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Mishnayos Kiddushin Perek 4 Mishnah 3

קידושין פרק ד׳ משנה ג׳


All those for whom it is prohibited to enter into the congregation, i.e., to marry a Jew of unflawed lineage, are permitted to marry into each other’s families. Rabbi Yehuda prohibits them from marrying anyone other than those who share their specific flaw. Rabbi Eliezer says: It is permitted for those with definite flaws to marry with those with definite flaws. For example, it is permitted for mamzerim and Gibeonites to marry each other. By contrast, it is prohibited for those with definite flaws, such as mamzerim, to marry with those whose flaws result from an uncertainty, such as a child of unknown paternity [shetuki] and a foundling; and it is prohibited for those whose flaws result from an uncertainty to marry with those with definite flaws; and it is prohibited for those whose flaws result from an uncertainty to marry with those whose flaws result from an uncertainty, such as a shetuki and a female shetuki. And these are the ones whose flaws result from an uncertainty: A shetuki, a foundling, and a Samaritan.

כָּל הָאֲסוּרִים לָבֹא בַקָּהָל, מֻתָּרִים לָבֹא זֶה בָזֶה. רַבִּי יְהוּדָה אוֹסֵר. רַבִּי אֱלִיעֶזֶר אוֹמֵר, וַדָּאָן בְּוַדָּאָן, מֻתָּר. וַדָּאָן בִּסְפֵקָן, (וּסְפֵקָן בְּוַדָּאָן), וּסְפֵקָן בִּסְפֵקָן, אָסוּר. וְאֵלּוּ הֵן הַסְּפֵקוֹת, שְׁתוּקִי, אֲסוּפִי וְכוּתִי:


כל האסורים לבא בקהל – even though we have taught in the beginning (Mishnah 1), that illegitimate children and Gibeonites who were circumcised at the time of Joshua are permitted to marry each other, it comes to tell us, for example, that an Ammonite or Moabite convert may marry an illegitimate child, an illegitimate child of unknown fatherhood and a foundling whose mother and father are unknown.

ר"י אוסר – It explains in the Gemara (Kiddushin 74a-b) that this is how it should understood. Rabbi Yehuda who prohibits a convert [marrying] an illegitimately-born woman, that these words refer to a convert of all the other heathens who is permitted to enter the congregation [of Israel], he is the one who is prohibited to marry an illegitimately-born woman, according to Rabbi Yehuda who holds that a congregation of converts is a congregation. But an Ammonite or Moabite convert who is prohibited from entering the congregation [of the LORD], Rabbi Yehuda would admit that he is permitted to [marry] an illegitimately-born woman.

ודאן בודאן מותר – such as an illegitimately-born child with a Gibeonite.

ודאן בספיקן – An illegitimately born child and a Gibeonite with an illegitimate child of unknown fatherhood and a foundling whose mother and father are unknown.

ספיקן בספיקן – an illegitimate male child of unknown fatherhood with an illegitimate female child of unknown fatherhood and a male foundling whose mother and father are unknown with a female foundling whose mother and father are unknown and [the case of] a male foundling whose mother and father are unknown with an illegitimate female child of unknown fatherhood. Even though each of these contains a doubt, it is prohibited, lest one was really “kosher/fit” and the other was unfit. And the Halakha is according to Rabbi Eliezer.

וכותי – this is its doubt, since they are not expert in the laws of Jewish divorce and betrothal. And nowadays, they (i.e., the Rabbis) made them to be like complete heathens for all their matters.

כל האסורים לבא בקהל. אע״ג דתנינן לה ברישא ממזרי ונתיני וכו׳ מותרים לבא זה בזה, הא קמ״ל כגון גר עמוני ומואבי עם ממזר שתוקי ואסופי:

ר״י אוסר. מפרש בגמרא דהכי קאמר, אפילו ר׳ יהודה שאוסר גר בממזרת, הני מילי גר של שאר נכרים שמותר לבא בקהל הוא דאסור בממזרת לרבי יהודה דס״ל קהל גרים אקרי קהל, אבל גר עמוני ומואבי שאסור לבא בקהל מודה רבי יהודה שמותר בממזרת:

ודאן בודאן מותר. כגון ממזרי בנתיני:

ודאן בספיקן. ממזרי ונתיני בשתוקי ואסופי:

ספיקן בספיקן. שתוקי בשתוקית ואסופי באסופית, ואסופי בשתוקית. אע״פ שזה ספק וזה ספק אסור, שמא זה כשר וזה פסול. והלכה כרבי אליעזר:

כותי. הוי ספיקייהו, לפי שאין בקיאין בתורת גטין וקדושין. והאידנא עשאום כנכרים גמורים לכל דבריהם: