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Mishnayos Bava Kamma Perek 4 Mishnah 8

בבא קמא פרק ד׳ משנה ח׳


With regard to an ox that is leaving court to be stoned for killing a person and its owner then consecrated it, it is not considered consecrated, i.e., the consecration does not take effect, since deriving benefit from the ox is prohibited and the ox is therefore worthless. If one slaughtered it, its flesh is forbidden to be eaten and it is prohibited to derive benefit from it. But if its owner consecrated it before its verdict the ox is considered consecrated, and if he slaughtered it its flesh is permitted.

שׁוֹר שֶׁהוּא יוֹצֵא לְהִסָּקֵל וְהִקְדִּישׁוֹ בְעָלָיו, אֵינוֹ מֻקְדָּשׁ. שְׁחָטוֹ, בְּשָׂרוֹ אָסוּר. וְאִם עַד שֶׁלֹּא נִגְמַר דִּינוֹ הִקְדִּישׁוֹ בְעָלָיו, מֻקְדָּשׁ. וְאִם שְׁחָטוֹ, בְּשָׂרוֹ מֻתָּר:


ואם שחטו אסור – [if he slaughtered it, he is prohibited from] eating it, as it is written (Exodus 21:28): “The ox shall be stoned and its flesh shall not be eaten, [but the owner of the ox is not to be punished].”From the plain meaning of the verse, it implies, as it is stated, “the ox shall be stoned” – don’t I know that it is considered as carrion and carrion is forbidden to be eaten? What then is to be learned here for the verse to say “and its flesh shall not be eaten”- but rather to say to you, that if he advanced to kill it after judgement had been passed upon it, it is forbidden.

הקדישו בעליו מוקדש – and we learn from this that if he derived benefit from it, he has committed religious sacrilege.

ואם שחטו אסור. באכילה. דכתיב (שמות כ״א:כ״ח) סקול יסקל השור ולא יאכל את בשרו, ממשמע שנאמר סקול יסקל השור איני יודע שהיא נבלה ונבילה אסורה באכילה, ומה תלמוד לומר ולא יאכל את בשרו, אלא לומר לך שאם קדם ושחטו לאחר שנגמר דינו אסור:

הקדישו בעליו מוקדש. ונפקא מינה דאי מתהני מיניה מעל: