְדֹּר מְחַיְּבִין אוֹתוֹ. אֲבָל בְּבִקְעָה, מְקוֹם שֶׁנָּהֲגוּ שֶׁלֹּא לִגְדֹּר אֵין מְחַיְּבִין אוֹתוֹ, אֶלָּא אִם רוֹצֶה כּוֹנֵס לְתוֹךְ שֶׁלּוֹ וּבוֹנֶה, וְעוֹשֶׂה חֲזִית מִבַּחוּץ. לְפִיכָךְ אִם נָפַל הַכֹּתֶל, הַמָּקוֹם וְהָאֲבָנִים שֶׁלּוֹ. אִם עָשׂוּ מִדַּעַת שְׁנֵיהֶן, בּוֹנִין אֶת הַכֹּתֶל בָּאֶמְצַע, וְעוֹשִׂין חָזִית מִכָּאן וּמִכָּאן. לְפִיכָךְ אִם נָפַל הַכֹּתֶל, הַמָּקוֹם וְהָאֲבָנִים שֶׁל שְׁנֵיהֶם:


וכן בגנה – this is what he said, "וכן בגנה"/and likewise in the case of a garden, undefined, as a place where it was they had the custom to fence it in.

אבל בבקעה – undefined, it is like a place where they had the custom to not fence it in, and we don’t require it, other than if his fellow wanted to fence it in, he moves it back to his own part

ועושה לו חזית – a sign for recognition that the wall is his. And the sign is explained in the Gemara (Talmud Bava Batra 4b): he spreads the top of the wall a cubit with plaster to the side of his fellow, but not to his side lest his fellow all spread from his side. And he says that the wall belongs to both. But when he spreads to the side of his fellow, he doesn’t plaster on to his side. It is a sign that the wall is his, but if his fellow peels/scrapes It off, it is known as peeled.

ועושין חזית מכאן ומכאן – to announce that both of them made it.

וכן בגינה. הכי קאמר, וכן בגינה סתם כמקום שנהגו לגדור הוא, ומחייבים אותו שלקח מקום שם לגדור:

אבל בבקעה. סתם, הרי הוא כמקום שנהגו שלא לגדור, ואין מחייבים אותו. אלא אם רצה חבירו לגדור, כונס בתוך שלו:

ועושה לו חזית. סימן, להיכר שהכותל שלו. והסימן מפרש בגמרא, שטח ראש הכותל אמה בסיד לצד חבירו. ולא לצד שלו, שמא יטוח גם חבירו מן הצד שלו, ויאמר שהכותל של שניהם הוא. אבל כשטח לצד חבירו ואינו טח לתוך שלו, הוי סימן שהכותל שלו. ואם יקלפנו חבירו, קלופה מידע ידיע:

ועושין חזית מכאן ומכאן. להודיע ששניהם עשו אותו: