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Mishnayos Bava Kamma Perek 9 Mishnah 9

בבא קמא פרק ט׳ משנה ט׳


The mishna continues: In the case of one who robs his father and the father demands that he return the stolen item, and he takes an oath to his father that he did not rob him; and then the father dies; and then the son admits that he robbed him and took a false oath, necessitating the return of the principal and the giving of the additional one-fifth payment to his father’s heirs, of which he is either one of several or the only one; what should he do? This son pays the principal and the additional one-fifth payment to his father’s sons or brothers, and brings a guilt-offering and does not keep his own share. And if he does not want to forfeit his share or where he does not have sufficient funds to pay the other heirs while forfeiting his share, he borrows money in the amount of the value of the stolen item and the creditors come and are repaid in part from his share in the stolen item.

הַגּוֹזֵל אֶת אָבִיו, וְנִשְׁבַּע לוֹ, וּמֵת, הֲרֵי זֶה מְשַׁלֵּם קֶרֶן וָחֹמֶשׁ לְבָנָיו אוֹ לְאֶחָיו. וְאִם אֵינוֹ רוֹצֶה, אוֹ שֶׁאֵין לוֹ, לֹוֶה וּבַעֲלֵי חוֹב בָּאִים וְנִפְרָעִים:


הרי זה משלם קרן וחומש לבניו או לאחיו – if he has no children, and even though an inheritance fell before him of that one (i.e., who stole from his father and he lied about it), it is required to arrange a return [of the funds] and it should not be detained with him even corresponding to his portion, as it is written (Leviticus 5:23): “[when one has thus sinned and, realizing his guilt, [would restore that which he got through robbery [or fraud, or the deposit entrusted to him, or the lost thing that he had found],” there is no remedy until he removes that which he stole from under his hand and only as long as it the actual stolen object and not something acquired through changing it.

אין לו – [he lacks] enough property that he can renounce his share.

לוה – [borrow] from others and return the stolen object to his brothers to fulfill the commandment of returning [lost or stolen objects].

ובעלי החוב – that the thief borrowed from them.

באים ונפרעים – from this stolen object the part that the thief has a part in, and if there is no heir to his father other than him, he himself gives the stolen object to the creditor in payment of the obligation and he must announce to him and tell him that this is the stolen thing of [my] father, or he gives it in this manner as part of the Ketubah/marriage contract to his wife or to the charity box, and in all of them, he must admit that this was the stolen object of his father’s.

הרי זה משלם קרן וחומש לבניו או לאחיו. אם אין לו בנים. ואע״ג דנפלה ירושה קמיה דהיאך, בעי למעבד השבה ואין מעכב אצלו אפילו כנגד חלקו. דכתיב (ויקרא ה׳:כ״ג) והשיב את הגזלה, אין לו תקנה עד שיוציא גזילו מתחת ידו. ובלבד שתהא הגזילה בעין דלא קניה בשינוי:

אין לו. נכסים כל כך שיכול לוותר על חלקו:

או שאינו רוצה. להפסיד חלקו:

לוה. מאחרים, ומחזיר את הגזל לאחיו לקיים מצות השבה:

ובעלי החוב. שלוה זה הגזלן מהם:

באים ונפרעים. מן הגזילה הזאת החלק שיש לגזלן בה. ואם אין יורש לאביו אלא הוא, נותן הוא עצמו הגזילה לבעל חובו בפרעון החוב, וצריך להודיעו ולומר לו זה גזל אבא. או נותן על דרך זה לכתובת אשתו או לקופת הצדקה. ובכולן צריך שיודיע שזה גזל אביו: